Chapter 20. Lunch?

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It took a few days for everything to go back to normal, Jack stopped ignoring me but still didn’t talk to me much. Actually he didn’t leave his room, I was still confused by how he was acting. Dan and Alfie started to come around more often, just to hangout with the twins. It worried me a bit, the words that Trina once said still rang in my head. ( I was afraid they’d get bored with me and sell me off to someone else, I mean I was kind of a bother ) I was sitting on the sofa with Jess one sunny afternoon, she could tell something was bothering me. She pulled out her pad of paper, * Are you Okay? * she wrote. I shrugged because I didn’t know what to say, * You know you can tell me anything and I won’t tell them, if you don’t want me too * she wrote. I nodded and smiled ” I know, I’m just worried that’s all “, she looked at me confused. * About what? *, ” I don’t know, I just have this feeling that they’ll get sick of me and then get rid of me ” I sighed. She smiled * Now you know that won’t happen, Finn adores you and Jack well… He doesn’t know how to properly exprese his feelings *, I nodded ” Can I ask you something? “. She smiled and nodded, ” What color are your eyes? ” I asked. She looked down before showing me, they were silver. ” So you don’t drink human blood ” I exclaimed, she nodded * Yeah, I normally drink pig blood. It’s the closest thing to human blood *. I nodded, she looked down and handed me a note. * Excuse me Skye, I’ve got some work to do *, I smiled ” Alright, I’ll see you later “. She stood up and disapeared around the corner, I continued to stare at the TV.

Jack walked into the lounge, ” Hey there ” he smiled. I smiled ” Hey “, he sat down next to me. ” Wanna go grab lunch? ” he asked, I nodded ” Really? Just you and I? ” . He chuckled, ” Yeah, come on ” he exclaimed walking to the front door. I followed him out to his car ( It was 2 pm, so late lunch ), It was a silent drive. I didn’t care where we were going, I just needed to get out of that flat. ( Ever since the incident, with me going missing for a few hours. No one will let me leave the property, they all thought I was trying to run ) I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Jack hold my hand, I looked at him confused. ” What are you doing? ” I questioned, he laughed ” I’m holding your hand… Is that okay? “. I sighed ” Yeah, I guess “, he smiled. I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself, soon we got to the small cafe. He parked the car and we both went in, we sat in one of the booth’s. ” So there’s this party tonight ” he smirked,  ” And? ” I asked him. ” I was just wondering if you’d want to go? ” he sighed, ” Sure, who’s party is it? ” I smiled. ” Dan’s ” he stated, I nodded ” Alright “. We ate our lunch’s quietly before Jack broke the silence, ” So there’s been something I’ve wanted to tell you, I just never knew when the right moment would be ” he sighed. I smiled ” Okay “, It took him a few minutes to get the right words out. ” Before my dad Purchased you, I… ” he was cut off by a familiar voice, it was Alfie. ” Hey guy’s! ” he smiled sitting down next to Jack, ” Hey ” Jack smiled.         ” Are you guy’s going to Dan’s party? ” he asked us, we both nodded. ” Cool, so I’ll see you there then ” he exclaimed getting up, after he was gone I looked back at Jack who looked a little irritated. ” So continue ” I smiled, he shook his head. ” Now’s not a good time anymore ” he mumbled paying the bill, ” But… ” I started but got a glare from Jack so I dropped it. ” I’ll tell you later ” he whispered, I rolled my eyes ( No He’s going to get drunk and pass out later ). ” Fine, but tonight were taking a cab ” I stated, he smirked ” Oh really? Why? “.  ” Because you idiot’s aren’t going to leave me out on the fun, I’m drinking tonight! ” I sighed, he chuckled ” Alright, let’s go “. We walked back to his car, I stared out the window as we drove back to the mansion. ” I will tell you later, I swear ” he sighed, I nodded ” Okay “.

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