Chapter 7. Explained

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{ Skye’s P.O.V }

I’ve been in the Harries household for over two weeks and I’ve barely unlocked the door to my room, I just wanted to be left alone most of the time. I’ve heard conversations between Trina and Jack through my door, she told him to just kill me. For some reason they were against it, even tho I thought they hated hunters. All of this made no sense, why was I still here or alive. I’ve only talked and bonded with Dash, who’s made himself comfortable at the end of my bed every night. I was sitting on my bed one sunny day watching TV, when someone started knocking at my door. ” Are you ever coming out of that Bloody room? ” Jack shouted, ” Nope ” I exclaimed. He pounded on the door, ” Jack you’re not going to get anywhere with that tone of voice ” Finn whispered but I could still hear him. ” But she’s Unbareable! ” Jack exclaimed,   ” Maybe if you asked nicely, she’d open the door ” Finn sighed. ” Fine!.. Will you please come out, so we can talk ” Jack asked with a dull tone in his voice, I stood up and walked over to the door. I unlocked it and opened it, ” See now was that so hard? ” I teased. I could see the anger in his face, and for some reason I got pleasure from pissing him off. ” We want to show you something ” Finn smiled, I nodded following him downstairs. Finn led me out into a large courtyard, where there was a large barn in the far back. ” So you’re going to trust me to come outside? ” I smirked, Finn rolled his eyes “Yeah, but you have to stay back here “. A young handsome guy rode up on a beautiful horse, ” Ah, you must be Skye? ” he smiled. ” I’m Shawn, I manage the horse’s “, I nodded ” Horse’s? “. Finn chuckled ” Yeah, I can tell you Love animals so we got you one. Can you ride? “, I nodded ( But I had only ridden once ). ” Why are you doing this? ” I asked him, I could tell that the question caught him off guard. ” What do you mean? ” he questioned, I sighed ” Well he ” I pointed to Jack ” Wants to kill me, but you are being so nice.. Why? “. He looked down, Shawn had already left ( I guess this conversation was too awkward for him ). Finn told me to follow him, we ended up in the huge lounge. Which like the rest of the house was amazing.

" I think it’s time to explain why we hate hunters " Finn stated sitting on the sofa, I sat down as well. Jack sat as far away from me as he could, I didn’t care. " So Jack and I were Born vampires, so we had no choice in all this. When we were 5, we were kidnapped by a hunter. He kept us in cages, our mother found us and tried to save us. But he took her and tortured her, in front of us. Finally he killed her and made us watch, our father found us a few days later. He was able to kill the hunter and save us, it took us some time to go get over it and we’ve hated hunter’s ever since " Finn explained, " So we either kill them or turn them " Jack added. I gave them a confused look, " Then why haven’t you killed or turned me yet? " I questioned. " Because you my dear are different, there’s something special about your blood and our father wants to know what it is " Finn sighed, " And then we’ll kill you " Jack added. I rolled my eyes but stayed quiet, I could understand why they hated us. " So we’ve explained why we hate hunters, so can you explain why you hate vampires? " Jack asked rudely, I really didn’t want to relive the story but I know I’d need to tell them eventually. I glared at Jack but nodded, " I had 4 brothers and a dad, when this vamp thing started. My mum died hours after I was born, so I never met her. My father was always convinced something bad was going to happen and then when I was 8 it did, vamps spread like wildfire’s. Hunters have this rule… Well most of them do. If we get turned, we either have to kill ourselves or have someone kill us. I don’t know it’s some pride thing, like hunters can’t live knowing their monsters. When I was 13, 3 of my brothers were attacked and bit. My father forced me to kill them, my father changed. He was more like a monster himself and then one day I came home from going on a short walk, I found him dead and there was no sign of the last brother I had. My best friend had the same thing happen to her, we were like orphan’s. But we stayed together " I explained. " And how many hunters were in your group? " Jack smirked, I glared at him " Like I’d fucking tell you ". " So did you ever find out where your brother went? " Finn asked me, I shook my head no. " He ran off with a girl, I’m pretty sure she was a vamp tho ", they nodded.

A few minutes went by before I excused myself, I walked back to my room with Dash following me close behind. I slid down the door and scratched Dash’s head ( What are these stupid feelings I have, Pity or am I just really confused. What else could possibly happen while I’m here ) I just have to keep reminding myself, that they’re monsters.

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