Chapter 44. Sorry's not good Enough!

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The next morning I woke up around 12 pm, I had finally had a good night sleep. I was alone in Jack’s room and I could already tell that something wasn’t right, I stood up and walked down into the kitchen. Jack and Finn were sitting at the breakfast bar, ” Hey ” Finn smiled. I gave him a silent smile, Jack took one more sip of tea before he got up. ” Where are you going? ” I questioned, he shrugged ” I’ve got business to take care of “. I knew what this was about, ” Jack, Don’t! ” I exclaimed. He looked at me confused, ” I know where you’re going and it’s not going to solve anything, just leave it alone ” I sighed. He shook his head with anger, ” No! ” he exclaimed. I frowned, Finn awkwardly stood up. ” Well I think you two need to have a talk ” he stated as he left, I looked at Jack confused but then nodded. ( It was Time ) ” I don’t have anything to say ” Jack sighed, I rolled my eyes. ” Oh Really? What about that girl you were with the other night ” I said as I threw him a fake smile, he looked down. ” I was hoping you wouldn’t of known about that or remembered it ” he sighed sitting down next to me, ( my heart was already in pieces, and he hasn’t even said anything yet ) I let out a dramatic deep sigh. ” So are you going to tell me what’s going on? ” I asked, ” What do you mean? ” he questioned. ” Jack stop playing stupid! I know somethings up, I can tell that you’ve been distancing yourself from me. Now tell me what’s going on or I’ll go ask Finn, because I bet he’ll tell me! ” I exclaimed, ” Okay Fine! You want the truth, the night when I fell asleep in your bed. The night we kissed, after it happened something didn’t feel right. And then I had a really bad dream… It was about you ” he sighed. I looked at him confused, ” What happened? ” I questioned. ” You had gone missing, we all thought Dan took you but he didn’t. You had left on your own, and then I think you died ” he stated, ” You think? ” I asked. He nodded, ” I woke up feeling like I’d be the cause of your death, I can’t live with that! ” he exclaimed. I nodded  ( The anger in me, was activated ), ” So the first thing you do after having a dream like that, is go out and meet another girl! ” I shouted. He sighed ” It was Caspar’s Fault “, I shook my head. ” So what does this mean? You don’t like me anymore, do you want me to leave! ” I exclaimed, ” No Skye! I don’t want you to fucking leave ” he shouted. ” But this thing we had, it isn’t gonna work anymore.. is it ” I sighed, ( I don’t know how, but somehow I saw this coming ) he shrugged ” I just don’t know anymore “.

The room fell silent, before I stood up. ” Well I wish I would’ve known this from the start, because I don’t understand how your feelings toward me just changed over night. I could’ve avoided all this pain, I should’ve listened to me friends and never have came back! ” I shouted, ” Skye.. ” he sighed. ” No! I was so worried about holding you back, about you not being able to do want you wanted! I blamed myself for that, I’m stupid for thinking that. Because obviously this proves that I cared about you more, than you cared for me ” I yelled, ( I’m Done holding back ) ” I’m Sorry ” he whispered. ” Well I’m about to quote one of my Favorite Mcfly songs, Sorry’s not good Enough Jack ” I exclaimed as I walked upstairs, there was nothing anyone could say to stop me from leaving now. Finn, Christi and Jess were at the top of the stairs, they had heard everything. ” Skye… ” Finn started, but I was far too angry at everyone to even talk to them. ” Please, don’t talk to me ” I sighed walking past them, once I reached my room I slammed the door behind me. I grabbed my small backpack and stuffed clothe’s into it, I didn’t know where I was gonna go but I wasn’t staying here. I pulled out a pen and peice of paper and wrote them a goodbye note, * I’m Sorry that this is how I’m Saying Goodbye, but I can’t see or talk to anyone. The fact that I’ve been put through hell and back, since I’ve know you all and it hurts. I don’t care what anyone say’s, Jack maybe we were meant to be at one time but not anymore. I’ll tell you the same thing I told my friends, Don’t come after me. Because I will never step foot in this house ever again. I’m taking Ceaser, but unfortunately I can’t take Axel. So you’d better take care of him, because the fact that I’m leaving him behind is killing me the most. I hope you all find what you’re looking for, and maybe sometime in the future You’ll see me again… or not. So this is officially Goodbye- Skye *.

I placed the note on the top of Jack’s journal, I didn’t even get to finish it. I place them both on the bed, then I waited. I was planning on leaving in the middle of the night and it was only 2 pm, so I just sat there up against the door. For hours I sat there, nobody once even came to the door. I think they all gave up on me, hell I gave up on myself too and I no longer cared. I’m pretty sure I fell asleep sitting on that floor, because before I knew it. It was 2:30 am, it was time to make my move. I quietly stood up and walked to the window, I was able to slip out of the window within a few minutes. I snuck down the the barn, luckily everyone in the house was asleep. I got on Ceaser and then just like that I was gone, never to be seen again.


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