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You continued on reading the book as time passed by, until you felt a presence next to you. You looked up over at the black leather couch, and saw Draco sitting down. His legs spreader apart, and his arms rested over the back of the furniture. In his left hand, he held a glass of whiskey. Always his drink of choice. You looked at him for a moment, admiring his appearance. "See something you like?" Draco laughed as he took a sip of his drink. You snapped out of view and rolled your eyes. "How long have you been sitting there?" You asked as you closed your book quietly. Draco's eyes traced your body, and ran back up to your eyes. "A few hours love, I like watching you read." Draco whispered as he removed the glass cup from his lips. Your cheeks flushed red, and then looked away. "Creepy."  You scoffed as you stood up and placed the book back in the bookshelf. Draco rolled his eyes as he set his glass down on the glass side table. His eyes never leaving you once. You looked over at him and sat down across from him in one of the matching black chairs. You looked deep into his grey eyes, wanting to question this relationship between you two. "What? Huh? Say it, use your words." He snapped. You looked at him once more, your eyebrows furrowing together. "What the hell are we? Tell me we aren't just friends?" You asked in an eager tone. Draco's eyes widened, his face dropped as he then grabbed his glass once more. "Y/n." He sighed. You shook your head, "This doesn't make much sense. No?" You snapped as you stood up out of your seat. He stayed quiet, but his eyes not leaving yours. You had a sudden feeling of rage. "You're just using me to get your dick wet. Aren't you? Huh? I'm just a fuck buddy for you.- Well I can't keep doing this anymore, friends or not. I'll be just fine without you." You growled as you grabbed his glass and finished the rest of the whiskey that remained before slamming it down on the glass side table and turning around towards the exit doors of the common room, until Draco grabbed your arm and pinned you against the wall, wrapping his hands gently around your neck...

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