•"mafia" 2•

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I hope you guys enjoy this one!

part 2 as requested!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots✨

disclaimer: they are now 20, I decided to change their age, in the first part they should of been 20 not 18!


I slept soundly in Jugheads arms that night finally with all the attention I wanted
"good morning Princess, I have a meeting today at 11 so we can cuddle for a few more hours" he groaned in his gruff morning voice
"whyyy, I thought you said we were going to have more time together?" I whined
"and we will okay, I just really need to get to this meeting, it has to go well" he reassured me, now facing me, kissing my forehead
"fine" I mumbled

time skip a few hours (10:15)


"Betts?" I said fiddling with her hair
"mhm" She mumbled into my chest
"how about we start wedding planning or at least start organising everything for the years to come?" She shot up like a bullet
"what you mean like getting the dresses sorted, cakes, venues, food, flower girls and pageboys, you mean we can start planning our day?" She bounced up and down
"yes of course I mean planning our day dummy" I chuckled she squealed in happiness and started to jump up and down on the bed
"yes yes yayyy" she tackled me to the floor peppering me with kisses, I've never seen her quite this happy before
"happy" I smiled after she'd stopped and was laid on my chest
"very happy" she traced little circles on my chest,
"baby I need to got to that meeting, you okay here?" I asked sighing grabbing her arms softly
"no, please stay with me" she looked up and gave me the puppy dog eyes
"I can't babe, this meeting is so important for the mafia, I'll only be a few hours, maybe go shopping with Cheryl and Toni?" I suggested I didn't want her to be alone
"no, I'm always dragged around for hours, it gets boring after a while Jug" she whined
"go on your own then, take your time and go to shops you want to, here take some money and go" I handed her a wad of cash from my wallet and hurried her off to get dressed

"right babe I'm off to the meeting, I'll be back at 2 okay, enjoy yourself" i smiled at her as she emerged from the bathroom
"looking sharp Jones" she came over brushing my shoulder
"and you look as beautiful as ever Miss Cooper, soon to be Jones" I chuckled spinning her around and kissed her


Jughead put me on the ground and left, I sighed and clutched my stomach and grabbed the money he'd left on the side, taking my keys from the dish and walking out to my car, driving to the town the first shop I walked into was a baby shop, yes I was pregnant, 3 months to be exact but luckily because of my petite body I've been able to hide it but I'm planning on telling him soon, I walked in and was greeted by dirty looks from the women at the till, who obviously thought I was way too young to be having a baby but I ignored them
"ignore them doll, they used to do that to me, I had a baby at 18 and they gave me awful looks, don't let them get to you" a kind voice said from behind me, I turned around to be greeted by a smiley pink haired woman who looked to be around 8 months pregnant
"thank you, I have been trying to ignore them, it's just getting to me you know" I said as she moved so she was next to me
"I know exactly how you feel, how far are you?" She motioned to my small bump
"3 months, you?" I smiled
"8 months so any time soon" she grinned down at her bump, cradling it with her hand
"aww bless, do you know what your having?"
"hopefully a girl, I've got three boys at home, me and my husband wanted to wait and get a surprise" she laughed
"good idea" I smiled again
"so what about you, do you and your partner know what your having?" She sat down on the bench in front of us I joined her
"no, my boyfriend doesn't know quite yet, although personally I think we're having a girl"
"so, how are you gonna tell him?" She looked at me
"hopefully I'll tell him with the shopping, I'm not too sure though, he takes a while to catch on" I giggled
"well good luck my dear" she patted my shoulder
"thank you...?" I didn't know her name
"Marie" she smiled
"thanks Marie, could I maybe get your phone number, this is my first baby and I'm kinda freaking out and I will most likely need some advice" I smiled shyly
"of course sweetie, here I'll write it in for you" she smiled taking my phone from my hand and punching in her number and she then left the shop, I picked up a few things for the baby like some jumpsuits for newborns, pacifiers, and other decorations, I had told Cheryl and Toni and they were so supportive they even wanted to adopt soon

"I'm home" I shouted placing the bags down
"hey baby, how was shopping?" Jughead strolled up to me, I had but the clothes in my other bags so he wouldn't get too suspicious
"it was good thanks, I got some new clothes and some brochures from some wedding shops" I giggled, he smiled and kissed me
"actually Jug can I talk to you upstairs for a sec?" I said, already dragging him upstairs along with my baby bags
"mhm sure, am I in trouble?" he chuckled
"nope" I continued to pull him upstairs, we walked into our bedroom
"sit down, eyes closed and hands out" he did exactly what I told him to do and I placed one of the tops that said "I have the best daddy" and my four pregnancy tests
"open" I said clasping my hands together, he opened them and immediately looked down at what was in his hands
"w-wait, what? y-your pregnant! We're gonna be parents! Please t-tell me your not joking" he grinned standing up I shook my head and he grabbed me and kissed me, the bent down to talk to the baby
"hi little one, I'm so excited to meet you, me and mommy are gonna love you so much" he peppered kisses all over my belly
"how far are you?" He asked once he'd stood up
"around 3 months" I smiled
"where did you get this stuff from, you didn't have baby bags" he smiled pulling me into a hug
"I did, I hid them in my other ones, I also met this really nice lady who offered to help with everything, she was so lovely because everyone kept giving me dirty looks, probably because I'm young" my bottom lip started to tremble
"oh baby, at least we won't be the old parents picking up our kid
"no we won't"

6 months later our little girl Marie was born, we named her after Marie who helped us a lot during the pregnancy
2 years later we got married and soon after that I found out I was pregnant again this time with a little boy we named him William

I hope you guys enjoyed that one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!
love you all❤️


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