Chapter 33. The Journal

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{ Skye’s P.O.V }

Being back here with my friends, it’s different. Thing’s have changed, my feelings have changed. Jimmy won’t talk to me and I’ve just shut myself into one of the room’s in Phil’s flat, 3 day’s have gone by. I stopped eating, sleeping and talking. I didn’t know what to do, part of me wanted to just leave and go back. But the other part told me to just forget, everything. Lyla walked into the room, she knew I wasn’t the same but she was still there for me. ” Skye, you need to eat something. You’re going to starve, please ” she pleaded, I just shook my head. ” Will you at least talk to me…. say anything! ” she exclaimed, I looked at her. ” Why’d Jimmy act like that, why was he being so mean? ” I asked, she looked down. ” Skye, Jimmy’s been in love with you for a while now. But I’m not sure if he does anymore ” Lyla sighed, ” Just because I’m not fully human? ” I questioned. She shrugged,    ” Or because you fell for a vamp ” she stated. ” Yeah what good that did me, he know’s how I feel about him. But I never found out if he feels the same! ” I exclaimed, she sighed. ” What about that? ” she asked pointing to the journal, I shrugged ” It’s a dream journal, I don’t think it’s going to prove that he love’s me “. She nodded ” You never know “, I smiled. ” Just let me know if you need anything ” she smiled, I nodded. I glanced out the window, it was raining. I picked up the dream journal, part of me didn’t want to read it. Only because I was trying to forget him, this book would only make me want to go back. ( That’s a risk, I’m willing to take ) I took a deep breathe and then opened it, up front was an amazing drawing of a girl. ( I’m pretty sure it’s me ) It all started at the first entry, Jack might have been around 6 years old. ( But with vampire time, who know’s how old he was ).

* Night One - I’m writing everything down, all of my dreams. Because I’ve been dreaming about the same girl for as long as I can remember, but she’s always too far away. I’ve never seen her face, but I feel like I know her. My family think she’s made up, I know she’s out there and one day I’ll find her *. I sighed deeply as I continued to read through his journal. * Night Seven - Tonight’s dream was different, tonight she reached out towards me. But no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t get to her. I felt like she needed my help. * I glanced at the date, it was at least 10 day’s after the first entry. ” He didn’t sleep ” I whispered to myself, it was also the same day my brother Pete was killed. * Night 18 - Now she’s got her back toward me, I don’t know what to do anymore. My grandmother say’s I’ll be her protecter or maybe even a friend, I’ve tried to stop myself from sleeping but it’s not helping. I just wish someone could tell me what’s going on! *. The more I read, the more I realized how much I cared for him. * Night 36 - She finally turned around and she’s closer now, but there’s something different about her. I’ve never felt like this toward someone before and I’ve never even met this girl *. ” Urgh, It’s like I was torturing him! ” I sighed. * Night 49 - I saw her eyes tonight, they’re green. I’m still far from her, but I feel like I’m getting closer *. I shook my head and looked at the clock, I had been reading this journal for 2 hours without knowing it. I started hearing voices out in the corridor, I ignored them all and continued to read. * Night 61- I’ve missed 4 night’ s of sleep and I think I’m going mad, earlier I looked outside by our barn and she was there. I know she wasn’t really there, because I still couldn’t see her face. I was told not to miss anymore night’s of sleep, actually Alec’s father told me. He said that I’d eventually see her face and know her name, It’s just driving me crazy. All I wanna do is know her. * ” Ahh, William know’s everything ” I smiled to myself. * Night 75 - I finally got some sleep, she was there like alway’s. But this time she was crying, I could see the fear in her eyes. Then something different happened, I started to see flash’s of vampires. It’s like I was witnessing what happened to her that day, there was a lot of blood. I could see two guy’s and a different girl, it’s like I was living through this girl. I never heard her name tho, I only saw her kill what I’m guessing was the last of her family. There was a older man standing guard. I woke up in a cold sweat that night, it was more like a nightmare. * I glanced at the date, he was right. It was the day my father made me kill him and my oldest brother because they had gotten bit, Jack knew all along and he never said anything. * Night 93 - I’m closer than ever, but I still haven’t seen her face. I’ve been having more flashes of her life, like what she’s doing. Her and her friends have been hiding out in this cabin, I felt like if I went looking for her I probably would find her*. ” He knew where I was the whole time and he never came looking for me! ” I exclaimed, there was a soft knock on the door.         ( Here we go ) Before he even oped the door I knew who it was, ” Come in! ” I shouted closing the journal.

Jimmy walked in with a small grin on his face, ” Hey ” he sighed. ” Hi ” I said looking down, ” Skye, I just want to apologize for how I acted. I was just mad, I thought you’d pick those monsters over us ” he exclaimed. ” I don’t know if you noticed Jimmy, but you were pretty monstrous that night. Nobody in that house was a Monster, If anything I’m the monster! ” I shouted, ” Skye, you’re not ” he scoffed. ” Jimmy, I’m like a fucking mutant! That attracts vampires and other creature’s ” I exclaimed, ” Listen, I know it wasn’t your choice to come back. But you’re not a monster, I don’t care what you are my feelings for you won’t change ” he sighed. ” Jimmy… I ” I started but, he interrupted me. ” I know, You’ve made your choice. I’ll always be here if you need a friend ” he smiled, I nodded. ” Well I’m heading to bed, night ” he yawned, ” Night ” I smiled. I opened the journal back up and continued reading.

* Night 125- I’ve finally seen her face, she’s beautiful. Now that I’ve seen her, she’s all I can think about. I feel like I need to find her and protect her from everything. * ” There’s got to be more to this ” I whispered. * Night 142- My grandmother said that we were destined to be together, she said this girl was different than others. I asked her if I’d ever meet this mystery girl, all my grandmother said was that I’d have to wait and see. Which was what she said about most things *. I quickly shut the book, ” This isn’t a dream journal, it’s more like a mystery girl journal. It’s all about me, some of the entry’s are dream’s but most of them are just notes about how he feels about me ” I sighed. I can’t stay here, I just don’t belong with my friends anymore. But maybe I didn’t belong with Jack either.

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