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You arrive late, you run in and see Dobby running towards you. "Y/n you must hurry the lord is mad" Dobby says concerned. "Okay I just have to change" you say running to the nearest bathroom. The hallways were dark and quiet, you run in and shut the door. The bathroom was dark, your heart was racing at the fact that you might get hurt again. Your uniform was always a emerald green dress and black heels, the lord always said you had to look presentable for the guests. It was tight fitting, it showed off your curves. You tried to fix your hair and makeup as fast as you could. You then walk out and head to the kitchen, you see Dobby making drinks as you ran to grab food. You grabbed the drinks as Dobby grabbed the food. "Y/n take a deep breath" Dobby said. You took a deep breath and started walking down the dark long hallway, Dobby kept looking over at you. "Y/n why don't you just leave this place?" He asks confused. You look down at him, "I can't Dobby I wish I could but I can't" you said quietly. As you were walking down the hallway you see two men standing in front of you, "you're late the lord is angry with you" they say sternly. "Well it isn't my fault the car arrived late at Hogwarts." You say rolling your eyes, you push past them and continue walking down the long dark hallway. You turn the corner and walk into the room, you were looking down at the floor. "You're late" the lord snarls. You stay quiet still looking down at the ground, out of the corner of your eye you see platinum blonde hair which looked
familiar. 'Draco?' You thought to yourself. You look up and see Draco malfoy, your heart drops as your eyes widen.

Draco's POV- You heard the girl walk in, you looked up at her and saw the long dark hair but not the face. She looked so familiar, as soon as she revealed her face you saw y/n. Your heart dropped to the floor, 'y/n is the lords servant?!? She's in danger, I need to help her.' You thought to yourself, you stared at her for a long second.

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