The announcement

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Hey guys i got my computer fixed early i thought i wouldn't get it back till Wednesday so I'm going to try to get 2 chapters done today and one for tomorrow since in my earlier A/N I said I would do 3 so enjoy.

Kate's 16, today is the day. Announcement day. Kate spent the day in her room being prepped with dadano and Celestia.
The plan for the announcement is an interview, a party, and a district tour not that anyone would recognize her.
They were finishing up when there was a polite knock on the door, "come in," Katherine called to the person on the other side. A few seconds later the door was opened by president snow.
"Hello, father anything I can help you with?" Katherine asked with a smile on her face.
" No, my dear but you look beautiful." He looked at her caring. Kate looked at him the same the only difference was only if hers was real.
She had a dark glint in her eye not that he or anyone else noticed. Kate walked out of the room with her head held high. The group followed. As they exited the mansion they got into the limo going to the interview with Cesar. They carefully and skillfully snuck Kate through the back entrance. Cesar started his usual shpeal while riling up the crowd.

Some were forced to be there such as the victors. Some were delighted to be there such as the capitol people. Some were forced and shoved into city squares to watch the huge announcement that had been planned for everyone that night such as the districts. 

While Cesar continued talking to everyone the victors were having their own little talk in their own private section.

Edith started by asking," what do you think the announcements for?"

"Well, how the hell are we supposed to know we've been here as long as you have," Haymitch said annoyed.

Johanna looked at them and said sarcastically," Maybe it's another form of punishment for us from our dear wonderful president."

Johanna was about to go on a rant until president snow walked out onto the stage. He had a evil smirk on his face as he sat down.

Cesar looked at him and started by asking the first question," So Mr. President I bet we are all wondering what has caused all the excitement for this announcement would you give us clue?"

Snow looked to him and replied with a smile," Yes there is a very good reason for this Cesar, so allow me to explain." Everyone watching leaned in a bit to see what has been going on.

"You see Cesar I've heard that many of you my wonderful citizens have been wondering as to why I haven't been out a lot lately and there is a reason for that. The reason I have become aware of began about 16 years ago and I have just been informed about 1 year ago. I recently found out that I have another daughter."

Everyone gasped not expecting this at all considering his age. He looked over the crowd knowing from their reaction they were buying it, everything was going to plan. 

Cesar looked shocked but quickly covered it up and smiled and asked," what is her name?"

"Why don't I bring her out and she can introduce herself."
Cesar nodded eagerly and Snow gestured with his hand for Kate to walk on stage.

She walked out gracefully in a snow-white dress with a graceful smile on her face looking over the crowd in front of her. She sat down beside her father with a smile.

" she is beautiful is she not folks." Cesar gestured to kate, she made herself blush and not throw up from just looking at the people around her.

"So what is your name dear, and tell us a little about yourself and how have you been enjoying it here."
She took it all in and said," Well Cesar my name is Katherine Snow. I enjoy designing personally along with hanging out with my niece I never knew I had but she's more like a little sister to me and reminds me of myself. I find the capital enjoyable since I never really seen the main part since me and my mother lived closer to the district's fences."

They talked some more about what she liked in the capitol and how the relationship between her and snow was until the buzzer went off and they walked off the stage.

Right away they went to the train station to start their district tour. 

First stop

District 1.

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