Chapter 15. You Bitch!

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I noticed that Dash was no where in my room, I just figured he was downstairs. So I stood up and walked downstairs, Trina, Jack and Finn looked at me shocked. Trina was wearing an evil smile, ” Skye, go back upstairs! ” Jack ordered. ” No! Don’t order me around ” I shouted at him, ” Yeah, this does concern her ” Trina smiled. ” What is she talking about? ” I asked, ” Skye… ” Jack sighed looking at the floor, ” Tell me, what’s going on ” I yelled. ” Dash is dead ” he whispered, The only thing keeping me sane in this mad house. The only thing keeping me company and was always by my side, is now gone. The tears instantly started to fall, ” What? ” I asked ” How? “. ” All I did was try and take him for a walk, he ran from me. He got hit by a car ” Trina grinned, all the anger and all the pain I had been letting build up was about to be releaced. Trina walked over to me, giving me a fake hug when she whispered. ” That’s what you get for trying to take something that doesn’t belong to you “, ( She did this on purpose, because she thought I was trying to take Jack ). She made the mistake of turning her back on me, I grabbed her by her hair and threw her to the ground. Her vamp instincts kicked in and her normal brown eyes turned white, ” You did this all because you thought I wanted him, You Bitch! ” I shouted. I couldn’t really do any damage, I only got in a few punch’s before Jack and Finn separated us. ” The only thing that I could fully trust, the only thing in this house that I fucking cared about and she killed him! ” I cried, ” Well it’s what you deserve ” she shouted. ” You don’t ever deserve to be happy, you stupid hunter ” she smiled evilly, ” Good for you, you bitch! ” I sobbed. ” You’ll always get what you want, but I am a hunter and If i where you I’d watch my fucking back because one day I will kill you ” I shouted, she smiled ” So then you’d better back off “. I threw my hands in the air, ” Fine, I won’t talk to anyone! I wish you would’ve just killed me ” I sobbed as I looked at Jack. Both of the twins looked at me in disbelief, I took off upstairs and Jack followed me. I was able to get to my room and slam the door in his face, ” Skye, Open up ” he sighed. ” No! ” I shouted, ” Go fuck the psychopath some more and just leave me alone “. I locked the door and then got into bed, I just cried. I wasn’t planning on ever opening that door, I would happily die right here right now.

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