Chapter 24. Questions and Answers

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Jack and I walked through the large field that was on their property, ” Okay Talk ” I sighed.     ” Alright, so what I wanted to tell you yesterday was that when you first got here. It wasn’t the first time I had seen you ” he stated, ” What do you mean? ” I asked him. ” Well, for my whole life I’ve been having dreams about you. I used to ask all of my family members who you were and why I saw you every night, my grandmother used to say that I was supposed to be your protector ” he explained, I stopped walking. ” Whoa, so you have had dreams about me. For your whole life? ” I smiled, he nodded ” That’s what I said, I’ve had them my whole life. Are you scared yet? “. I shook my head, ” So how did you explain your dreams? To everyone ” I questioned. ” Well when I was younger I used to draw pictures of you all of the time,I couldn’t see your face at first your back was always to me but after a few years I saw it. Most people thought you were just some imaginary friend. As I got older I just stopped telling people, so I started writing all the dreams I had in a journal ” he sighed, ” Wow, so you have a dream journal about me ” I smirked. ” So when you showed up I was surprised, especially when I heard you were a hunter ” he exclaimed, ” At first I wanted to hate you, but the longer you were around the more I realized how much I actually cared about you “. ” So then why are you either nice or mean to me? ” I asked, he shrugged ” I never properly learned how to show my emotions “. I nodded, ” Did you ever figure out why you were dreaming about me? ” I questioned. ” Skye, I’m still having dreams about you. I thought when I saw you they’d stop, but still to this day they continue ” he exclaimed, ” Could it be because of my… what everyone says my special blood ” I sighed. He shrugged ” I don’t know, but my dad bought you for a reason. He finally believes me, you’re real “. ” But then why are there two shifters living back here! ” I shouted, ” My dad and William were good friend’s in secondary school before this who thing started, so when Alec’s mum died my dad offered them job’s and the cabin to live in ” he sighed sitting down in the grass. ” Who else know’s about your dreams, other than your dad and Finn? ” I asked sitting next to him, ” Well Dan and Alfie know ” he sighed. ” Okay, but Trina didn’t know? ” I asked him, ” I honestly don’t know, she was just a jealous bitch ” he chuckled. ” Will you ever let me read it? ” I smiled, he laughed ” No way “. I rolled my eyes, ” So do you know why my blood is like this? ” I asked him. He shook his head, ” No, but I know someone who will be able to tell you ” he exclaimed. ” William? ” I asked, he nodded. ” You have to ask him alone, because of the protection around their cabin I can’t go in with you ” he sighed, I nodded and stood up. ” Hold on, I’ll walk you there ” he smiled standing up, ” So you don’t get lost again “. I nodded ” Well come on then! “, he chuckled and followed me.

We walked through the forest to the cabin, ” Do they know I’m coming over? ” I questioned ” I don’t want to just bust in there asking 100 questions! “. ” We know! ” Alec called, he was on the safe side of the line. I looked at Jack who smiled at me, ” Go ahead, I’ll be out here when your down ” he smirked. ” You’re not going to leave right? ” I asked, ” Nope! ” he smiled sitting on a fallen log. I walked over the silver line, ” Nice to see you again ” Alec smiled. I smiled back and followed him into the cabin, William was sitting in his chair smiling. ” Hello miss Skye, How are you? ” he asked, ” I’m alright, Do you know why I’m here? ” I asked. He nodded, ” Alec, leave us ” he sighed. Alec nodded and left the room, ” So Jack has told you about his dreams? ” he smiled. ” Yeah ” I sighed, ” And you have more questions? ” he exclaimed. ” Yeah ” I looked down, ” Do you know why? ” I asked. He thought for a few seconds, ” I’m not sure, but I think it has something to do with your blood ” William sighed. ” What is up with this whole blood thing? ” I exclaimed, he smiled ” I’m not sure your ready for the answer to that “. ” I swear I am! “I sighed, ” You have to promise me that your not going to change, you can’t go lock yourself back in that room. You need to give that boy out there a chance, he cares about you more than he let’s on ” he stated. ” I promise, please tell me ” I pleaded, he sighed ” Okay, it’s a long story so you might want to get comfortable “.

I sat back on the couch and waited, ” So this may come as a shock to you, but the man that you thought was your father. He wasn’t ” he sighed. ” What! How? ” I questioned, he glanced down ” Your mother, she fell in love with another man. She cheated on her husband with this other guy and was planning on leaving her husband to be with him, you were conceived from the other guy. But your mother didn’t realize what she had done, because as you grew she found out this other guy, Your real father, he wasn’t human “. I looked at him confused, ” Wait! What? ” I exclaimed. ” The man that raised you isn’t your dad, someone else is ” he stated, ” Did he know? ” I asked. ” Yes, but he treated you like you were his own. I think if he would’ve found out who your real father was, he wouldn’t of tho ” William sighed, ” And who is my real father? Is he alive or.. ” I questioned. ” Well I don’t know his exact name, I do know he’s alive tho and he’s a vamp ” William whispered that last part, but I still heard it. ( The Fuck? ) ” That’s why vampires are drawn to you, so far you’re the only half human half vampire that’s lived through birth ” he sighed, ” Is that the only reason why Jack likes me? ” I asked. William smiled ” I think you know the answer to that, but you have to be careful around his friends. Some how they know your half/ half, they’ve been instructed to get you to like them. They’re families want to create others like you and they’ll want to try with you ” he exclaimed, ” So that means Sex! ” I exclaimed. He nodded ” The Harries are good people, they’re not trying to create anything. Mr. Harries bought you because Jack has had dreams of you for his whole life, he just wants to see his son happy “, this was too much information for one person to take in, my whole life has been one fucked up lie.

" Are you Alright? " William asked me, " I don’t know yet, this is a lot to take it " I sighed. He nodded, " Maybe it’s best if you go back and get some rest " he smiled. " Okay, Thanks again William " I smiled, then gave him a quick hug. How am I going to explain any this to Jack, what if he wants nothing to do with me after he finds out. I walked out of the cabin, Jack was sitting in the same exact spot I left him. He smiled at me, but I couldn’t smile back. I wanted to cry and scream, because in some way I was a monster or at least part monster. How could I live with myself now, maybe I wouldn’t. " So what happened? " he asked me, I shrugged. " I’m a freak! " I whispered, " No your not " he exclaimed. " Yes Jack I am, my whole life has been one lie after another. I’m only half Human! " I shouted walking back toward the house, " What’s that supposed to mean? " he asked me pulling at the sleeve of my jumper. " My real father is a vampire, that’s why vamps are drawn to me " I exclaimed letting the tears fall, he didn’t say anything which only made me cry harder. He grabbed the back of my jumper and spun me around, he wrapped his arms around me. It felt right, it was the first time he had ever hugged me. " Don’t worry, everything will work out for the best " he whispered, I nodded. I didn’t want to move, this was the first time i’d ever felt this way and I liked it. ( I just hope my friends never find out )


Thank You so much for Reading (=

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