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I hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

requested by Emmiboo_123

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!!

trigger warning for mentions of abuse and rape, mentions of suicide as well, please do not read if this will make you uncomfortable!

this is very short as it's really just an epilogue!

disclaimer for this part: this one shots has a lot of time skips, just to round up the story, I do apologise!


"juggie I still love you" I whimpered after we held each other for a while,
"Betts, I meant what I said, I will always love you, but I need time to trust you again, what you did really hurt me" he sighed pulling my hands in his own
"I know Jug, I know and still hate myself for it, I promise to never make that mistake again I promise you Jughead" i smiled softly before kissing him again, warmer and more lovingly this time

time skip 2 years


over that past two years me and Betty got unbelievably close, I even started to trust her again, I hadn't asked her out again because I was scared or getting hurt but I still loved her like I knew I always would so I knew I had to give her another chance and I knew she wouldn't blow it this time
"Betts can we talk for a sec?" I kissed her head and sat next to her she placed her book down on the bed
"yeah sure what's up" she took her glasses off, she looked so damn adorable with them on
"listen, I know I've taken ages to ask this, but I guess I needed time, I wanted to ask you if you would be my girlfriend again" I asked softly
she squealed loudly, and started to smile brightly, I've never see her smile so bright
"yes yes yes! I'd love to Jug, thank you for trusting me" she smiled softly wrapping her arms around me, i nuzzled my head into her neck.

time skip 4 years

"hey my love" I walked into the bedroom to find Betty rubbing her swollen belly, she looked so beautiful, she recently fell pregnant 5 months ago and it's been a blessing since,
"hey, you alright" she shut the top of her laptop
"yeah, just tired, can't figure out a new chapter" I chuckled placing my head gently on her chest, so I could talk to the baby Betty started to run her fingers through my hair, she only did that when she wanted attention or knew I was having a rough day
"hey little one, we love you very very much, me and mommy can't wait to meet you I hope-" I suddenly felt the fingers stop and just heavy breaths falling out of Bettys mouth, I looked up at her to see that she'd fallen asleep, I kissed her head
"good night Princess" I smiled and tucked her into me.
I woke up around 4am to Betty crying in her sleep, I thought the nightmares had finally stopped, the trash bag killer was still haunting her
"hey hey shh shh it's okay, I'm here baby, it's okay I'm right here he can't hurt you I promise" I whispered gently to her and slowly the tossing and turning stopped and she gently fell back into her sleep, I sighed softly and kissed her one last time before falling back asleep myself

time skip 1 year

"I remember when I could barely sleep at night, when I couldn't walk down the street alone, I was terrified I'd be taken away from you again, I was ready to end it all, but the day you knocked on my front door, I realised staying maybe a good idea, I'm unbelievably happy to be able to say I'm Betty Jones, I've wanted this name since the day I met you, I promise to love you, hold you, look after you and Eliza for my entirety of my life, I love you Jughead Jones" Betty wiped the tears off of her face, she was stood in a beautiful pale white dress, I'd said my vows and she had just finished hers, I was letting my tears flow too I pulled her into a soft kiss

our little girl giggled and made a gagging noise, the entire church laughed through their tears.

I hope you guys enjoyed that one!!

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!!🤍
love you all❤️


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