47) Practice

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a/n watch season 5 episode 13 for context but no real spoilers

With Eri's birthday all but out of the way, Stasia had a few days of downtime before Christmas and then they were on break. While Stasia would never admit it, she needed this pause more than anything. Her first few months at UA had to have been the most hectic ones of her life and she really just needed a breather. So now, three days out, she felt happy to finally get it.

"Hell no."

"What?" Midoriya croaked.

"Is she allowed to say that?" Karminari asked and Todoroki shook his head.

"The media training isn't optional."

"Look, I don't do interviews, ever since I have started doing hero work I've never done a single one. They're just not my thing."

"Think of it as practice."

"Why would I practice something I'm going to continue to avoid?"

"Do you really think you're going to be able to avoid interviews for the rest of your career?"

"Of course I can."


"I hate all of you so much." She said, now in her hero costume as she waited in line to be interviewed next after she was forced to come.

"Whatever you do can't be that bad, Bakugou's will always be worse." Karminari reasoned.

"Seriously, no wonder they cut out all his answers. And when he argued that they weren't friends, it was hilarious because obviously, they are."

"We are not!" Bakugou screamed and Stasia jumped.

"Where did you come from?"

"Sugiyama? Sugiyama is up next."

"Good luck." Kirishima smiled and gave her a 'thumbs up.'


As Stasia walked up to the stage and pushed her hair, which she forgot to tie up, behind her back to stop herself from fiddling with it. "So I see you have really long hair, does that get in the way of your hero work?" Mt. Lady asked and Stasia's head tilted as recalled how Mt. Lady never tied her hair up, so she found it an ironic question, but clicked her tongue and held it.

"No, I usually put it up actually."

"Ah, and you differ from the rest of your classmates because you've been doing hero work for much longer."

"Yes, since I received my license at thirteen."

"Now won't that accelerate you with becoming an official pro?"

"Slightly, usually you would have to wait until you graduate, but since I do have a lot of experience behind me, I just have to wait until I turn eighteen, where they'll do one final test just to make sure I am good enough to become a pro early."

"Well that is impressive, I'm sure there are a lot of people waiting to see you on the rankings."

"Oh, thank you so much."

"Why is she actually doing good?" Bakugou grumbled.

"If you had the chance to become a pro and finish high school now, would you?"

"No," She answered quickly. "Maybe if you would have asked me when I first transferred here then sure, but now I made a lot of friends that I don't want to leave."

"What a sweet answer. I think that's all the questions I have for you, now, can you show us a few special moves?"

"For which quirk?"

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