The Hunt

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Hey guys this extra update is for Minerva191
Trust me I hate the suspense when authors leave you just hanging there.
Also there is still going to be 2 chapters on Saturday
I just want to get act 1 out because I've been working in act 2

Kate sat in the bunker until the next day. She grabbed a belt of knives since she lost hers in the explosion but there were no Katanas. After she got a backpack together she made sure to train the snakes so they would follow her orders without hesitation. She climbed out of the rubble and looked at the electronic map she had in her backpack from president Snow. It showed her where each and every camera was located in the area. She wanted to make sure to fool the capital.
She walked through the forest towards the mountains, she made sure to stay in the camera's blind spots.

A little ways away she heard a branch break, then another and another. she quickly climbed up a tree and the girls from 6,7, and 3. She saw her snakes hiding in the bushes awaiting her command. She directed them to bite the girls from 3 and 7. That left the scrawny girl from 6. She threw a knife as the snakes attacked. It hit the girl in the shoulder and she whipped around and her eyes widened in shock. She saw the little girl's picture in the sky the night before. Kate smirked as she heard the screams and then thuds of the other two girls. The girl from 6 turned back to her companions as kate threw another knife hitting her between the eyes as she turned to glare at Kate.

From the viewer's point of view, they saw nothing but the three dead girls but they didn't see what killed them. Kate climbed down from the tree and heard hissing behind her and saw one of the mutts she learned about and slowly approached it. She moved just in time as the snake jumped at her with its fangs ready to pierce her skin and grabbed the mutt by the neck. She stayed in the blind spot and gathered the venom from the snake and then she tried to tame it as she did the others. But she ran out of time as she heard talking a little ways away and the smoke from a campfire.

She stayed in the blind spots and crept in the shadows towards the bushes behind one of the 4 boys. They were the boys from districts 3,4,8, and 10. As she watched from shadows she listened to them talk.

"Who do you think killed the 3 girls from earlier?" The boy from 10 asked.

"No idea but if I had to guess it was Kendra from your district that girl looked downright vindictive after the girl from 6 insulted her during training," the boy from 3 replied.

"um, I don't know guys I feel like there's something going on that we don't know. I think it's probably hectored from 7 that guy is a brute and the district's lumber," the boy from 8 said nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"You guys are ridiculous it was probably mutts, those girls were pathetic and weak we have nothing to worry about until it's just us," the boy Connor said.

The boy from 10 raised an eyebrow and said," yeah says the guy who got a 6, The girls from 6 and 7 both got 8's." He and the other boys chuckled.

"3 you shouldn't laugh you got a 4 so shut it," Connor said rudely.

Kate directed the snakes to sneak behind the boys from 10 and 8 and wait for her command.

A few minutes later Connor got up and said," I'm going to get some more wood this fire is burning out." Then he walked up and Kate knew this was her chance, she gave the signal and they struck. The boy from 3 stood up and grabbed a knife he got from his backpack and said," who's there?"
The boys from 8 and 10 fell over with thuds. Connor came back and said," what the hell did you do 3."
He responded scared," I didn't do anything man it wasn't me."

Conner saw the snakes and knew what happened but played it off." So you're telling me they just fell over dead," He yelled. He took a threatening step forward. The boy from 3 raised his knife and said clearly terrified," n-n-not another step i-i-i will kill you."

Then there was a ruffle in the bushes behind him but he paid no mind and that was his mistake as Kate stood up and slit his throat from behind. His body fell to the ground and Connor looked at Kate who was smirking dangerously at him.

Everyone who was watching gasped and gaped. They thought Kate Deathwing was dead. At that moment everyone knew who the next victor was going to be. What was she going to do next?

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