Chapter 37. I don't wanna let these feelings go!

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I’ve been back with Jack and Finn for 2 month’s now, I thought some things would have changed but they didn’t. If anything things have gotten worse, I sleep in my room with Axel… Alone, Jack sleeps in his room. No one really talks to me, not like they did before. I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with them in a room full of silence. My day’s mostly consist of waking up, eating breakfast. Going for a horseback ride ( Alone ), walking into the woods and having long conversations with Alec and William ( Seeing as how they were the only ones who wanted to talk to me ). I felt like Jack was avoiding me ( Again ), Finn was ignoring me. Christi and Jess I think were afraid that if they said something wrong, I’d get all dramatic and leave ( They were right ). Everything seemed so different. I laid there in my bed, but I hadn’t had a good night sleep in weeks. I just kept thinking that maybe I made a mistake by coming back, I didn’t want to stay with my friends but at least they were talking to me. Normally I would be downstairs eating breakfast, but not today. It was 9:30 am, what was the point of me getting out of bed. I wasn’t hungry, so I just laid there. By 11 am there was a knock on my door, I didn’t move from my bed or say anything. The door slowly opened and it was only Jess, she walked over and handed me her trusty pad of paper. I read what was on it, * Are you coming down to get something to eat or shall I bring something up? *. I shook my head no, ” I’m not hungry ” I sighed handing her her pad of paper back. She nodded and started to leave, but then she turned back and looked at me. She quickly scribbled something on the paper, then practically threw it at me. * Are you Okay? I’ve noticed something different about you, you don’t look happy anymore *. I shrugged, ” I’m fine, but you’re right. I’m not happy anymore ” I sighed. She sat down on the side of the bed, * Why? * the paper read. I shrugged again ” It doesn’t matter “, she rolled her eyes. * Yes it does, Now tell me! *, I cracked. ” Because no one even cares that I’m back, I’ve barely spoken to Jack in the past 2 month’s. By how everyone is acting, I doubt anyone even missed me…. If things don’t change soon, I’m thinking about leaving! Again! ” I exclaimed, she looked at me shocked. And then for the first time ( I think ever ), she spoke. ” I care ” she whispered, I sat up in disbelief. ” Did you just talk? ” I accidentally shouted, she nodded. ” When did this happen? ” I asked, she grabbed her pad of paper. * Everyone in the house has been helping me, I’m still having some problems with different words and long sentences *, I smiled at her then finished reading. * Skye, you can’t leave. I’m sure there’s a reason why he’s not talking to you *. I shook my head and laid back in bed, ” I don’t wanna say goodbye, but I will if I have to ” I sighed. She nodded and without another word she left. I wasn’t planning on leaving my bed at all today, so I reached over to the bed side table where I was keeping Jack’s journal. I hadn’t read it since I’ve been back, so I opened it to where I left off.

*Night 155- She’s still far away from, I feel like I may never reach her. She always look’s so sad, all I wanna do with my life is save this girl! *. I took in a deep breath, * Night 168- At first I didn’t see her, she wasn’t in the normal spot. But when I finally did see her, she looked older. Beautiful, but still sad *. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. * Night 181- I had another one of those dreams where it felt like I was living someone else’s life, I was with 3 guy’s and another girl. We were sneaking around in town and then back to the cabin, I guess that’s where they’ve been living. They never acted lie they were afraid, it was crazy. They have a dog, that’s all I was able to see and then it was over *. 

I started to hear yelling from downstairs and before I knew it someone was pounding at my door, I quickly put the journal back in the bedside table. When I didn’t answer, the person finally walked in. It was both Jack and Finn, ” What do you mean you want to leave, you just came back! ” Jack shouted. I didn’t say anything, ” Jack shouting at her isn’t gonna help! ” Finn exclaimed. Jack rolled his eyes, ” Why are you going to leave? ” he asked. I glared at him, ” I never said that I was going to leave, I only said that I was thinking about it! ” I sighed. ” Well why are you thinking about it? ” Finn asked, I shrugged. Jack rolled his eyes and then sat on the edge of my bed, ” No really? ” he sighed. ” Because for the the past 2 month’s how many times have you actually talked to me, Jack your Avoiding me and Finn’s Ignoring me! ” I exclaimed, they both chuckled. ” We’ve just been busy Skye ” Finn smiled, I just rolled my eyes. ” Well don’t expect me to just sit around here and wait for you idiots, because if that’s the case one day you’ll come home and I won’t be here! ” I exclaimed, Finn rolled his eyes. ” Okay miss feisty pants, I guess we could pay a little more attention to you ” Finn chuckled, I sighed ” I’m not saying that I need more attention, I only want you guys to talk to me every now and then “. Finn looked down, while Jack stayed quiet. ” I’m Sorry ” Finn smiled, ” Okay… ” I nodded. Angela called upstairs for Jack, since he was staying quiet Finn told him to go. He stood up sighing, Finn laid down next to me. ” I know why you’re really this angry! ” Finn whispered, after Jack had left I glared at Finn. ” Your mad because Jack hasn’t spent any time with you, I know you don’t care about hanging out with Me ” he smiled, ” That’s not true, Finn I’m used to being ignored or avoided by Jack. Not by you! I don’t like it when you don’t talk to me ” I exclaimed. He smirked ” I’m sorry, I just think we were all a bit shocked that you actually left your friends to come back and live with us “, I nodded. ” It shouldn’t of been that much of a shock, considering I didn’t wanna leave in the first place ” I smiled, he chuckled. ” And I can’t let the feelings I have for your brother go, I’ve never felt like this before ” I sighed, he nodded    ” He cares about you two… But he’s been hiding something from you ” he stated. ” What? ” I asked, he shook his head. ” You know I can’t tell you his secret’s ” he sighed, ” Well if I guessed what it was, you wouldn’t be telling me ” I smiled. He chuckled ” Okay “, I thought for a moment. ” Did he meet someone else? ” I questioned, Finn shrugged ” I don’t know, he’s always having secret phone calls or text messages. He doesn’t tell me anything anymore, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he did “. ” Then why am I here? If he’s gonna be out with some little hussy, I mean it’s stupid for me to be here ” I exclaimed ( All Dramatic again ), Finn was about to answer but Jack walked back into the room and then I just kinda snapped.

I stood up on the bed ( Still in my pajama’s ) and glared at him, ” Shit, What have I done now? ” he chuckled. ” Why the hell am I here, if you’re going to be out frolicking with some other girl! ” I shouted, at first he looked at me confused and then it clicked. ” Finn, What the fuck did you tell her! ” Jack yelled, ” I didn’t tell her, she guessed that you were with someone else. And your the one who’s always hiding things from everyone! ” Finn exclaimed. ” Skye, whenever I’m gone it’s not to be with another girl. Trust me, I’m not interested in anyone but you! ” he sighed, I stepped down ff the bed. ” Then what are you doing? ” I asked, ” I’ve been working with our dad, I told him everything that happened. Like how your half and half, how Dan tried to take you. He’s been helping me, we’re trying to locate your real dad. Just in case you were ever interested in meeting him ” Jack smiled. ” And? ” I asked, ” Did you find him? “. He nodded slightly, ” It wasn’t very hard, someone who was a friend of his found us.Skye, he knew who you were and where you were. But he was too sick to ever try to contact you,he’s dead now ” he sighed. I nodded, ” Yeah, William told me that my real father knew who I was but never came looking for me. I guess he just wanted to make sure I was okay here and probably didn’t want to complicate my life by just popping in ” I stated. ” William is never wrong, but I wonder why he didn’t tell you that your real father was sick and dying ” Finn stated with a questioning look on his face, I rolled my eyes. ” Do you know his name? ” I asked, Jack smiled ” His name was Christopher “. I smiled ” Well I guess that’s that, Now what’s for breakfast? “, they both chuckled. ” It’s lunch time you weirdo! ” Jack smiled, I nodded and looked down, ” Oop’s, I guess I should change out of my pajama’s ” I smiled. Jack smirked       ” Nah, I like you dressed like this! “, I shook my head. ” Get out! ” I chuckled, they both smiled and nodded. ” We’ll meet you down for lunch then? ” Jack smiled ” Okay! ” I exclaimed shutting the door. ( Even more to Love about this Guy! )

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