39) Last One

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Stasia took a deep breath as she finished getting dressed in her hero costume. She fiddled with her glove on her left hand and got a familiar memory of the day of the exam. Only now, he wasn't there to help her. She took off the glove on her right hand and placed them both neatly on the dresser before she left the room.

Kana waited for her in the kitchen. Breakfast already plated with a black coffee on the side. "I didn't know how you liked your coffee," Kana confessed.

"Not like that," Stasia said and looked over towards the door.

"You don't have time to eat, do you?"

"I barely have time for this conversation."

"Go, go!" Kana rolled her eyes, then ushered her out of the door. Stasia smiled as she heard the lock click behind then made her way to the elevator.

This was finally coming to an end. She had been gone for nearly two months and after today, she could finally go back. It all came down to today. Just this visit, the last one.

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