15) Overdue

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Once again Stasia ran. This time too fast to keep up. The only sense of direction she had was to follow the noise of concrete being blown up from the impacts of whatever was going on. She knew if she was just a second too late it could all be over. She so gave herself a little more time, and hopefully them too. Doing a radius that big, especially in her current condition could be fatal but at this point she was desperate. Running turned into a slow limp as she found herself falling victim to her own power. She wasn't going to stop moving though, not until she had eyes on everyone and they were safe.

    When she finally got there she couldn't see at all. But she could feel the overpowering energy and with the little strength, she had left she had to do just a little bit more. "Slow." She whispered. But not to stop time, to stop their power. She only held it for a second but that was all they needed until her dad was there to stop it for good. There were two noises of bodies hitting the ground. When Midoriya fell with Eri still on his back, and when Stasia passed out.

a/n expect like two more chapters on the weekend for the last of part one and tsym for 300 reads

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