•"from here, till here"•

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hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

requested by Arri1134
your requests always amaze me!!

trigger warning: mentions of abuse and abusive acts please do not read if this will make you uncomfortable!


the punches just kept on coming, over and over again until they stopped, my dad let out a grunt and left the trailer
"why do you do this dad" I whispered
I didn't know where to go, I was bleeding out and didn't know how to stop it, my first thought went to Betty we'd only been together for 2 months how was I supposed to tell her I was a 17 year old who couldn't defend himself, I eventually decided to go to Betty's I limped painfully there and eventually I got there and knocked on her door her golden face poked out
"hey- oh my god jug! What happened"
I had just realised my physical state, my nose was bloody, my lip was busted and I probably had blood everywhere, bruises where starting to show from underneath my thin shirt I had on, I looked like I mess, she was most likely disappointed in me for not telling her sooner
"My dad Betts, he h-hurt me" I burst out crying
She pulled me into a hug rubbing my back and pulling me inside
"sit on the couch, I'll get the first aid kit for you" she motioned for me to sit on the couch I sat down on the side
"sit comfortably Jughead!" She shouted from the kitchen knowing I had sat timidly on the edge of the couch
"sorry Betts" I chuckled
"here, hold this on your lip, I'm gonna have to stitch your forehead, it's gonna hurt" she wiped it with a sterilised wipe i hissed in pain
"ow Betts, that fucking hurts!" I groaned
"I'm sorry Juggie, nearly done" she smiled
After 10 minutes she had finished cleaning my cuts and tending to my bruises
"thank you Betts, it means a lot" I smiled at her, kissing her cheek
"wanna stay with me tonight?" She asked
"if that's okay with you yeah I'd love to" I smiled brightly at her, her face lit up,
"yes yes yes! sleepover!" She giggled, I chuckled at her goofiness and let her drag me upstairs into her cozy bedroom
"your room is so cozy" I said as she was getting dressed
"my mom likes it like this"
"do you like it like this?" I quizzed
"yes of course I do, it warms and homely" she smiled shyly I walked up to her picking her up and laid her down on the bed next to me pulling her into my side we had cuddled for ages before I looked down at her
"Thank you for looking after me Betty" i sleepily said after a while
"No worried Jug, you promise to come to me when it happens again, we need to go to the police soon as well" she sighed into my chest
"I-I love you Betts" I said shakily after silence
"I love you Jug" she flashed me a huge smile and I kissed her
"how much?" I looked down at her again
"from here" and that was it, silence and some small light snores I smiled at her cuteness but still didn't know what she meant by 'from here' but I left it and fell asleep holding the love of my life.

time skip 3 years.


I walked into mine and Jughead apartment as quietly as I could but he was already sat in the kitchen
"where the hell have you been?" He shouted
"I was out with Veronica Jughead! Can't you just fucking trust me to go out, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, I can go out and be an independent adult, I'm 20 for fucks sake, we have been together for 3 years, do you not trust me?!" I screamed at him, I had just gone out with Veronica and he said I should of told him because he was worried,
"Of course I trust you Betty, but I can't let you get hurt love! Everyone knows your the serpent queen, they would hurt you any chance they got fucking hell I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt!" He shouted, tears were forming in his ocean blue eyes
"then let me fucking live my-" then it came, an almighty slap right across my face, my hand instinctively went straight to where he had hit me, I looked up at him, the pair of us had tears streaming down our cheeks he tried to string a weak sentence together
"b-Betts, oh m-my god, I-I'm so sorry" he cried reaching towards me, i backed away afraid of what he would do if he came closer
"no no, get the hell away from me" I stammered
"Betty, fuck I'm so sorry, please, just let me look at it, I'll clean it up I promise" he begged, I could hear the hurt in his voice
"no, don't you dare come near me" I was backed up against the wall now, I was terrified of what he would or could do
I darted for the stairs, sprinting up them as quickly as I could, I grabbed my suitcase and started to stuff all my belongings into it, Jughead burst through the door crying
"Betty! N-no please d-don't leave, I'm begging you, I-I'm so sorry, please let m-me prove t-that I'm so-sorry" he wailed
"no Jughead, you hurt, I'm not forgiving you yet, that ruined my trust for you Jones" I was still stuffing all my clothes into my bags
"where are y-you going" he stuttered
"I'm going to stay with Veronica for a while, I'm not sure I'll come back here if I do" I said stubbornly and I started to walk downstairs, dragging my suitcase, Jughead running behind me begging for me to stay,
"till here" I sighed and that was when Jughead's line snapped, he started to hyperventilate and cry loudly, he was hitting his chest as if he was trying to get some form of air out, it wasn't working I thought he was about to pass out... he did.


"till here"
I now knew what she meant three years ago when I asked how much she loved me and she replied with "from here" my heart broke
she didn't love me anymore
I started to cry loudly, I didn't know what to do, the last thing I heard was her shouting at me to stop and then I saw black.
I woke up eventually to me sitting on the cold kitchen floor and Betty's small frame next to me, I looked over to her and saw the red handprint left on her face, god I felt awful
"oh your up, now that your okay I'm leaving for Veronicas, I'll text you when I want to talk okay?" she told me, standing up and grabbing her bags and reaching to open the door
"hmm" she hummed in response, she either did that when she was sad or angry, she was most likely both
"I'm so sorry, please forgive me" I whispered
"I need time Jughead, I'll try to forgive you" she said softly
"I love you"
"mhm, i love you too" she whispered the last part not meaning for me to hear it but I did, that gave me a slight chance of forgiveness and hope, and yet again, I was alone in our apartment, everything reminded me of Betty the cushions, the pictures, the plants, the colours, it was all her, it hurt.
As I sat there tears dripping silently down my cheeks I slowly drowned in my own thoughts and my own sadness

Time skip 3 months

Betty had texted me a few days ago

Betts: hey, sorry I didn't text sooner I needed some more time, is it okay if I come round so we can talk? xx
juggie: hey, take as much time as you need Betts what I did was horrible, yeah of course you can, tomorrow at around 7 sound good for you? xx
Betts: see you at 7 jug xx

I wanted this night to be special, so I was out getting some food for us in the supermarket when I tight golden ponytail caught my eye walking down the next aisle she was here, a shopping basket in hand, I met her eyes as I walked to her aisle, I dropped everything I had in my hands and ran to her, I could see people giving me glares but i couldn't care, I missed her face, her lips, her smile, her hair, her body, her warmth, I'd missed her I ran to her and grabbed her, pulling her into the tightest hug I'd ever given someone, to my surprise she hugged back I cried into her sweatshirt
"I'm so fucking sorry Betts, I can't do this anymore, I can't be without you, the apartment is so boring, I can't stay there without you, please come home, please" my pleads were said in whispers she sighed rubbing my hair
"I'll come back Jug, but I need time" she smiled
"of course love, as much time as you need

that night, we cuddled, watched movies, ate food we probably shouldn't of, but none of that mattered all that did matter was that I had her back in my arms, she told me she'd forgiven me
"I love you Betts" I said after a comfortable silence
"I love you too Jug- forever" I smiled and kissed her
I never knew she'd love me again


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Love you all❤️


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