Chapter 28. Party?... What Party?

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I woke up around 12 pm to a lot of commotion downstairs, I changed my clothes and walked downstairs. There were people walking through the house carrying chairs and decorations, I walked into the kitchen where Finn was sitting. ” What’s going on? ” I asked him and for the first time since I’ve known him, he wouldn’t talk to me. I stood there ( Probably looking stupid ) and then I awkwardly walked back upstairs, Jess and Christi were in the corridor. ” Hey Skye ” Christi smiled, I nodded. ” Do you guy’s know what’s going on? ” I asked, ” Because Finn is ignoring me, and I’m really confused “. ” Well he and Jack got into a fight last night, but I don’t know why he would ignore you ” Christi sighed, ” Mr. Harries is throwing a dinner party, a lot of his business friends will be joining. Then tonight Jack and Finn get to take over “. I looked at her confused, ” What does that mean? ” I asked. ” They get to have any type of party they want, it’ll most likely be a typical party. Like the one Dan had ” she sighed, I nodded. ” Am I gonna have to attend? ” I asked, she shrugged ” Don’t know “. I nodded and walked into my room, Axel was asleep on my bed so I laid down with him. There was a knock on the door, I didn’t answer it I just stayed in bed. ” Hello? Skye, are you awake? ” Jack asked me, ” Yes ” I answered. He opened the door, ” Why are you people having a party? ” I questioned. He chuckled ” Our dad want’s to have one, I don’t know why. I guess to show off this house, or you… “, ” What? ” I exclaimed. ” Well your sort of, One of a kind. So ” he smiled, ” Are you still mad at me? ” he asked. I shook my head no, ” But why won’t Finn talk to me? ” I questioned. He shrugged, ” I think he’s just mad about last night, but he’ll get over it ” he sighed. I smiled ” Alright “, ” Don’t forget to pick out a nice outfit, Jess and Christi can help you if you’d like ” he smiled. I nodded, ” Okay, but only if they get to join the party! ” I stated. He chuckled, ” Skye things don’t work like that ” he sighed. ” Well if your father want’s me at that party bad enough, you’ll make it work ” I smirked, he glared at me. ” Fine! ” he mumbled, I smiled. ” I’ll see you later ” he sighed, ” Okay ” I smirked. After he was gone I stood up and walked over to the wardrobe, and looked through it. Jess and Christi walked into the room, ” Is this dress party worthy? ” I asked them holding out a sleeveless chiffon belted dress. They both nodded, ” Pair it with some plain black ballet flat’s ” Christi smiled. I nodded, ” So we heard what you said to Jack, about letting us come to the party too. You didn’t have to do that ” Christi exclaimed. ” Yes I did, I’ve grown close to the both of you and if my friends crash this party they need to know that there are good vamps in this world ” I cheered, ” Whoa never thought I’d say that ” I giggled. She laughed, ” Do you think they’ll show up? ” she asked. I shrugged, ” 3 of them are stupid enough to walk into a house full of vampires, I don’t know why but they’re never afraid ” I sighed. She nodded, ” Alright, let’s start getting ready ” she smiled.

I let them both borrow whatever they needed, after they helped me get ready. ” You look great ” Christi smiled, and Jess nodded in agreement. ” I hate this, I don’t like not looking like myself! ” I sighed, ” I know, but it’s only for a few hours ” she exclaimed. ” I just don’t like it! ” I frowned looking at myself in the mirror, she chuckled ” Well, we’ll see you downstairs “. I nodded as they left, I stared in the mirror for a few more minutes. I had so much makeup on my face, I looked completely ridiculous. There was a knock on my door, ” Yeah? ” I asked from the bathroom. Jack walked around the corner, ” You look nice ” he smiled. I rolled my eyes, ” Whatever ” I mumbled. Jack chuckled and grabbed a makeup remover cloth, then wiped off all the eye makeup. ” Alright, now you look way better! ” he smirked, it did make a huge difference. I applied more mascara but nothing else, ” I don’t know why Christi insist’s on having me wear a few pounds of makeup ” I complained. He chuckled   ” Well most girl vampires normally wear a lot of makeup, because some of them have scar’s and stuff “, ” But I’m not a Vampire! ” I shouted. He smirked ” No, no fully “, I rolled my eyes. ” Yeah, Yeah! Whatever ” I sighed walking out of the bathroom, ” You know Dan will be here, his father works with our’s. His dad was the one to give your friends the directions to this house ” he stated. I nodded. ” He doesn’t scare me! ” I exclaimed, he chuckled. ” Nothing seems to scare you, I mean other than the fact that you think Finn and I are gonna get sick of you and sell you to someone else ” he smirked, I glared at him. ” I’m going to kill Jess ” I mumbled, he smiled at me a different kind of smile. ( I liked it )

" Come on, guests have already started showing up " he exclaimed, I nodded " Lead the way ". When we walked out of my room, I heard laughter from all around. " Now there aren’t a lot of people here, but you still have to be on your guard. But they’ve all been warned not to touch you, so let me know if anything happens " he sighed, I nodded and stayed quiet. We walked downstairs, there were only a handful of people. We walked up to Mr. Harries who smiled at me, " Hello there Skye, how have my boy’s been treating you? " he asked me. " They’ve been fine " I smiled, he nodded. " That’s good, please walk around and talk with the guests. I’m sure Charles will have dinner ready soon " he chuckled, I smiled and nodded. I glanced around the room, Dan was standing next to Finn. I wanted to stay as far from him as possible, I knew he had something planned tonight. I just didn’t know what it was, " Everyone, Dinner is Ready! Please follow me into the dinning hall " Mr. Harries announced. I followed close behind Jack, we all sat down at a large table ( That I had never seen before ). I sat between Jack and Christi, " This is the business dinning room, it’s only for special meetings " Jack whispered. I nodded, " I’d like to make a toast " Mr. Harries started. " To our newest family member, Skye you’ve made a difference in this household and I hope you continue to stay and change everyone’s life " he smiled, I looked at Jack confused. He only shrugged, ( Okay ).

When we got our food the talking simmered down, it was mostly whispers. That is until Mr. Harries spoke up… Again. ” So have you made your choice yet? ” He asked me, I froze ( Shit, what do I say! ). ” Oh she has ” Finn chuckled, Jack glared at him. I still said nothing, ” So have you two discussed anything about… ” Mr. Harries started. Jack interrupted him, ” Dad! This isn’t the time! ” Jack exclaimed. Mr. Harries nodded and went on talking with someone else, Jack looked at me. ” I’m so sorry about that ” he whispered, I shrugged ” It’s alright “. The rest of the dinner was a blur, I didn’t really talk to anyone and when dinner was finished. All the adults ended up leaving, I didn’t expect that. By how awkward the vibe was, I knew the rest of the night would just get worse. ( Here come’s the Drama )

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