49) Confession

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 Stasia was up in her room as she waited to get a text from her dad that they were ready to leave, but when her phone finally chimed, it wasn't him.


"Hey!" Mirio smiled and went up to hug her.

"Wanna sit?" They both went over to the steps and sat side by side, shoulders touching. There was something about her relationship with Mirio that always made her feel much more comfortable than she would with others. "So are you excited for the break?"

"Not in the slightest!" He laughed. "I feel like I've been on a break forever."

"Yeah, it has been a while since the raid, but it's not gonna be forever, I know you're gonna get your quirk back."

"Thanks, Stasia."

"Of course."

"And then I could really give you a run for your money for the number one hero spot."

"Oh really? How about you focus on saving those million people and I focus on being number one."

"Number two just doesn't seem like it would suit me."

"Well, it's gonna have to because I don't lose." She teased and he laughed even harder. "How do you do that?"


"Still be you. I would say I'm pretty strong but-"

"You are."

"But, I don't know what I would do without my quirks, who I would be, I mean I spent so many years hating that I had them, and now I still have to learn that they're mine so I don't know what would happen if I lost them."

"I think you would be fine Stasia."


"You've always been much more than your quirks, you train without them all the time-"

"Because you-"

"You can't build a dependence on them. I remember."

"Right. Still, thank you for still being my favorite person, even after all that happened."

"You're being really nice to me."

"I'm always this nice."

"No, you're not."

"Fine, I accidentally kicked Midoriya's ass a little too hard to the point where Shinsou and I had to help him back to this room and now I feel like I have to be nice to make up for it."

"That makes more sense."

"Okay, why can't you just believe I'm a nice person?"

"On our first joint mission together you told me, 'if you're just going to stand there being useless at least fall through the ground so you're not in my way,'"

"I was fourteen and a half! And you were kinda useless then so-"


"Well, you obviously got over it." The two continued to laugh together as the door swung open.

"Hey, Kiri."

"Hey." He said calmly before he directed his attention to Mirio and bowed, "Hi Togata!"

"There's no need to be so formal." The two boys made eye contact and Mirio quickly got the message. "Ah, well I'll let you two talk."

"Oh, you're leaving?"

"Yeah, but I'll see you later Stasia, I'll call you over the break."

"To see me or Eri?"

"Why not a two for one?" He asked before he jogged off and left Stasia with a smile. Kirishima took a deep breath and Stasia looked back up.

"You good?"


"Oh guess what." She said and stood up then motioned for the two to walk down the stairs to the concrete pathway.


"My dad didn't forget."

"That's great!"

"Mhm, I guess it was just a surprise for me, and now I can watch Eri see them for the first time tonight."

"That's- really great Yama."

Stasia stopped her excitement for a moment once she registered his lack thereof and then it clicked, "Sorry I went on about my thing again and you still have something to tell me, right?"

"Right, well-" A horn honked in the far distance and Stasia turned to see her dad and Eri in the car at the end of the sidewalk. "Um do you have to-"

"It's fine, just tell me."

"But they're waiting."

"You had to wait since yesterday, they can wait two more minutes." She smiled.

"Um," He could lie, it would be very easy to lie and make something up right now to get him out of confessing. She'd probably never even know and if she did she definitely wouldn't call him out on it, but being a cop-out wasn't very manly. "I like you!"

"Wow." That was all she could say before she went back to silent for what felt like forever, and tilted her head down.

"So," He swallowed. "Will you go out with me?"

She looked back up at him, and almost smiled as she said, "No."

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