Chapter 25. The Plan - Lyla's P.O.V

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After we figured out the plan, we set it in motion. Jimmy took out his lighter and set part of the building on fire, but that’s not the plan they implied. ” What the hell Jimmy, this isn’t the plan! ” I exclaimed, Jimmy shrugged ” They won’t evacuate this building, unless there’s an emergency. Plus this building needs to get destroyed “. ” We better get the information we need and hopefully none of us get killed ” I sighed, Jimmy nodded. 20 minutes of screaming and yelling, the building was finally fully evacuated. We each held our weapons, weirdly none of them were armed. There were a lot of human’s that came walking out, they were of all different ages. A guy in a business suit came walking toward us, I’m guessing he was one of the head sellers. ” Don’t shoot, I’m sure if there’s anything we can help you with. We’ll do it ” he exclaimed with his hands up, ” We’re looking for someone, a girl! Dark brown hair with green eyes ” Jimmy shouted. ” i saw her ” a rather small girl shouted, but everyone ignored her. ” She’s got a rather special smell about her ” Ben sighed, ” Let her go! ” I shouted and pointed to the little girl. I lent down as she walked up in front of me, ” Hello, I’m Lyla. What’s your name? ” I asked her. ” I’m Wendy ” she smiled, I smiled back. ” So Wendy, you’ve seen our friend? ” I asked her, she nodded ” Yeah, her name is Skye. She’s the only human who’s come through the pot and been sold in the same day, it was weird “. The guy who was one of the head sellers chuckled ” She was also one of our priciest humans “, Jimmy glared at him. ” And where is she now? ” Jimmy shouted, at first the guy laughed at us. But another guy in a suit knew we weren’t playing around, ” She’s in the Harries household, their father own’s this town ” he exclaimed. ” Draw us a map to their house ” Ben yelled, Someone quickly handed him a piece of paper and he scribbled down on it. Then he held it out to us, Jimmy walked over and took it from him. ” Alright, now all the human’s are to be set free! ” Jimmy exclaimed, they all scattered into the nearby forest. ” Okay, You’ve got what you came for. Now go! ” one of the guys in a suit shouted, We all nodded and got back in the car’s quickly speeding off. We were just hoping no one would follow us, sure people started looking for us after that incident. But we were too clever for them and we were able to avoid them, ” Ben how are we going to get into their place, if their father own’s the town. And I’m sure someone will warn them that were coming to get her ” I sighed. Ben shrugged. ” They’ll probably have loads of security ” Jack sighed, ” Well then, we’ll have to find a safe way in ” Ben sighed. ” What if she’s happy? What if she doesn’t want to come with us? ” I whispered, ” She will! Don’t say that! ” Jimmy exclaimed. ” I’m just saying, we don’t know what she’s been through or what she’s doing ” I sighed, ” I know ” Jimmy stated. ” Ly, stop worrying. You know Skye hates vampires, she would never want to stay with them ” Ben exclaimed, I nodded ” I guess your right “. We really didn’t know what to expect when we found her after living in a house full of vamps, I was just happy we knew were she was. 

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