The games

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The countdown had begun, Kate was sitting there in anticipation for what was to come. She was zoned out until she saw clove throw a knife at Katniss. She put on a smirk to cover her worry while she fiddled with the hem of her white dress.

She sat there watching the bloodbath as if it hadn't bothered her. She sat in her seat by her father, but little did anyone know she was reliving the fight with the careers from her games. Kate turned to her father and said," Father may I be excused I want to get a view of all the tributes and wish for the company of Seneca."

Kate got up after her father approved and walked to the game makers control room.

Kate sat as she finished her greeting to Seneca and watched as one of the outer district girls had a fire. She quickly pointed it out and the game makers put it on the big screens. They watched as the careers killed her, the girl screamed so loud it could be heard through half the arena. Then came the cannon.

The cameras followed the careers on their hunt. They were laughing and joking around. Clove was waving her hands around laughing. Marvel then said," oh wait, did you see her face!"

Glimmer than turned to Cato and mocked the girl. " No please don't kill me, no," she stumbled a little as she laughed. Cato chuckled and turned around and said," Hey lover boy, you sure she went this way?"
Peeta responded," Yes."

After hearing this Kate was fuming that the damn baker boy was throwing her friend under the bus the two-faced traitor. Kate's hands started to shake with anger.

She started listening into the conversation again and heard Glimmer ask if they should kill him. Kate thought to herself," yes, that's the smartest thing she's said since the beginning."

They went to bed for the night but she quickly up and went to watch and what she saw she was terrified for her friend. Fire was surrounding her with trees falling, smoke filling the girls' lungs and fire shooting at her from multiple directions.

Finally, as she though Katniss was getting to safety the careers showed up and Katniss ran and climbed a tree. Kate got up and walked out the living room her sisters' eyes following her. Kate saw the burn on her friend's leg and went to get the girl a sponsorship gift but as she went into the computer room, she saw Haymitch. After left she went into the history and saw he sent a tin of burn ointment.

The next day.

Kate saw the small girl from 11 and watched as the tracker jackers were pointed out. Kate saw what was about to happen. To say she didn't like it was an understatement. Kate moved the hair out of her eyes as she watched Katniss start cutting off the branch. As her friend was being stung, she held her breath hoping that she wouldn't make a noise and then there was the dread thud followed by the screams of the careers.

Kate held her hands over her mouth in worry and disbelief as Katniss stumbled around on the screen. Then out of nowhere Peeta ran at Katniss and told her to run. At first Kate thought he was going to kill her, and she knew Katniss wouldn't be able to fight him off. She watched as Katniss ran and eventually pass out on the ground.

She saw Rue patch up Katniss.

Three days later.

Finally, Katniss had woken up. She knew Katniss would help the small girl. Kate Quickly ran out of her room and to the computer room. When she got in, she got to one of the computers and typed in a message.

Thought you could use a little help

just tell her what to do she follow as you say

- K.S

In the games

Katniss and Rue were eating their squirrel in peace talking about the pile of supplies the careers had racked up. Thats when they heard the sound of a parachute coming down from above. Rue looked at Katniss with a smile, the older girl could see the hopeful glint in the young girls eye. Katniss quickly walked over and unscrewed the lid. Thats when she saw a snake come out of it, she quickly dropped the container and scurried back. The snake was on the ground and looked at the girls with its yellow eyes.

Rue gasp as she recognized where she had in the snake before. At the sound of the gasp Katniss whipped her head around but still keeping her distance from the snake on the ground as it bowed it's head in submission.

"Rue what is it," Katniss asked as she looked between and the snake still a bit startled.

"You mean you don't recognize that snake, that's the legendary Kate Deathwing's snake from her games," rue said surprised that Katniss didn't know while in most districts knew of the legend's games.

Rue continued," They were the deadliest along with their master out of all the hunger games history, who sent you Luna."

Katniss walked over to the container and read the note.

Thought you could use a little help

Just tell her what to do she follow as you say

- K.S

" My best friend, let's just say she's always had my back, now let's go blow up the careers supplies." Katniss smirked.

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