Chapter 19. Lost

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I woke up the next morning with a headache and a lump in my throat, it was 1 pm and I really didn’t feel like getting out of bed. I stood up and let Axel out of my room, but then got right back in bed. I didn’t have any good reason of leaving it, why? To have Jack ignore me some more or yell at me again, I wasn’t sad anymore. If anything I was mad at myself for catching feelings for that idiot, I laid there lost in my thoughts when I heard Finn Chuckled from the doorway. ” What? ” I questioned,         ” Nothing ” he smiled climbing into the bed. My feelings toward Finn was 100% different than my feelings toward Jack, I thought of Finn more like a friend or family member and I think he knew it. I shook my head, ” No tell me! ” I whined. ” I know your were thinking about Jack ” he smirked, ” What! ” I exclaimed ” You’re crazy! “. He chuckled ” Give him some time Skye, he’ll start talking to you again. I just think that it hurt him, you know you locking yourself in this room for five days “, I nodded ” Yes, but it was kind of his fault “. He smiled ” Yeah you’re right, but he’s never been able to not control anyone before “, I looked at him confused. He sighed ” He’s always able to control everyone, with his looks or personality. But he can’t control you, because you are your own person “, I nodded. ” It’s really weird tho ” he chuckled, ” Well, he’ll be okay with Angela and everything ” I mumbled but he still heard me. ” That’s nothing, now you’re the crazy one ” he smiled, he stood up and when he got to the door he turned back to me. ” Jack has issues, trust me I know. But his feelings for you are real, even if he acts like he hates you at times. He doesn’t ” he sighed, ” Finn… Don’t tell him about you know, this conversation ” I exclaimed. He nodded and smiled, ” Don’t worry ” he chuckled. I sighed and glanced out the window, ” What am I going to do now? ” I whispered to myself.

A few hours later I had gotten up and got dressed, I walked down into the kitchen. Jack was sitting at the bar typing away on his laptop, but I ignored him anyway. ” Good afternoon, Miss Skye ” John smiled, ” Hello John, it is not the afternoon anymore ” I smiled. ” I know, but I thought saying good night would sound rather silly ” he chuckled, I nodded. ” I’m going to go for a ride ” I sighed. John nodded, ” Miss Angela is in the barn ” he stated. I nodded and walked outside, I walked into the barn and over to Caesar. ” Hey old boy ” I smiled patting him on the head, ” Angela? ” I called out but there was no answer. I know it was stupid for me too go riding this late, but I was bored and I needed something to do. I put one of the saddles on Caesar and prepared to ride, ” What are you doing? ” Jack asked me. I turned around and glared at him, ” Why can’t you ever ask me anything else? Like how’s the weather, or what my favorite color is ” I exclaimed getting boosting myself up onto Caesar. ” That would be stupid seeing as how it’s dark outside and your favorite color is yellow ” he smirked, ” Let me get my horse, I’ll ride with you “, ” No it’s alright, don’t do me any favors ” I shouted as I took off on my horse. I rode until I couldn’t see the lights to the mansion anymore, I really didn’t know where I was going. ” How is it, that I always manage to fuck things up Caesar? ” I sighed, I somehow ended up in the small area of woods that was on the property. Everything looked the same and I was having really bad Deja-Vu, I turned Caesar around thinking I was headed closer to the mansion ( But I was headed deeper into the woods ). Something scared Caesar , which caused him to buck me off and then he ran. I ended up hitting my head on something, not hard enough to knock me out. I didn’t bother to call after him because I knew he wouldn’t come back, so I stood up and brushed myself off. ” Now what the fuck do I do? ” I exclaimed to myself, I walked and walked but I got nowhere. I stoped when I saw a light, it looked like a lanturn. ( Oh great, here we go again! ) I thought it was another vamp or another freak, and I thought I’d be going back to the pot again. ( And that was the last place I wanted to be )

" Do you need help miss? " someone asked, I didn’t move. " I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to make sure you’re okay " he sated, " Yeah, I’m Okay. I just fell off my horse and now I’m lost " I sighed. As he got closer, I noticed how young he was ( And that he wasn’t a freak ). " I’m Alec " he smiled, I nodded " Skye ". " Come on, my dad will help you " he motioned me to follow him, and I did. ( For Some reason I trusted him, I didn’t think he was going to hurt me ) " Your not a vamp are you? " he questioned, I shook my head. " Good, because you wouldn’t be able to get into our cabin if you were " he chuckled, I didn’t say anything I just followed him. And it was only a few minutes until we came across the cabin, " See this dust, it’s like a silver force field. vamps can’t go through it and it goes completely around the cabin " he sighed. I nodded walking over it, I followed him into the cabin where I saw a older man sitting in a chair. " Dad, this is Skye. She fell off her horse and she’s lost now " Alec explained, the tall man stood up. " I wondered when you would walk into our part of the woods, miss Skye " he smiled, at first I nodded until I noticed that Alec’s father was completely blind. " Thank you for letting me into your household " I smiled, " You can call me William " he smiled.           " Alec, will you call up the Harries and let them know she’s okay " William exclaimed, I looked at him confused. " But dad their.. " Alec exclaimed, " I know what they are, but I think they might be worried about her " William stated. Alec nodded and then left the room, " Please sit " he smiled. I sat down in a small chair, " How did you know? " I asked. He chuckled " It’s a bit of a gift really, what I lack in actual sight. I sorta get these feelings, I’ve always had them ", " Have you always been blind? " I asked. He shook his head, " I lost it when I was 17, I got kicked in the face by a shifter. Well my older brother " he chuckled. " So you’re a shifter " I exclaimed, " Yeah, do you know any? " he asked. " Yeah.. Two " I sighed, " So they told you about your blood? " he asked. " All they said was that it started smelling different when I was 13, hell I didn’t even know they were shifters until… " I sighed, he nodded " Well there is something more too it, one of those boy’s has something important to tell you and when he does then I’ll tell you what’s going on with your blood. Just don’t give up on them ". I sighed " I understand ", Alec walked back into the room. " They’ll be here soon " he sighed, I nodded " Thank you both again ". " I have a question for you shifters, can you change into anything or is it just like in the movies. You know changing into only wolves and is it painful? " I asked, they both chuckled. " We can change into pretty much any animal and no, it’s not painful " Alec smiled, I smiled back and nodded. I shook Willaims hand and then followed Alec outside, " If you ever need to escape for a few hours, you can always come back for a visit " he sighed. I nodded " Thanks ", he smiled. Soon a horse rode up to us, I walked back over the line. " Thank You Alec, for calling us " Finn smiled, Alec nodded before returning back to his dad. I got on the back of Finn’s horse,                " Where’s Jack? " I questioned. " He took off in his car to look for you, he was worried " Finn sighed, " He probably thinks I tried to run away, because of him " I stated. Finn nodded, " But I didn’t try to leave, I wondered to far out into the woods and something scared the shit out of Casesar " I exclaimed. " What scared him? " he asked, " I don’t know, Something! " I yelled. It didn’t take us long to get back to the barn and Jack was waiting for us, I glared at Finn. Jack helped me off Finn’s horse, " Are you okay? " he asked. I nodded " Fine! ", Jack touched a bloody spot the was on my forehead    ( I didn’t even realized it was there ). " Ow Shit! " I shouted, " That doesn’t look Fine, let’s get it cleaned up " he sighed. I pushed his hand away,     " I’m Fine! " I exclaimed walking past him. 

I continued walking up to the flat, I could hear Finn yell at Jack to go after me. When I got into the lounge I sat down on the sofa and closed my eyes, all I wanted to do was sleep. I could hear footsteps approach, I knew it was Jack. ” How hard did you hit your head? ” he asked, ” How the fuck would I know ” I sighed. ” Is it alright if I clean it? ” he questioned, I shrugged ” If you can handle it “. He chuckled ” I can “, I must’ve fallen asleep because I woke up the next morning in my room.

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