•"mom, dad..."•

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I hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!

Jughead and Betty are around 39
Honey is 15

this is a mixed request by broniadiane and Emmiboo_123
I mixed both requests together.


"Betts? I'm home babe, where's Honey?" I called out to my wife as I dumped my bag on the kitchen table, Betty came bounding down the stairs with a big smile on her face
"hey love, she's upstairs just doing some homework, I'll call her down for dinner, she's busy studying for a test she has coming up" she came over and kissed my cheek and brought out a meat loaf
"that looks absolutely delicious my love" I walked over to her after she'd pulled it out of the oven and placed it down
"do you know what's up with Honey, she's very quiet, it's almost like she's hiding something, you know anything about that?" She turned around to face me
"mmmm, now I have not used that though, probably be easier to talk about it at the dinner table okay?" I kissed her hair and helped her lay the table

"honey! Dinners ready darling" Betty called up
"coming mom" I heard her door close and her feet run down the stairs and into the kitchen
"hi dad, how was work?" she ran over to hug me
"hi sweetie, it was okay, very tiring how about you? how was school?" I pulled away
"pretty boring, all my tests are coming up soon so I have to revise loads but I think I'm going to get a good score"
"I'm sure you will Honey" Betty sat down after she'd plated up the food
"so, Sweetie we've noticed your awfully quiet and secretive lately, is there something you'd like to tell us" I placed my hands on hers in a comforting way
"I'm fine guys don't worry, so mom how was Veronica and Esme?" she said quickly trying to change the subject
"Honey, we're your parents, it's okay to talk to us, there is obviously something bothering you, please talk to us" Betty said and walked over to the other side of the table and sat in the empty chair next to our daughter
"I'm sorry" she burst out crying, I to joined the two girls on the other side of the table and hugged them
"why are you sorry love? what's happened?" Betty hushed her cries
"we were having a talk in class the other day, about like love and stuff and how it's okay to love the same gender as you, to be part of the LGBTQ community, and i kinda realised this a little while ago but mom, dad I'm pretty sure I'm a lesbian, I only like girls i'm sorry" she burst out crying again, me and a Betty sighed softly after finally finding out what was going on with our little girl, Betty looked like she was going to cry with happiness and I was just shocked she'd hid it from us
"oh baby, that's totally okay that you like girls, I can't wait to meet your future girlfriend" i chuckled and kissed her head
"I'm so proud of you Hon, it takes a lot of courage to come out, we love you so much, is there anything you'd like to go by? pronouns, names?" she quizzed, also kissing her head
"I just want to stay the same, I'd like to go by she her, or maybe they, if that's okay?" she looked up at both of us
"yes of course that's okay, it may be difficult for us to get used to at first but I promise we will try to address you properly" I said in all seriousness
"thank you mom, thank you dad, I thought you'd hate me" she looked down in her lap
"we'd never ever hate you, we love you for who you are Honey" we didn't push the subject after that and we finished dinner, a few hours later Honey went up to bed, me and Betty both went and tucked her in before going to bed ourselves

"so, Honeys a lesbian" I breathed out
"yeah, your okay with that aren't you?" Betty pushed herself up off my chest to meet my eyes
"yes, of course I am, I'm just a bit shocked you know?" I looked at her
"I know, so am I but we need to put ourselves in her shoes and imagine how scary it was to come out to us, plus we'll never have to worry about her getting pregnant" Betty giggled and kissed my cheek
"I don't know why she'd ever think we'd hate her" I chuckled running my fingers along her back
"I know, I hope she knows we love her" I kissed my wife's head softly and slowly we both drifted off into a deep sleep

time skip 2 years

"mom dad! I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Harriet, Harriet these are my parents" our daughter beamed through the door as she introduced us to her new girlfriend
"Harriet! it's lovely to meet you, Honey goes on and on about you non stop, we just had to meet you" my wife smiled and hugged Harriet
"Hi Mrs Jones, Mr Jones, bless her, she always talks about her supportive you two are" she laughed
"oh please call us Betty and Jughead, 'Mr and Mrs' is a bit formal don't you think" I insisted

"so how long have you two been together?" I asked as we tucked into our meal, a takeaway
"around 7 months now, definitely the best of my life" Harriet smiled brightly at our daughter.
Our evening consisted of getting to know her better and when they left me and Betty cuddled up on the couch
"I've never seen her so happy Jug" she spoke after we'd watched an episode
"I know, Harriet really makes her happy" I chuckled and kissed my wife's cheek.

I hope you guys enjoyed that one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!
love you all❤️


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