•"your pretty juggie"•

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This is to make up for not posting Tuesday night :)

An insecure Jughead one shot🥺

A short one🦋


I stood in front of the mirror and hated what I saw, I was ugly, I didn't have a muscular frame, I was chubby, I didn't have tattoos or abs or things other guys had, I hated it, I hated the fact I wasn't like them, I started to cry, for christ sake, what kind of 16 year old wears a beanie? No one, exactly
"god why are you so dysfunctional Jughead" I whispered at my reflection in the mirror
I pinched my skin, all the extra flab, I was absolutely disgusted I felt like throwing up
I threw my top back on and walked to the bathroom and splashed my face with water trying to cover up my red puffy eyes before Betty came, but she came early, to my regret,
She came up behind me and placed a tiny hand on my back
"your early Betts" I sniffled
"yeah and I'm glad I came in early Jug, what's up?"
"n-nothing, can we just watch a f-film" I begged
"no jug, why are you crying, we aren't leaving this bathroom-" she turned around and locked the door and sat in front of it
-"until you tell me exactly what's wrong" she said rather stubbornly
"Betts" I whispered, I fell to the floor and just cried into her arms
"I hate myself Betty, I hate the way I look, the way I talk, I don't have a body like Archies or Reggie's, I wear a beanie for crying out loud, why the fuck am I so dysfunctional Betty? Why the fuck am I like this, why are you even still with me if I'm like this, surely you want someone with a body like theirs, just do it"
I brought my knees up to my chest and Betty gasped, she shuffled over and pulled my knees down and crawled into my lap, she held my head to her chest and stroked my hair, playing with the hair on the nape of my neck
"oh jug, I wish you'd come to me sooner, I don't care what you look like, you don't need a body like theirs, you don't need to be like them, I like Jughead, not Archie and not Reggie, I like you, I love you okay? I don't want to be hugging muscle all night, I want to be hugging you, your not fat, you never will be, in fact your probably a bit too skinny Jug, I love you for you, and think about what that beanie has got you through, the toughest times of your life ever, it's gotten me through tough times, remember the camping trip, you put it on my head, telling me we go through everything together, and we will okay? I love you jug" she cradled me
"I-I love you t-too B-Betts" i croaked
"movie and popcorn" she giggled
"yeah" I smiled at her brightly

Around 2 hours in:

"Your pretty Juggie" she said tiredly
"I'm pretty? Not heard that one before, well then your absolutely stunning" I hugged her, pulling her closer and kissed her forehead
"I love you Betts"
"I love you too"

bughead one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin