14) Fried

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Whoever said you can't be in two places at the same time was either an idiot or they had never met Stasia. Right now she was in the middle of a raid while also sitting at Ground Beta with Bakugou. However, being out of the loop would be an understatement. She wasn't that well versed with this quirk at the moment so she had no idea what was going on or what it was doing. She was just, off. She had been ever since the burnout but now it was harder to hide and Bakugou noticed the change immediately.

"How come you don't have anyone's number?"


"When we got stuck in her the first time, you said you had your phone but no one's number."

"Oh, yeah that's because I don't have any friends." She nonchalantly said and Bakugou busted out laughing. "I'm serious! I mean I have two but I didn't have their numbers. I bet you if you had your phone then we could have called Izuku and we would have gotten out."

"Why would we call him?"

"Because you two are friends."

"Why would you think that!"

"Are you not friends?"

"No of course not! Why would you think that!"

"You have a nickname for him."


"That's a thing friends do. You know how you call me Stasia."

"Is that not your name?"

"I mean yeah but it's 'Nastasia'."

"I have never heard anyone call you that."

"Because I only have two friends and they both call me the nickname."



"Wait why don't they call you by your last name? How close can you get in a few weeks?"

"I don't like my last name."


"I wanted my dad's."


"It's fine. Anyways, how much longer do we have here?"


"I said how much-"

"Stasia we just got here."

"I- right. Yeah. Hey, can you hand me that broom, I think yours is better."

"They're the same, you're just ass."

"Can we just switch?"

"Fine." He tossed her his broom and she gave him hers. It went quiet for a few minutes and Stasia kept looking back to the entrance gates. "Hey."


"How the hell is Aizawa a dad?"

"What does he not act like one?"

"The man hates children."

"We literally have father-daughter breakfast every day."

"You're kidding."

"No, it's like I'm the guy's only friend."

"That is hilarious."

"Kinda, yeah." She started to unzip her hoodie before she threw it onto the ground. Aggressively, she tucked her hair behind her ears and stared down at the ground.

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