Chapter 10. Where is She - Lyla's P.O.V

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After packing up all our equipment and supplies, we waited until sundown to set off toward town. The plan was that Tom and I were the bait, I wore a few of Skye’s clothes that still had that sent that drives the vamps crazy. I wasn’t afraid, no I was determined. Tom and I walked through town, with Ben, Jimmy, Jack and Dean in the shadows. We found an alleyway and decided to walk down it, the freaks always linger in ally’s. There was a lean tallish figure in the distance, I glanced at Tom who stared straight ahead and then nodded. ( Which means it was a freak ) As we got closer to him, the more pissed off I was becoming. ” Hello there ” the freak smirked ” Are you two Lost? “, ( Time to play along ). ” No ” Tom sighed, ” Then you both walked down the wrong ally ” he smiled evilly. ” Just let us by ” I exclaimed, the guy shook his head. ” Not when you smell as good as you do, you’ll be worth a lot ” he snickered, ” What do you mean? ” I asked pretending to be frightened. The freak chuckled “Well, there was this other girl right. She smelled like you, I wanted to kill her but my boss wouldn’t allow it “, I looked at Tom. ” What happened to her? Is she dead? ” Tom asked him. The freak raised an eyebrow ” Why, do you care so much? “, ” Because if I’m going to go through the same thing, I want to be prepared ” I shouted. He grinned ” She was taken to the pot and sold off, I heard she was bought by one of the most richest vampire families “, ( Bingo! ) Ben and Jimmy walked out of the shadows behind the freak with their eyes glowing blue and Jack and Dean came up by us. The freak freaked out, ” What’s going on? ” he asked. ” Was this just some trick? “, I smiled and nodded. ” We needed information and you gave it to us, so easy” Ben Chuckled, ” And now you have to die ” Jack sighed pulling out his gun. ” What? Because of that bitch ” he exclaimed, that was a mistake because it pissed Jimmy off. He picked up the freak and slammed him to the ground, ” Yes! and she’s not a Bitch ” Jimmy shouted plunging a wooden steak into his heart. When we knew the freak was dead, Jimmy stood up. ” So now what? ” Dean asked, ” I guess, we head to the pot ” Jimmy sighed. ” Why? We know she’s not there ” Jack exclaimed, ” But we need to find out who purchased her ” Ben stated. ” But the pot is in the middle of the city, we’ll never make it there this late. We’ll be killed within minutes ” I exclaimed, ” Fine, then we’ll go back to the cabin and get some rest and then we’ll head out tomorrow morning ” Jimmy sighed. We all agree’d, it would be to dangerous to try to get to the pot this late. Sure vamps can travel in the daylight, but at least we could tell them apart from the humans. So we walked back to the cabin, ” Are we taking dogs tomorrow? ” I asked Ben. He shrugged as he walked over to one of the bedrooms, ” I don’t know yet ” he sighed. I nodded as I laid down on the sofa, at least we have some sort of information to start off our search.


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