•"because i can't have you!"

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i hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!

this is one of my own ideas, well i saw it on instagram and i can't remember who posted it so if you know they're @ please drop it so i can give them credit.

trigger warning for mentions of physical abuse, please do not read is this one shot will make you uncomfortable!

hate to love :)


i hate betty cooper.
i absolutely hate her with every single inch of my body.
so here i am vandalising her locker, it's lesson time so she's safely tucked away in an English lit lesson while i'm here spray painting and destroying her locker, she asked for it after she crumbled my book up.
i had a meeting with Ms Burble, only god knows for what she's talking to every student about how they're doing so i guess i have to go bunch of bullshit anyways she doesn't stop talking.
i'd finished destroying the locker and i smirked closing the door and walking back to my lesson feeling very satisfied with myself until i heard a scream, i flinched at first but it was Betty's i smiled down to myself and saw her walk into my lesson fuming, you could practically see the smoke pouring out of her ears
"what the fuck Jughead!" she shouted
"what Coop? you deserved it, you ruined my book" i chuckled, my teacher did not look impressed but didn't even try to but in, one thing all teachers knew what to never get involved in a Cooper-Jones argument, they'd never win
"i crumpled it up, you fucking ruined my locker your such an asshole!" she came across and slapped me, making the tears gather in my eyes but immediately go away when she walked out,
"nice one Jones" Reggie high fived me, i just grinned to myself feeling a sense of accomplishment.

the clock rolled around to 2pm which was when my appointment with Ms Burble was, i excused myself and walked down the hallways to her office
"fucking guidance counsellors" i muttered before turning the door knob and walking in, only to see Betty Cooper sat on the couch opposite Ms Burble
"times up Coop, my turn" i smirked but she stood her ground and stayed
"actually Mr Jones Betty here is joining our session, i need to speak to the both of you" she gestured to the seat next to betty, we both groaned in frustration
"so i understand you two have been having...problems getting along?" she started
"there's no problem, stuck up Princess here just is a bitch"
"woah woah, you vandalised my locker, i barely touched your book, you went way above me Jones" she shouted at me, throwing a hand in the hair, emphasising her anger
"alright fine i'll admit that but let's get back to the point, there are no issues so let's be on our way" i grumbled getting ready to stand up
"ah ah Jughead, we need to resolve this, sit back down"
"no Ms, he just hates me, and why's that? maybe because i crumpled his book, you hate me because i snitched on you, you hate me because i got a better score than you, you hate me-" i cut her off
"i hate you because i can't have you!" i shouted over the top of her
"i hate you because i love you Betty" i whispered calmer this time, my voice breaking slightly
"you what?" she whispered softly
"i think we're getting somewhere" Ms Burble smiled sipping her tea
"you think i want to hate you? you think i enjoy doing all of that shit to you, no, i fucking hate it, all of it" tears had yet again pooled in my eyes but still i refused to let them fall in front of her
"i'll be waiting outside, i think you two need to talk in private" Ms Burble got up and left the room, the tears had now started to run down my face
"you love me" she whispered softly
"you heard me" i said coldly, wiping my tears away harshly in a bid to stop crying in front of her but i couldn't stop them
"why didn't you tell me?" she turned to me, her own tears coming to her eyes
"because your you, and i'm me, for christ's sake! i have an alcoholic abusive father, why on gods green earth would i tell the girl who hates me i love her, i don't like love Betty, i've never felt love so i ignored it!" i shouted making her flinch at my tone
"i would've of listened, you could've of told me about your dad, i don't hate you Jughead" she picked my face up and wiped the tears away herself with her soft hands
"those bruises aren't from Penny's gang were they, they are from your dad" i nodded and my bottom lip started to tremble whilst my mind replayed all of the horrible things my dad did
"i'm so sorry" she whispered and crawled into my lap, holding my body and tucking my head into the crook of her neck kissing my hair softly whilst running her hands through it, i said nothing and just started to sob into her embrace, wrapping my arms tightly around her delicate frame
"i'm so sorry Jug, i didn't know" she said rubbing my back gently not knowing if there were bruises there too
"it's fine" i lied
"it's not fine, you don't deserve that" she kissed my hair again
"he says i deserve it, for driving my mom and sister away" i cried the tears still streaming down my face and onto her soft vanilla smelling sweater
"he's wrong, no ones deserves this not you, come and stay with me and my mom, she'll be okay with it i promise, please i'll rest easy at night knowing your safe and okay" she said, with a calm gentle tone picking my head up and looking right at me, i nodded and buried my head back into her neck kissing it ever so softly
"thank you"


once Jughead was asleep in the spare bedroom i padded back to my own replaying his words in my head he loved me? and i was horrible to him this entire time.
time passed and i was still thinking about what he said when my thoughts were rather loudly torn from my mind when i heard a soft knock on my door, i knew it was Jug
"you can come in" i said sitting myself up in bed and saw a teary eyed Jughead standing by the door frame
"can-can i stay with you tonight, i really don't want to be on m-my own" he whispered fiddling with his fingers
"yeah of course come here" i stretched my arm out and he gratefully came over and nestled himself in my bed
"thank you for helping me Betty, i really mean it" he kissed my neck and ran his finger gently through my hair
"it's okay, i'm just sorry you had to go through that" i whispered into his hair he said nothing and hugged me closer.

i was sleeping peacefully when i felt jughead moving and wriggling in his sleep, obviously reliving some trauma
"hey hey, shh shh, it's okay i'm here your okay" i whispered shaking him lightly trying to wake him up, when he did he looked up with a sorrowful look on his face
"i don't feel okay" he sighed hiding his face in my chest
"i'll help you feel okay" i stroked his face wiping tears away
"thank you"

time skip 1 month.

i helped Jughead, to be honest i've never felt better about helping someone, especially someone like Jughead
"hey, how yah feeling" i came and sat down next to him on the couch, he was watching Prison Break
"great thanks" he reached across and kissed my forehead
"i never told you, i'm sorry, i love you too jug" i kissed his shoulder and meant into it
"i know you do" i smiled and situated myself on his lap, letting him kiss me all over my face.

years went by and me and jughead got better, we even got engaged, then married, then had two children, one boy called Cameron and a little girl Naomi.

i hope you guys enjoyed that one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!

thank you to lili_barbara for the baby names, i loved them.
love you all ❤️

l <3

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