•"i had your baby"•

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I hope you guys enjoy this one!!

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concept: Jughead is popular, Betty isn't, they have a one night stand, they don't speak of it until something happens that bring them together and Jughead finds something out.

trigger warning: mentions of miscarriage's and stillborn babies, please do not read if this one shot will make you uncomfortable! The picture of the baby is supposed to be a stillborn, so excuse the realness of the baby


"Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper"

fuck I was partnered with her

your probably what happened right?
you see me and Betty had a one night stand, I took her virginity and I knew i did and like the dick I was I fucked her and left her alone and we hadn't spoken since,

that was 11 months ago

she took a lot of time off school during that period, nobody really knew why, and we didn't question it she was an awfully quiet girl, ever so sweet when you spoke to her, I liked her kinda, I just never got the chance to actually be near her without my friends messing it up, I gave up after a while and moved on, having one night stands with other girls, keeping busy I did get over her but a part of me wanted to be with her, she was the most beautiful girl anybody had ever seen you just never were able to get close with her, I tried but she ignored me, I mean, who can blame her, I had sex with her and then just abandoned her
"Jughead? where are we doing the project tomorrow? a rather small, feminine voice said from behind me, I spun around on my heels to see the angel herself
Betty Cooper
"betty! Hey, can we do it at yours?" I asked hoping we could, my dad wasn't exactly doing well, alcohol wise, I needed to keep her out of harms way despite not talking to her
"err sure, want to start it tonight? Only if your free of course" she smiled shyly
her smile was enough to cheer Scrooge up
"yeah of course, what time, I mean I've got a free period right now, if you have do you wanna grab a head start?" she nodded softly
"yeah I do actually, I'll go grab my stuff from my locker, give me two minutes" and with that she darted out of the classroom
"you going round Coopers?" my best mate Archie said, slapping my back
"yeah, so if I'm late you know where I am okay?" I said and walked off to find Betty pulling her books out

"you ready?" I said, helping her with her books
"why are you being so nice to me" she blurted out
"I just want to, and I feel like a dick after what I did, I mean you trusted me with your virginity and I abused that and I'm sorry" I sighed fiddling with my fingers
"it's okay Jug, I promise, yeah it did hurt knowing i was 'just another girl you fuck' but I go over it, it's okay" she smiled softly at me I nodded and we walked out of school together making small conversation like what our favourite films are, what we like to eat, if we have any siblings, we do I have a sister and she has one brother and a sister, Polly and Chic, it was a conversation we should of had before I took her virginity
"so, here we are, my moms not home so don't worry about that" she giggled unlocking the door
that drove me crazy
I stepped into her house, like I did that night, I was polite and took my shoes off, she grabbed some paper and some food, I walked into her room, also pulling some stuff out of my bag, placing it gently on her bed, I looked around her room and took in my surroundings she had photos framed of her and her friends but one in particular stood out

it was Betty and a baby that looked an awful lot like her I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl "cute picture Betty" I said smiling at her "thank you" she smiled back"so your an auntie then?" I turned back to the photo, she looked like a ghost...

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it was Betty and a baby that looked an awful lot like her I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl
"cute picture Betty" I said smiling at her
"thank you" she smiled back
"so your an auntie then?" I turned back to the photo, she looked like a ghost
"o-oh u-h so-something l-like that" she stammered looking back at the papers we had out
"who's baby is it" I asked, intrigued to know more about Betty and this baby
"mine" she whispered ever so quietly thinking I didn't hear her
"what? what did you say I didn't hear you" I smiled again
"it's mine Jughead, it's my fucking baby" she shouted, I looked back at her and she had tears gathering in her green orbs
"s-so does t-that mean it-it's m-mine?" I stammered getting emotional and tears were already spewing out of my eyes
"yes Jughead, it's your baby" she sobbed softly
"can I meet it?" I joined her on the bed
"you can't meet her" she said whilst crying
"her? we have a baby girl?" I was beyond happy but what still confused as to why I couldn't see her
"yeah we did" she laughed softly but awkwardly at the same time
"what do you mean we did Betts" I said, placing my hand in her back
"a few hours before I went into labour I had really sharp pains in my stomach, and before I knew it my water broke, I basically had to drive myself to the hospital as my mom was out and I didn't want to bother her even though she knew about the pregnancy and supported me I was shoved into a room with only two nurses I'm supposed to have 7 Juggie
they all gave me dirty looks and left the room, I was only 16 and I was terrified but the two nurses who stayed with me helped me so much, but it wasn't enough, the pains where the baby dying, she was a stillborn Jug, I'm so sorry" she sobbed, I was crying desperately with her, she went through morning sickness, cravings, the growth of the baby, the pains, the hormones, the birth, the loss, all on her own
"I'm so fucking sorry I wasn't there for you Betty, why didn't you come and tell me" she looked up at me with red rimmed eyes
"we are complete opposites, your popular, I'm not, I didn't know how to tell you so I just didn't tell you" she said sadly
"I'm so sorry. I won't ever forgive myself" I cried into her hair
"I called her Juliet Jug" she smiled into my arm
"that's what I called you that night" I chuckled rubbing her arm
"that's why I did it" she giggled again

That night I tucked Betty in bed, shifting myself in next to her
"Yo dude, what are you still doing here?" Archie whispered outside of the door
"Dude what are doing here?" I hissed
"came to see where you were her mom let us in" he opened her door
"are you crying Jughead?" He said, coming close to inspect my rear stained face
"She had my baby Arch, an actual baby" I whispered
"what?! You two fucked" he hissed at me
"yes Archibald and that resulted in a baby, it was a stillborn, she names her Juliet" I smiled at myself
"I'm gonna leave you two to it, have fun" he winked I flipped him off as he walked out
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Jug" she sighed softly into my arms
"it's okay Betts, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you" I kissed her hair

time skip 7 years

Betty had another baby, we had another baby
Juliet Jones, we named her after a first little girl, we then got married, at Pops, surrounded by all of our family and friends and then a year later we had a little boy Michael
I doubt me or Betty knew we'd get here.

I hope you guys enjoyed that one!!

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots🤍
love you all❤️


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