•"there is no baby jug"•

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i hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots.

requested by serpent_queen3030

trigger warning for mentions of a miscarriage, please do not read if this one shot will make you uncomfortable!


i recently found out that i was three months pregnant, me and jug had been trying for ages and finally got what we want, he was so happy he cried, i've never seen him so happy he's got a book tour soon so we're going to buy some stuff and get the room ready and painted for the baby, when he gets back some bonding time of course.
"baby, i'm off" he called up the stairs, i put the old test down that reminded me how excited i was to tell him
"coming! let me say goodbye to my favourite author" i giggled running to him
"i promise i'll call you as soon as i land my love okay, and you little peanut, be good for mommy okay?" he chuckled kissing me hard on my lips and then bending down to kiss my swollen belly
"thank you, see you soon, i love you, good luck" i kissed his cheek as he was leaving
"i love you too baby girl look after our little munchkin" he called out blowing me a kiss and climbing into his car
"of course Juggie"

hours had passed and i was baking some cookies and talked to the baby
"i love you so much, and daddy does too so so much you know your room is planned out all in mommy's head" i put the cookies in the oven
"we're gonna do so many things together little one, daddy's going to teach you how to ride a bike, i'm going to show you how to tie your laces" i giggled scrolling through the internet looking for some clothes and toys for the baby i was interrupted by my phone ringing, it was my husband Jughead
"hey baby! how is everything?" i smiled sitting down at the kitchen table
"hey my love, it's really good, i've got a meeting with Sam tomorrow, how's the baby?" he beamed, he looked so happy
"that's amazing, i'm so proud of you babe, you've worked so hard to get here, and the babies fine, kicking loads as usual" i smiled brightly at him
"our little ones a wriggler so, whatcha up to?"
"well i made some cookies don't worry i'll leave some for you, and i'm planning to have a girls night with Ronnie soon as well"
"well, sounds like your week is gonna be fun, i need to go my meeting is really early and i wanna get a man early night, i love you baby mama, and i'll see you soon baby kiss goodnight to the little one" he kissed the camera
"i love you toooo, have an amazing time!" i kissed the camera too and hung up, plugging my phone in to charge and helped myself to a cookie, i make the best cookies. 

it was day four without Jughead and i was really missing him and the baby was kicking and i was hurting a lot, i started to face time him
"hey baby whats up?" he smiled through the phone
"the babies kicking juggie, it really hurts" i cried tears flowing down my face
"oh love, maybe go take a bath, treat yourself, i'll be back soon and i'll come and cuddle you all you want" he smiled making a kissing gesture to me
"thank you, i love you i'm gonna go take a bath" he nodded and kissed the camera then left hanging up the phone and walked upstairs to run a warm bath, still crying from the pain i got undressed and climbed into the bath, slipping into the water, i rubbed my belly trying to soothe the pain but it didn't work i was till bawling my eyes out even more when i looked down and saw blood pouring out of me
"no no no" i whimpered throwing my hand over my mouth
"no" i whispered crying even more, climbing out of the bath and draining the bloody water and slipping on some pyjamas still crying, climbing into bed and rubbed my now smaller belly, thinking about how on earth id tell jughead tomorrow when he came home tomorrow.

thursday rolled around and jughead was coming home today at around five in the afternoon, i spent the entire morning pacing around the house trying to string together a sentence about telling him about the miscarriage
"hey so i lost our baby" too short
"your baby is dead?" no definitely not
"so we no longer have a baby" too formal
i just decided i tell him in the right way when i knew it was the moment.
"betts! i'm back honey" he called out from the kitchen lugging all of his bags with him, i dried my fresh tears and ran towards him, throwing my self in his arms wrapping my legs around his torso
"i missed you so much juggie" i hid my face into his neck
"i missed you too, how is the baby, are the kicks still hurting" he asked, concerned, rubbing my back in a soothing way, which only made my heart break a little more, how i was supposed to tell the man i love his baby was no longer alive?
"no no, they stopped after i took a bath, it just wanted some attention i think" i giggled trying to make it believable trying to mask my pain.

we cuddled up the couch that night, eating Chinese food, with the chopsticks feeding each other noodles every now and then which dribbled onto our shirts, he took me up to shower and helped me get clean kissing every part of my body, as if he was worshipping it, which he always told me he did, we got dressed and climbed into bed
"i'm so excited" he whispered in the dark
"for what?" i whispered back
"to be a daddy, and for you to be a mommy of course" he chuckled
"aren't you excited? i can just see our baby waddling around and gaggling for us, watching it walk for the first time, talk for the first time-"
"jug stop, just stop!" i cried throwing my hands up in the air
"what's happened babe? what's wrong" he looked worried grabbing my hands and rubbing them softly
"i lost- i lost the baby jug" i whispered tears streaming down my face
"w-what" he stammered tears gathering in his face too
"when i called you, saying the baby was hurting, i'm guessing that- that it was the miscarriage, i'm so sorry" i sobbed, he pulled me into a hug
"no no, it's not your fault babe, i'm just sorry i wasn't there for you" he cried into my hair.

he held me all night whilst i sobbed and cried into his chest whilst she was crying too, we vowed that as soon as i was ready and comfortable we'd try again, and we did we had a little girl called Hope, because we had hope that we'd have another one.

i hope you guys enjoyed that one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!
love you all❤️

not gonna lie this one made me cry a little.

l <3

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