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hope you guys enjoy this one!
remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!

concept: Betty and Jughead 18 years old and are engaged and in the mafia. Please ignore how young they are to be engaged :)

requested by _riverdalelover


Jughead was out on a mission and I was in the mood for some fun, i don't do a lot with the girls anymore, the girls consisting of just me, Cheryl and Toni, we're all in a mafia with Jughead Sweet Pea Fangs and Kevin, we're all happy but I feel left out a lot because Jughead doesn't want me to get hurt which I understand I'm one in a million but I wanted to have fun tonight so I will

Betts: hey you guys wanna go to the club tonight? xx
Toni: hey B, yeah I'd love to, sure your lover boy will be okay w it? Xx
Cher: I'm down B xx
Betts: I'm sure Jughead won't mind if he doesn't know ;) xx
Toni: we have a rebellious Betty!!!
Toni: 7pm pick up?
Cher: sounds good TT :3
Betts: sure see you too
Kev: hey! I'm coming btw! Xx
Betts: yes u can Kev, 7pm pick up, be  ready! Xx

I got dressed into a sexy outfit

I got dressed into a sexy outfit

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I felt like a badass,

My hair matched with my outfit, I was finishing getting ready when I heard the door knock"B! Looking fiery as always" Kevin complimented me"looking sharp Kev" I winked "Betty Cooper stop tryna hit on me, you have a boyfriend" I just giggled and he...

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My hair matched with my outfit, I was finishing getting ready when I heard the door knock
"B! Looking fiery as always" Kevin complimented me
"looking sharp Kev" I winked
"Betty Cooper stop tryna hit on me, you have a boyfriend" I just giggled and he pulled me out to the car. We arrived at the bar it looked sketchy, I was so in for this, we all waltzed in and everyone turned around looking at us
"pick your jaws up assholes" I shouted and they all instantly carried on talking
"right, who's for shots?" Toni asked
"me" Cheryl shouted
"yass, get me some" I said
"yes Toni get those shots" Kevin added
And Toni walked off to get them when I heard a gruff voice behind me
"so baby girl, what's a girl like you dressed up all sexy doing here?" he said pulling me into his lap, I winced but went along with it
I was in the mood for some chaos, so I said in a seductive voice
"mmm, I'm here because my boyfriend won't give me any attention" I said with pouty lips it's true, Jug has barely given me any, he hasn't kissed me, touched me, hugged me, I wanted some attention even if it wasn't from him
"oh darling, would you want-" the door slammed open, the entire bar fell silent
"Oi! You, get the fuck off of my girlfriend, Betty I suggest you get off his lap right now before I fucking kill everyone in here" my protective but hot boyfriends voice ran through the silent bar
"Oh hey Juggie" I said sweetly as I slid of the older guys lap
"don't sweet talk me Cooper, we're going home, right now, get in the car"
"mmmm no" I said, I was troubling him
"didn't you hear what I said? Get in the fucking car, we're all going home right the hell now" he shouted motioning to the others to start leaving i sashayed over to him and he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist, the other serpents followed hotly in pursuit along with Kevin, Cheryl and Toni
"cancel those shots Mike!" Toni shouted to the bar man, we all got into separate cars and drove back home, we all lived together
"what the fuck was that back there huh?" He was fuming at me
"nothing Jug, I was just having some fun" I said in a giggly voice
"that wasn't 'fun' Elizabeth, what if that guy ended up fucking you?" He said angrily
"He didn't though did he Forsyth" if he was going to pull the full name card so was I, after that everything was silent, we got through the door and he said quietly
"go upstairs, I need to talk to you" he looked down, locking the door after we'd all walked in
Everyone looked at me Fangs, Sweet Pea and Kevin made their way to the kitchen whilst Toni and Cheryl stayed behind, walking upstairs with me
"B! Your so screwed, he's angry as fuck"
"Don't you think I know that Cher!" I whisper shouted, I heard his footsteps and the two girls walked off to their room while I walked into mine and Jughead's
"what Jughead" I was annoyed he'd ruined my night out, I barely go out anymore
"Why did you do it" he looked down again at his fingers
"because Jughead, I want some fucking attention, I never get any attention from you, it all goes to the mafia! Not to sound needy or clingy but we don't talk anymore, you don't kiss me, you don't hug me anymore, you don't touch me, all I want is just a little bit of attention from my boyfriend, is that too much to ask?" I stomped off to the bathroom to take my hair out and get dressed away from jugs prying eyes, I changed into my pyjamas and walked back to our bedroom only to find my favourite movie The Breakfast Club playing on the TV, all my favourite food out on the bed and a very sorry looking Jughead
"I'm sorry I'm not here for you, I know a lot- all of my attention goes to the mafia and that's wrong, it should all be going to you Betty, so here's my apology in the form of a movie night?" He said
"I'll accept your apology" I smiled and snuggled up into bed with him
"Your so beautiful, I hope you know that" he whispered into my hair
"I love you Jug" I looked up at him
"I love you too Betts" he looked down and kissed me
"Again" I whined
"Sleep, then I'll do it again in the morning" he chuckled, turning me around so he was spooning me
"I'm not sleeping until you kiss me again" I said in a humph
"fine" he groaned and kissed me, a long warm kiss
I got the attention I wanted

hope you guys enjoy that one!
remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!

love you all!❤️


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