Chapter 1 background

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Kate Deathwing was your average first timer for the reaping she was 12 years old and had here name in once.

But was everything but lucky. Her mother died while having her and her father died by getting elecuted while working, everyday work in district 5 when she was 9. She was all alone no siblings, friends or family. She was that one girl that nobody noticed, the poor one that was starved and lurked in the background. Or it was like you see a glimpse of her then you turn to look at her and shes gone.

Kate would take the terresse just to keep herself alive by the time of her first reaping she had 5 slips in the bowl. Kate was a strauny 12 year old but what no one knew because she was so good at lurking in the shadows was that she was a true fighter. She would sneak off to the more desserted part of the district with no peacekeepers and practice with the two illegal katanas that her father had.

She was the definition of Walking Death.

When the time came for her to line up at the reaping they pricked her finger and pressed it to the paper and told her to line up with the other 12 year olds. She stood there along with all the other girls hoping that her name wasnt picked, she hated how they had her suspense waiting to see if her death was going to happen in the next three weeks or not.

Finally after a hour of waiting the freaky escort walked on stage,(sour candy lady gaga outfit.)

Once she got on stage she said in capitol accent,"welcome welcome everybody to the reaping of the 69th hunger games isnt today just wonderful," Kate just rolled her eyes at the escort.

" To start this years reaping President snow brings a message from the capitol," they watch it its the same thing every year.

"Right then Ladies first," she reached her hand into the reaping bowl and picked a name read it out loud for everyone to hear.

"Kate Deathwing."

Kate wished she could say she was surprised but she new she was a unlucky person. so she slipped past the other girls and she made herself look small weak and defenceless by curling into herself and hung her head down and made herself look scared and she walked into the isle. She was a good actress and she cried to make everyone underestimate her.

She got up to the stage and layed on the theactrics for show, the escort said," now now dear theres no need for crying this is a huge honor for your district." everyone in five looked at her with utter discust and hatred and gave kate looks of pity.

" And now for the boys," she pulled up a name and said,

" Logan mikaelson."

The boy who walked up was 13 years old and tried to look confident and failed misserably. Then they were ushered to the Justice building to say goodbye to there familys. Kate tugged on the peacekeepers arm and said," can I just go to the train i have no friends or family to say goodbye to." He just nodded and took her to the train.

A little while later Logan was brought in and he tried to make small talk until the mentors arrived.

"So why havent I seen you around before?" He asked.

She just shrugged not in the mood for talked he didnt get the hind and asked," Have you talked to either of the mentors."

She just shook her head as the two mentors walked in along with there escort rosa whos name she learned from the peacekeeper.

The two mentors looked there tributes up and down and looked at each other and sighed.

They only wanted to focus on one tribute and from Kates act on stage they thought that Logan was there best bet but boy were they wrong. They sat down and introduced themselves to Logan as Mark and edith but completely ignored Kate. Logan was happy for the attention and followed the mentors behavior and ignored Kate.

Kate was a little annoyed but she was happy that she was going to prove them wrong if it was the last thing she ever did.

She listened intently and found out that Logan was good with a knife and close hand to hand combat at least for a beginner, after that she slipped herself out of the room and into her tribute quarters not that anyone noticed. She started planning what she was going to do in training and private training session and the interview along with how she was going to take down as many tributes a she could so people would stop completely direagarding her as nothing.

Nobody was going to know what hit them when she was through with them.


Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter i will have the next chapter up as soon as i can but tell me what you think of kate so far 

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