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Draco moved his face closer to yours, his breathing heavy. "Look me in the eye, y/n." He snapped as he tightened his grip around your neck. You nervously looked him up in the eyes. He looked furious, but there was a hint of hurt in his grey toned eyes. "Listen to me very fucking carefully. Alright?" He whispered as he moved closer to your ear. "Yes Draco." You whispered softly. "You aren't just a fuck buddy, and I'm not using you to get my dick wet. Do you hear me?" Draco whispered harshly in your ear. You slowly nodded your head as you rested your forehead against his shoulder. "You are mine, Y/n. And mine only." He growled as he pushed your head back against the wall gently. He then kissed your lips softly before setting you down onto your feet. You looked up at him with pleading eyes. He then gently placed another kiss onto your forehead softly. "Come on, let's get to the feast." He said gently as he took your hand, leading you out into the hallways as students hurried to the great hall. Nobody giving two looks at Draco's hand that clasped yours.

Draco's POV-

You looked down at Y/n, as she stayed close to your side. The girl meant everything to you, and you would protect her. You wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt her, and you've never felt that way about anyone before. Voldemort, he would get in the way of your relationship with her. He would kill her instantly, as to him. She was just the lords servant. And to you, she was the love of your life. But Voldemort did not care about love, to him that was weakness. Which was driving you away from her, the thought of her getting hurt. Him hurting her, made you want to leave her forever. But wouldn't that only hurt her worse? You didn't know much about love, or affection as you rarely received it. And gifting love and affection, was difficult. But with her, with Y/n. It felt like the easiest thing in the world.. You slowly let go of her hand as you both walked into the great hall. Her eyes moved up to you as she slowly pulled her hand away, looking down at the ground like she was upset. You and Y/n sat down across from each-other at the slythiren table. You sat down next to Blaise, and she was by Pansy. You gazed up at her as she ate her soup, she looked sad. And you wondered why? You looked down the table and saw a slythiren boys staring at Y/n. You clenched your fists as you jolted up out of your seat...

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