Chapter 3. Sold!!

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I had been walking around the woods for a while, I wasn’t sure what time it was and even tho I knew these woods really well… I was Lost. I sat down on a large log, Tucker sat in front of me.” Tuck, where are we? ” I smiled at him, all he did was stare at me. ” If only you could talk ” I sighed patting the top of his head, we sat there for a few minutes until something caught the attention of Tucker. He started acting crazy and then just like that he took off, ” Tucker! ” I shouted after him. I looked around, ” Shit ” I whispered walking in the same direction that Tucker ran. As it started getting dark, I had already started scolding myself. ” Yeah smart idea Skye, go for a walk in the woods… Alone. I should’ve just stayed with the shifters, at least I would have been safe ” I sighed, I heard a slight chuckle in the distance behind me. When I looked there was nothing there, so I just brushed it off and continued to walk. I was hoping I would just end up back at the cabin, but I just ended up getting more lost. ( This was when the panic started to set in, I just didn’t let it show ). I started to hear footsteps behind me, I quickly spun around and again there was nothing there. Except this time I could tell someone was watching me, either it was my friends just being assholes or it was something much worse. I slowly pulled the small shot gun out of the back of my jeans, ” Hello? ” I shouted. I continued to walk but kept the gun right by my side, as I walked I noticed a tall lean figure in the distance. I figured it was just Ben or Jimmy looking for me. ( Boy was I wrong ) I continued to walk toward the person, until I got a glimpse of him. He looked like the weird guy we encountered in the alleyway yesterday, but this guy wasn’t alone. ( Shit! ) I stared at him, he smiled widely at me.” Hello darling, are you lost? ” he chuckled, I shook my head ” No “. He laughed, along with the guys that were with him. ” We all know you’re lying, now your little friends killed my brother… so I’m going to kill.. ” he was cut off by another guy. ” No!! Not this one , she’s going to the pot. She’ll be worth a lot ” he stated, I knew exactly what that meant. ” But I thought we were going to.. ” the first guy started to say, but was interrupted by I’m guessing his boss. ” Well you thought wrong, now go grab her “, I started to back up, but I new I wouldn’t get very far. Plus I didn’t want to bring my friends into this, so I just went with them. I can’t put anyone I love in danger for my stupid mistake, and fighting right now would only make things worse.

I was thrown in the back of a big empty van, I knew where I was going and I know I was now a prisoner.We drove for at least an hour, I just wish I could tell my friends not to come after me. I couldn’t see the drivers, but I could hear them snickering from the front. When we got to the place called the pot, this was my chance to try and run. When the guy opened the back door to the van I quickly used my foot and kicked him in the face, when he fell to the ground I jumped out of the van and just ran straight. I didn’t know where I was going but if I could get away and hide, that’s what I was planning on doing. ( I’ve got to get away ) At first I didn’t look back, that was the one rule Jimmy always said to never look back. But I broke that rule and when I looked back there were two guys right on my tail, I knew it wasn’t going to end well. I felt someone tackle me to the ground, I’m not going to lie it hurt. I had hit my head hard on the ground, I rolled over onto my back in pain. ” This is what happens when we try to capture a hunter ” one of the guys sighed, the larger guy who tackled me to the ground stood up and threw me over his shoulder. I was falling in and out on consciousness, until I just closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me. 

When I came to I was in a large dark room, that was full of humans. I was in the pot, it was where the captured humans went to be sold off to the vamps. I heard a lot of crying, it was all mostly girls and woman. An older woman possibly in her 30’s walked over to me, ” You’re a hunter aren’t you? ” she asked me. I nodded, ” I can tell you put up a fight ” she said pointing to the bruises on my face and ripped clothing. I didn’t say anything, ” I hope your sold quick, because having to stay in this room for a long time is torture ” she sighed. ” How long have you been in here? ” I questioned, she looked down ” 53 days “. My eyes grew wide ( What? ), ” I’m Sorry ” I sighed. She nodded and walked away, I glanced around the room. Everyone had a number hanging around their neck’s, I looked down at mine which said 368. I stood up and walked up to the large steal door and put my ear up to it, I could hear scream’s and laughter. I walked over to an empty corner and slid to the ground, a little girl walked over to me and sat in front of me.” Don’t be afraid, everything will be okay ” she smiled, I nodded and smiled back. ” I’m Wendy, by the way ” she stated, I smiled ” I’m Skye “. ” Do you know what these numbers mean? ” I asked her, ” They use them instead of our names ” she sighed. ( Her’s was 322 ) I nodded, here sat this young girl who was being so positive about the situation. and I was ready to start crying, I missed my dogs and The guy’s, Even Jimmy. I just had to remind myself to stay strong and this is the reason I hated vamps. I sat there for who know’s how long, then suddenly the large steal door opened and 3 weird guys walked in. ” Okay, now it’s time to be sold. So if I call your number came and stand in front of me, 325, 304, 255, 409, 685, 336, 399, and… 368 ” one of the guy shouted. My stomach dropped as I stood up and walked over to them, I got a few sympathetic looks from the girls who didn’t get called. We were lead down a long corridor and into a business looking room, it was full of vampires. Most of the looked quite well.. rich and others looked more middle class, What scared me the most was I didn’t know where I would be going. I watched as every girl before me got sold off, and then it was my turn. Each vamp would shout out a number of how much they would pay for me, after only a few minutes everyone stopped. The guy who was running the whole thing smiled ” Sold!! To to the guy in the Back “, I looked at him. He didn’t look the least bit friendly, but now I belonged to him I guess. I was pulled toward him, ” So.. I heard you’re a hunter? ” he chuckled. I didn’t say anything, ” Well my boys are going to have fun with you ” he laughed to himself, ( Oh God ) We walked out into the car-park and got into his jet black Rolls Royce. This guy had money, a lot of it. He’d ask me question after question, but I wouldn’t answer him. All I know is that this was going to be one hell of a problem.

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