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It was the day of your departure, you had your bags packed. You walked down to the common room and saw Draco sitting down. "Hey love, I was just wanting to say goodbye. I'm worried about you." Draco says as he stands up and watches you walk down the stairs. "There is nothing to worry about, I'm okay Draco." You say softly walking up to him. He pulls you into his arms for a hug, he never gives hugs to anyone else but you. His arms wrapped around your torso tightly, Draco was actually very kind if people would take the time to know him. He isn't a bully. He's a kind hearted person. "Well I have to go, but I'll be back soon." He says looking down at you. You smile, a part of you wished he didn't have to leave. "Don't miss me too much" you laugh. He smiles, "same for you, and if you need anything write me please." Draco says in a worried tone. "Okay Dray, goodbye. I'll see you soon." You say softly. He smiled as he always loved when you called him Dray. You watched him walk out of the common room, you then walked upstairs and grabbed your belongings. You slowly walked downstairs hoping nobody would see you, you slowly walk out into the quiet hallways. You made your way to the car Voldemort sent. You set your belongings in the trunk and got in the back of the car, you were on your way. You thought about Draco for a second, how he was so protective of you, he was always worried about you, he was your closest friend.

Draco's POV- You got into the car your father sent to pick you up, you watched the night sky as the car drove off to Voldemort's location. You thought about y/n, how could she not see that you were developing feelings for her? 'Can't you see dummy, I'm falling for you' you thought to yourself. You slowly drifted off into a sleep as the car drove along scenic roads.  The car arrives at the manner to drop off your luggage, then continues to drive to the destination where you would be in a meeting for the death eaters. "I guess we'll see who the lords servant is today." You thought to yourself. You arrived at the dark building, you step out of the car, leaves crunching on the ground. You slowly walk up to the doors, they open revealing a dark eerie home. You walk inside, you walk to the room revealing Voldemort and your mom and dad. There were other death eater there too. You sat down across from your mom,the seat that was closest to the door way. "WHERE IS THE GIRL? SHE WILL BE PUNISHED AGAIN OF SHE DOESNT HURRY UP" Voldemort screams at Dobby. "She has just arrived sir, I'll go get her now." Dobby says worried as he runs away to grab the lords servant.

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