"•just take my baby"•

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⚠️some triggering topics: mentions of drug misuse, swearing, please do not read if this will make you uncomfortable⚠️

🤍this took me so long, please please vote!🤍

Requested by Arri1134

Hope you guys enjoy this one!🦋


So here I am with a baby, a one year old Avery Marie Jones and I'm on the streets, it wasn't always like this I was happy once, I had a loving girlfriend but one night it was all ruined let's go back shall we:


"Jug! Jug come look I have a surprise for you, come quick!" I heard my girlfriend Melissa shout from the bathroom
"what is it baby, I'm kinda busy right now hun"
"please jug can you come look!"
I walked in and she was sat on the toilet holding three tiny scraps of plastic
"jug, your gonna be a daddy!" She screamed I ran to her, picked and span her around and kissed her
"I'm gonna be a dad? Oh my god, your gonna be a mom!, this is great Mel, how far are you?" I grinned
"the test says 3-4 weeks, oh god we're having a baby!" she squealed
"Our own little human!" i chuckled
And from then on, our life was bliss, sure we had ups and downs, we argued, every couple does but the little baby growing inside of her stomach brought us so closer together then ever before I was there for her through everything, the cravings, the morning sickness, the ultrasounds, the gender reveal, the baby shower and the birth of our baby girl, I was there for it all, she wasn't
"Mel, come on love you can do this, not long now and we will be able to meet our baby girl okay?" She was gripping my hand as she pushed, and finally I heard our little girl scream from her little lungs
"well done baby, see she's right here, your okay, I'm so proud of you!" I kissed her forehead and wiped the sweat off of her forehead
"jug?" She whispered
"can you get me some water please?"
"of course my love" I kissed her forehead and left little did I know that would be the last time I ever saw her when I got back all I saw was a crying baby and a note on her bed

My dearest Jug,
I can't cope with being a mom, I thought I could be one, I was wrong, I'd be a shit mom, I'm so sorry i did this, you'd do a much better job than me raising this little girl, I'm so so fucking sorry, I love you both so much, I've left money next to your baby,
I love you and I'm sorry

Mel xx

I broke down, screaming and crying, so after composing myself I walked over to my baby girl and picked her and rocked her calmly to sleep
"shh shh, it's just me and you now my love, I'm going to give you the best life to you because you deserve it" I stroked her face until she fell asleep
"I fucking hate you Melissa Smith " I whispered cradling my baby

End of flashback

"Get a job!"
"Jesus what a shit dad"
"that poor baby doesn't deserve a father like you"
"Aren't you a druggie? Are you sure you can even look after that child"
"can I take her off you so I can give her a life she actually deserve, you obviously cannot do it for her"
"Fuck me, what a complete low life"

That was what I heard on a daily basis, I'd tried so hard to be a dad to Avery, so fucking hard, I'd sold everything I own, first it was small things, like the rest of Melissa's stuff, that she hadn't taken wit her like clothes, jewellery, then it was my laptop, then those things got bigger and bigger until it was the house, I'd no choice all my bank accounts were frozen, I had no money, I was a deadbeat, barely enough to feed my Avery, so stupidly I got into drugs, I was selling, buying and taking them, I had hit rock bottom, it was just enough to keep my little girl fed, I was doing okay for once in my sad little life,
"this will all be over soon baby, I promise you okay? I love you so much" I kissed her forehead and held her close
It was all okay for a while, especially in the summer people were out all the time in the streets, so occasionally they'd drop money for me, I only ever had enough to feed her and that's fine, I wanted what was best for her, we were doing fine for a while...until winter came, no one was outside, so I had no money for her, for us, I was so cold and so weak, I was in sweatpants and a thin t shirt, Avery had a small grow on and I'd wrapped her in my coat in desperation to keep her warm, it was around 10pm and I was tucking her in close to me so we'd both stay warm when I heard an angelic voice from next to me say
"excuse me sir? Are you alright?"

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