Protection and the see you later

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Kate sat backstage with her father. Her face showed no emotion. She watched on the screen as the star-crossed lovers of district 12 professed their undying love for each other on camera. Watching Katniss acting this way disgusted her, she knew her friend would never act like that. Kate hated she couldn't do anything about it.

Finally, it was time for the crowning, Kate followed her father onto the stage with a smile on her face. When Kate turned to Katniss the worry was clear in her eyes. The crowning was quick, but Kate heard something that made the dread feeling come back.

"What a lovely pin," Snow said with hidden venom behind it.

"Thank you it was from my district," Katniss replied trying to stay confident.

" They must be very proud of you."
Kate froze knowing that voice, the voice he only used on his next victims.

Kate stood firm and not wavering.

When all was said and done Katniss and Peeta left, Haymitch was with the other victors. Kate knew she had to get to Katniss without anyone knowing.

She watched as Peeta left to the district 12 penthouse, Katniss close behind. Kate quickly grabbed Katniss's hand and covered her mouth. Little did they know that the hidden hallway that they were standing in was connected to the victors private watching rooms. The victors from 3,4,6,7,11,12 were all standing watching. Haymitch was ready to intervene not trusting the president's daughter whatsoever. Johannah quickly pulled him back.

Katniss went to yell until she saw that it was her friend Katherine. Katniss's eyes widened and finally Kate slowly removed her hand while Katniss threw her arms around one of her best friends. The victors watching stood there confused, especially Haymitch.

As they let go of each other Kate said quietly," you sure you don't want to scream bloody murder."

Katniss replied," Haha funny Katherine."

A sad smile made its way onto Katherine's face.

" No, I know that look Katherine what is it? Katherine, you're scaring me what's wrong?" Katniss asked worried. Something was seriously wrong if Katherine was worried.

"Katniss he's started noticing everything. After your win he had an investigator looking into everything. I've managed to cover almost everything up but when I sent you Luna, but the problems been delt with." Katniss started to notice the tears gathering in her friends' eyes.

" Katniss started to notice the tears gathering in her friends' eyes

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"There's a but, what is it." Katniss asked worried.

" It's getting too risky for me to send letters to Darius, everything's changing and being put on a tight leash. He's replacing the Head Peacekeepers, their upgrading the fences and watching mail and phone calls going in and out. And I'm not going to let you, prim, gale or the rest of them to get hurt for recklessness ok."

Kate reached into her bag and pulled out a cell phone and wrapped Katniss's hands around it.

" This one can't be traced but only use it in emergencies outside the fence ok. Go north of the oak tree in the meadow 20 feet they're not upgrading there."

That's when they heard," Miss Snow are you down here?"

" Shoot, I have to go ok don't lose the phone, call in case of an emergency ok. I don't want to lose you like I lost him."

Kate pushed Katniss towards the district 12 penthouse. The victors watched as Kate leaned herself against the wall swallowing back her tears breathing heavily. Kate was desperately trying to straighten herself up.

They listened and watched as she kept muttering to herself saying," your Kate dea- no, no, you're not her anymore. your Katherine snow, Connor always said don't show emotion it makes you weak." She muttered that over and over again until she heard footsteps coming around the corner.

" There you are miss snow your father wants to see you. Miss are you alright," The peacekeeper asked.

Kate put on a smile that could foul anyone," I'm quite alright just a little lightheaded. we should go wouldn't want to keep father waiting now would we."

With that the trio left leaving the victors confused, they questioned themselves unsure what she meant when she said," your Kate dea- no, no, you're not her anymore."

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