17) After-Credits

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 "Hello, All For One."


"Ohhh, don't call me that. Nora's dead."

"Then what should I call you?"

"Nothing, we won't really be talking much after this. In fact, I don't really want you talking at all, you just listen."

"Look who thinks she has power."

"I do have it actually, I mean you made sure of that, sixteen quirks to be exact."

"You've changed."

"Yeah, if you could see me now. But you've changed too, after all, you raised me to be strong, and yet, you look so weak with all those tubes extending from your body. So fragile. I wonder which one you couldn't live without."

"Is that a threat?"

"Oh no no no, it's just curiosity. Which you probably have a lot of, behind that glass all the time. It almost makes me sad."

"Oh really-"

"I said almost. I also said I'll be doing the talking here. Remember that tracking quirk you gave me? I know it was meant to be used on All Might but it works wonders on Shigaraki. So I guess once he gets caught and it shouldn't be too long- your little game is done."


"Don't be so surprised. You're the one who wanted to play, you didn't expect me to lose, did you? Cause now because of you, my body doesn't even remember what losing feels like. But that's what you wanted right? For me to always win?" She took a deep exhale in preparation. "Look I lost both my siblings to you and then they died, you tortured us for years and I even still have nightmares about it. Nobody should be as strong as I am and I'll probably die at forty-two because of it. I will forever be fucked up because of you. But despite that, you still lose. Not because of your current state no, because your own little experiment has become the thing that you hate most, a hero, and there's not a damned thing you can do about it." She tapped her hands on the tile and looked up towards the camera. "I'm done." The doors opened so she got up to walk out but stopped herself. "Oh by the way, if you ever have any free time on your hands and you wanna write me, address to, Electrosia." She said, finally walking out, putting on a smile as the doors closed.

"I win."


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