Chapter 41. Girls Night Out

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{ The Night Before, Skye’s P.O.V }

" Skye… Skye! " Jack shouted, I rushed out of the bathroom and over to him. He was sitting up, breathing heavily and sweating badly. " What’s Wrong? " I asked him, " Do you have my journal?… " he questioned. I nodded and walked over to the bed side table and pulled it out,    " Don’t lose my place, I’m not finished reading it yet " I smiled. ( Weird, Oh well. I’ll just read about it later ) " Are you okay? " I asked him, he nodded. " Yeah.. I’m fine " he smiled, I smiled back and walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down. He continued to sit up in bed, I was just so tired and was able to quickly fall back to sleep.

{ Present time, Still Skye’s P.O.V }

I woke up the next morning to doors slamming, Jack wasn’t beside me anymore. I got up and changed my clothes, the cell phone I didn’t use often started to ring. It was an unknown number, but I answered it anyway. ” Hello? ” I asked walking downstairs, ” Hey Skye, it’s Niomi ” she stated. ” Oh hey, what’s up? ” I asked walking into the kitchen. ( I was looking for Jack ), ” I was just wondering if you had any plan’s tonight? ” she asked. ” Uh, nope ” I sighed looking out the back door, ” So would you like to have a girls night? Dinner and then the club? ” she cheered. ” Yeah, that sounds fun! ” I exclaimed, ” Cool, I need to do some shopping before tho. Would you like to join? ” she asked. I glanced around ( Where the Hell is everyone ), ” I’d love too, but I have no money ” I sighed. She giggled ” Skye, you live with the richest family in town. I don’t think you need any money “, ” Okay… but if we’re having a girl’s night. Can Jess and Christi come along? I asked. ” Of Course, the more the merrier. They can come shopping with us too, I’ll be around there at 1 pm okay? ” she exclaimed with joy, ” Okay great, see you then ” I cheered as Christi walked downstairs. ” What’s going on? ” she questioned, I smiled ” We’re going out tonight, you, me, Jess and Niomi! “. She grinned ” Cool! “, I nodded. ” Yeah, she’s going to pick us up at 1 pm to go shopping! ” I exclaimed, She laughed. ” Have you seen Jack? ” I asked her sitting on the sofa ( It was only 10 am ), she shook her head no. ” He left a few hours ago, but I don’t know where he is ” she sighed, I nodded. ” Alright, who was slamming all the doors this morning tho? ” I questioned. She looked down, ” That was Finn, something just pissed him off. He’s just cooling off now ” she stated. ” Okay ” I sighed, I could tell that something was wrong and that she was hiding something from me. I didn’t push the subject anymore.

Before 1 pm, I took a shower and changed into clean clothes. Niomi picked us up at 1 pm sharp, I still hadn’t seen Jack yet ( It worried me a bit ). We grabbed coffee before hitting the shop’s, ” Oh they have a Lush shop! Let’s go in ” Christi exclaimed. I smiled, the shop was filled with so many different scents ( It kinda slapped you in the face when you first walk in ). I ended up buying way too many bath bomb’s, ” You think you bought enough of those ” Niomi smiled. I shrugged ” I guess I’ll just be bathing everyday now “, we continued looking through different clothing shops. We were picking out dresses and accessories, when we decided to grab something small to snack on. I was a little behind everyone else, I hadn’t been shopping properly since I was a kid and everything was just too much to handle. ( I was acting like an actual girl ) I walked past a dark corridor, I wasn’t paying attention or anything and that’s when I was grabbed by the arm and pulled into the corridor. A hand covered my mouth ( Bad feelings were setting in, I already knew who it was ), ” You’d better not make a sound! ” Dan whispered. I pushed away from him, ( I was really sick of all this ). ” What the Fuck do you want! ” I exclaimed but it came out as a whisper, he smirked ” I want, what I’ve always wanted “. I rolled my eyes, ” Well unfortunately, you can’t have me ” I stated. He shook his head, ” No No, I don’t want you. Because unlike Jack, I wouldn’t be able to handle you. You’d get on my nerves, No what I want is a taste of your blood ” he smirked. ” That’s it? Then take it and leave me alone! ” I sighed, he shook his head. ” Not here, it’ll attract everyone around. No, Tonight when your away from those little twins that’s when it’ll happen ” he smiled, I glared at him and stayed quiet. I could hear Christi and Niomi yelling for me, so I just gave him a silent nodd. ” Good ” he smiled, ” Now run along back to your friends, but you’d better not mention this little meeting to anyone. I mean I’d hate for someone that you care about to get hurt “. I sighed ( There really isn’t anything I could do ), ” Fine, I won’t say anything ” I stated. He nodded, ” Okay, then I’ll see you tonight ” he chuckled as he faded into the darkness. I quickly walked into the veiw of my friends, ” Skye! Where were you? ” Christi exclaimed. ” Uhh, I saw something in a shop that I liked. Sorry, I got distracted by it ” I sighed, ” Where is it? ” Niomi asked. ” The shop was closed, so I couldn’t get it ” I smiled, they nodded and resumed walking to where we were going. It would be hard to forget this whole Dan thing, but maybe if he get’s what he wants he’ll leave Jack and I alone.

We shopped for few more hours, Niomi dropped us off at the house after. ” I’ll be back at 6 pm! ” Niomi shouted, It was only 3:30 pm, when we walked through the front door. Finn was sitting on the sofa, ” So’d you guy’s have fun? ” he smiled. ” Yeah, We’ve got so many new things! ” I exclaimed, ” And Skye was finally acting like a girl ” Christi smiled. He chuckled ” Well I’m glad you had a nice time “, ” Is Jack back yet? ” I questioned. Finn shook his head, I nodded ( Somethings definitely up ). ” So Niomi will be picking us up again at 6 pm, alright ” I sighed, he looked at me confused. ” You’re leaving again? ” he asked, I nodded. ” Well duh, it’s a girl’s night out! ” Christi shouted, he smiled ” Well then, you two better watch her. Make sure nothing happens to her “. Christi and Jess nodded, the three of us walked up the stairs to choose our outfit’s and start getting ready. ” Try that one ” Christi exclaimed holding up a short tight dress, I shook my head. ” Christi! I don’t have the body for this ” I exclaimed, she smiled. ” Then this one! ” she asked holding up a double layer dress, I looked at it for a second. ” Now this one I can work with ” I smiled, ” With these.. ” Jess quietly whispered holding a pair of cut work platform heels. I nodded and smiled at her, Jess didn’t say many things but when she did I couldn’t help but smile. ” You’re are gonna look so pretty tonight! ” Christi cheered, I rolled my eyes. ” Whatever! ” I smiled, as Christi and Jess did their own hair and makeup. I sat on the bedroom floor playing with Axel, ” So do you think Jack will be mad that I’m going out without him? ” I asked Christi. She walked out of the bathroom and shrugged, ” I think he’s just gonna be worried ” she sighed. The thought of Dan sunk back into my head, Jack had the right to worry. ” I can take care of myself tho ” I sighed, she chuckled ” Aren’t you afraid of anything? “. ” No! ” I exclaimed ( Lie ), she rolled her eyes and walked back into the bathroom. ” Come on, it’s your turn ” she shouted, I stood up and walked into the bathroom. ( My hair ended up wavy, I had smokey eyes and red lipstick ) ” Nice! ” she exclaimed, they both looked beautiful. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my outfit. They left me alone in the bathroom so I could get changed, I normally didn’t like makeup or dressing up. But I do have to say, I looked pretty good.

The three of us walked downstairs around 5:30 pm, Jack and Finn were awkwardly sitting on the sofa. ( Watching a movie or something ) Jack looked at me strangely, ” And where are the three of you going looking like that? ” he asked. ” We’re going to dinner and then to a club after, with Niomi ” I smiled, ” Alone? ” he questioned. I nodded, ” I won’t be alone, there will be three girls with me! ” I stated. Jack grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Jess and Christi, ” But I thought we could just hangout tonight and watch a film, I mean I cancelled plan’s for you ” he sighed. ” Well maybe if you weren’t gone all day, you would’ve known that I was having a night out with them! ” I exclaimed, he just glared at me. ” And you don’t have to do me any favor’s, go ahead and go through with your plan’s ” I sighed walking back over to Jess and Christi, it was 5 till 6. Jack didn’t say anything when we left, ” Don’t let him get to you, just have some fun tonight ” Christi smiled. I nodded getting into the front seat of Niomi’s car, ” What’s up? ” she asked. I shrugged, ” Jack was gone all day and then he just expected me to be available ” I exclaimed. She sighed ” He’ll get over it “, I nodded ” Yeah, Hopefully “. ( What if he doesn’t? What if Dan ends up just Killing me? I guess there’s no need to have these negative thoughts floating around in my head, there’s nothing I can do about it because It’s gonna happen ).

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