•"pregnancy balloons"•

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i hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!
I actually found this one so so cute.

requested by bughead1887


three months ago I found out I was pregnant, I needed to wait for the perfect time to tell my husband, Jughead so I thought I could surprise him by setting balloons out on key locations in our relationship and eventually leading to me telling him, I was really really nervous to see his reaction but I was hoping it would be okay.

time skip 3 days.

everything was set out perfectly,

the first balloon was in my bedroom, from our first kiss.

the second was in our Pops booth were I showed him my scars

the third was in the Blue and Gold where we worked everything together.

the third was in his trailer where we told each other we loved one another .

the fourth was in the student lounge where we had our best laughs.

the fifth was again in his trailer, where we lost our virginities to each other.

the last one, the sixth one was where he proposed to me, the test was hiding in the balloon with a few ultrasound pictures that I'd gotten printed off.

Cheryl, Kevin and Veronica had helped me set everything up, from the scans to the balloons, Cheryl was desperate to be god mother, but I decided Veronica would be, I was still scared of what he would say
"hey B, freaking out ain't yah?" V came and sat next to me rubbing my back
"yeah V, I really am, I mean what if he doesn't want this baby? I'm not gonna get rid of it but I don't want to lose him" I threw my head in my hands, crying quietly
"your telling me he doesn't want this? All Jughead does is talk about your future to Archie, according to him, Jug never stops going on about it" she giggled pulling me into a hug
"god V, really, don't really know what I'm freaking out about then" I laughed, wiping my tears and smiling
"plans all set out, text him now" she kissed my head and left the room

betts: hey babe, can you meet me in my room just need a hand to grab some stuff from my room x

juggie: hey, yeah sure I'll be there in 10 love xx

betts: thank you xx

"he's gonna be there in 10" I whispered to myself and started to mentally prepare.


something had been up with Betty for that past few weeks and I couldn't quite figure out what.
She texted me asking to help her take some stuff from her old room to our new house we'd recently bought, she was seeing Veronica so I had the house to myself so I locked it up and drove to her old house.
"Betts?" I called up, walking through the house
"Betty, you up there" I shouted once I reached the stairs, I didn't get a reply so i thought that maybe she hadn't got here yet, I opened her door and looked around, talking in everything that happened here, my eyes were immediately drawn to a pale white balloon, I walked over to it and spun it around, it had 'pop me' written on it, I looked around for a pin and grabbed it, popping it, a small slip of paper fell from it

'Your first birthday with me was a disaster, but this conversation made up for it'

Was written in beautiful handwriting, I knew what she was on about, Pops, where'd I'd first kissed her scars. I got in the car and drove there
"Jughead, Betty said you'd be here" Pop called out, I just smiled and laughed, walking over to the balloon and popping it gently, letting a little slip of paper fall out onto the table

'this is where we solved everything together'

i yet again knew immediately where she was on about, The Blue and Gold we'd done everything together there, solved cases, cried together, looked after each other everything was in there, it was a significant place for us.
luckily i had a spare key from teaching there, i unlocked it and walked to the Blue and Gold,
i saw another pale balloon with an evident note in it

'the next one is where we expressed our love for each other'

i smiled, remembering how nervous i was to tell her, i got back into the car and drove to my old trailer, opening the door, wincing at the creak it made
"god, brings back some memories" i whispered, smirking to myself and saw another balloon right where i told her, i stuck the pin in and let the post it note fall onto the floor, un folding it it read

'we had our best laughs as a group here'

i sighed, knowing how much i was going to when to pay for gas, i clambered into my car and drove back to the school and walked into the student lounge, seeing another balloon tied down to the couch, i popped it and looked at the bit of paper

'we had our first time here'

sneaky, she must of placed it there soon after i left, i yet again sat in my car and drove back to my trailer, seeing the couch set with a balloon i grabbed it and saw the piece of paper

'this last one is where you asked me to spend the rest of my life with you'

i smiled brightly and already started to drive to where i proposed to her.
i hopped out of the car and walked to the grassy spot in the woods, i saw yet again another balloon, i popped it and a few objects fell out, a white stick and a few pictures, i flipped both of them over and saw a positive pregnancy test, i gasped softly, tears gathering in my eyes, i turned around to see if betty was anywhere
"betty! Betty come on, you better not be joking this isn't funny if you are" i called out, voice breaking, branches cracked behind me and i saw my wife in a beautiful purple dress, cradling a small bump
"no, no i'm really not Juggie, we're going to be parents babe" she cried, tears flowing freely down her face, running to me and jumping into my arms
"Oh my god" i cried into her neck, kissing her face all over
"Your going to be a mom? I'm gonna be a dad! oh my god" i laughed kissing her softly
"god i love you Betts"
"god i love you too" she mimicked me and kissed me softly

time skip 6 months.

our little girl Anna- Grace was born, me and betty have never been happier, and even a few years later we had another little girl Paisley.

i hope you guys enjoyed that one! 🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!
love you all❤️

L <3

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