•"eating disorder"• rewrite.

523 18 5

i hope you guys enjoy this one!

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots.

i wanted to re write this one as i feel i could of written it better, it has similar parts to the last one, so go check that one out as well.

trigger warning for mentions of eating disorders, please do not read if this one will make you uncomfortable!

disclaimer: in no way am i making fun of eating disorders or people with eating disorders, these things are serious, i urge you to ask for help if you struggle, i'm always here!


i was hurling up my breakfast again, it was barley 8am and i couldn't keep one meal down, i was trying to so so hard but it was difficult, my boyfriend Reggie didn't know either so i didn't have any support, neither did my mom or any of my friends
"betty honey, it's nearly 8 you need to be leaving for school, i'll see you later sweetie" my mom called up
"okay bye mom, love you" i lifted my head from the toilet
"love you too" she slammed the door and i slumped against the cold tiled floor.
my phone pinged with a message from reggie

reg: hey babe, i've got a huge hangover i can't pick you up, i'll see you later tonight for our date, i love you x

betty: hey, yeah of course that's fine, get better soon, love you too x

reggie was nice and i enjoyed being with him but i just couldn't feel anything with him anymore, i also had a suspicion he was cheating on me, but who could blame him, i was an anorexic freak.

i walked into the school building, clutching my jumper close to my frail body, my bag shielding my back,
"betty! over here" i heard Kevin call out to me, i smiled gratefully and softly walked over to him
"hey, what's with the time tables?" i asked once he'd pulled me into a hug
"god your a bit boney, um we have a few new students joining today, south side serpents to be exact, i was hoping you'd help me show them round?" he looked at me, hopeful
"yeah sure"

definitely a people pleaser

"thanks" he yelped and kissed my head, pulling me into his side, i melted into it before i caught reggie pulling midge klump into the changing  rooms, kissing her, i gasped slightly, tears just dribbled down my face
"no" i whispered wiping them from my face as i heard the door open
"so, where's this Kevin Keller" a striking boy, dark curly hair, a grey crown beanie taming it, his leather jacket hugging his muscles frame, my mouth dropped a little
"yes! that's me, hi everyone, these are the south side serpents this is my best friend betty she's going to help you learn the ropes" i smiled a little broke smile as they all looked at me with daggers in their eyes.


south side high had been closed down and we were being transferred to Riverdale high.

we walked in and all eyes were on us
"where's Kevin Keller?" i called out, a boy with a small blonde attached to his hip turned around, the blonde immediately had my attention
"that's me, and this is my best friend betty, she's going to be helping you get used to this place, she also runs the Blue and Gold so if any of you are interested she's the one to talk to" he handed out some time tables and handed to us, betty just smiled at us, i took in her appearance, a pair of black baggy jeans, a brown zip up hoodie, which hung low and lose on her body, she had chapped lips, heavy eyes which had bags below them, her body was tiny and minuscule, she obviously was not okay.
"hi everyone, like a kevin said, i'm always here if anybody needs me" she smiled and started to walk off, i'm guessing to the Blue and Gold, we took in the rest of the information Kevin told us and i walked off to where betty had gone once the group had broken off.
i knocked on the door gently and someone said behind the door
"yeah come in" she called out
"hi, um i was wondering i could join the Blue and Gold" i said, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck
"yeah of course, i'll just need to see some of your writing and i'll let you know" she smiled
"yeah, i will uhh bring it in tomorrow, listen, it's not my place to ask but are you okay you just look like you've been crying" i asked gently, not wanting to push her about the subject
"yeah i'm okay, just didn't get enough sleep last night, caught my boyfriend cheating on me" she whispered the last part obviously not meaning for me to hear it but i did
"sorry about your boyfriend" i mumbled, feeling sorry for her
"yeah so am i" she fumbled with her words
"actually, i think i might have some of my work in my bag, can i show it to you now?" i asked, seeing that she was evidently uncomfortable about the subject of him,
"yeah sure go for it" she smiled, reaching forwards and grabbing the papers i had found in the bottom of my bag for her.

i looked over to her when she was reading, she had her hands under the desk and her eyes were glued onto the paper, i pretended to do my laces and looked under the desk only to see her measuring her wrists, i sighed as my heart broke just a little for her,
"you okay there Jones" my head jolted up, hitting the table
"fuck! that hurt, yeah i'm fine, just tying my shoe laces" i rubbed my head, pulling my hand back a little blood was there, i groaned and tried to wipe it away
"want me to clean that?" she giggled looking at my head
"do you mind?" i chuckled, embarrassingly
"no no not all, let me just grab the first aid kit" she handed me back my work and grabbed s the kit from under the couch and set it on the table, she settled herself between my legs and started on my cut
"shit that hurts" i accidentally grabbed her arm in shock, not releasing how unbelievably skinny she was
"sorry" i mumbled taking my arm away
"i-it's fine, i'm done" she whispered turning around so fast she fainted on the floor
"betty? betty? wake up!" i bent down to check her, she was barely breathing.

i hope you guys enjoyed that part, there is definitely going to be a part 2!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!
love you all❤️

l <3

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