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You look at Draco for a second before Pansy grabs your arm and pulls you down the stairs. "Come on let's get something to drink." She says as she pulls you over to the drinks. "I see the way you look at Draco and the way he looks at you." Pansy says as she hands you a shot of tequila. "You guys need to get together all ready." She says as she pours herself a shot. You drink the shot before looking up at her, "I wanna tell him but I don't know." You say. "You guys would make a cute couple, just tell him already." Pansy says. "Hey y/n wanna see how can take the most shots?" Cedric asked with a hint of laughter. You start laughing, "I think I can take the most but if you wanna
loose in front of everyone." You laugh. Cedric holds out his hand, you take it and shake it. "You're on hufflepuff." You say. Cedric laughed a little. You both started doing shots together to see who could do the most... you guys were on shot 8 and you felt ill, like you were going to pass out. You didn't know where Draco was, and part of you wanted him right now, and the other part of you desperately needed him. You take one more shot as Cedric couldn't do anymore, "See I won." You say completely out of it. Cedric laughed as he clapped his hands. You stumbled over to the couch in the common room and sat down trying to look around for Draco or Blaise but mostly Draco. You rested your face in your hand as you were waisted. You couldn't keep your eyes open, everything was spinning around, you started to feel your chest tighten as you couldn't find anyone to help you. When you see Pansy walk up to you, "w-where's D-Dray?" You asked as you felt your head spinning. But she didn't answer, you heard her start to talk to someone, you looked up and realized that wasn't Pansy. "Draco? Dracooo?" You called out drunk. You felt a cold hand touch your arm, you look up and see Draco. "Hey what happened?" Draco asks a little concerned. "C-Cedric wanted to see who did more shots and I did 9 and nowww I feel like I'm going to throw up." You said completely out of it. He picked you up and started carrying you upstairs. "Dracooo?" You asked. "Can we do another night like at the hotel?" You asked as you looked up at him. He laughed a little, "no love. You're drunk and I'm not taking advantage of you." He says softly as he opens your dorm door. He sets you down on the bed.

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