Chapter 42. I Never Liked You! - Skye and Finn's P.O.V

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The four of us went to a very nice restaurant, I ordered a steak dinner even tho I wasn’t too hungry. And then dessert came, ” So what is this again? ” I questioned. Niomi smiled ” It’s strawberry sorbet “, I nodded ” Cool “. I had been worried about what was gonna happen with Dan the whole night, I wish I would’ve just said something.. To somebody or just stayed with Jack. But then how long would it be until Dan found me again, or hurt someone I cared about. After paying for our meals, we got back in Niomi’s car and went to a club. When we got there, it was busy. We walked over to the bar, ” Hello ladies, What can I get you? ” the guy behind the bar asked. ” 4 shot’s please ” Christi cheered, after drinking a couple of different types of drinks. I started to notice the guy who was staring at Jess, ( Since Niomi was driving, she didn’t drink much don’t worry ). ” Psst Jess, that guy’s been staring at you for at least 10 minutes, go get his number ” I whispered, she gave me a short timid look. Then set her drink down and marched over to him, ” Way to go Jess ” Christi smiled. ” So are you having a good time? ” Niomi asked, I nodded. ” Hell Yeah! ” I exclaimed, ( It was a nice distraction for all of 5 seconds ). I casually looked around and noticed Dan standing in the back, I tried to pretend like he wasn’t there or that maybe I didn’t see him but his eyes were burning a hole into the back of my head. He didn’t signal me to come over to him, but when I turned back to look at him he smirked. Christi looked at me strangely, ” Are you alright Skye? ” she asked. I nodded ( I wasn’t ), ” Yeah, I’m just gonna go to the bathroom ” I sighed. She smiled ” Okay “, I looked at my drink ( Why am I about to do this? Oh Yeah, because anyone I care about might get hurt by this guy ).

I walked slowly over to him, ” You like cold, dark places. Don’t you? ” I exclaimed quietly. He gave a single nod, ” Let’s just get this over with ” I sighed. He smiled and walked to a small room that was near the bathroom, ” You didn’t tell anyone did you? ” he questioned. I shook my head, as I followed him into the room ( It was just a broom cupboard ). ” So here’s how this is gonna go, I’m going to bite your wrist. Taste the blood and then you can go ” he stated, I nodded. ” But, if in the future I ever wanted more of your blood. You will be seeing me again, because if Jack isn’t gonna take advantage of it. Somebody needs to ” he smirked, I nodded and rolled my eyes. ” I never liked you!… Just get on with it ” I spat, he chuckled ” Lucky for you, you don’t have to like me. because It’s gonna hurt either way “. I held out my right arm, ” I don’t fucking care! ” I exclaimed. He grabbed my arm and then, well I think you get what happened. It felt weird, but it didn’t hurt. Plus it only lasted a few seconds and then he was gone, I ended up sitting on the floor of the small room. Gripping my arm, I couldn’t move. I was in some sort of shock, but I didn’t know why. I couldn’t yell for help, it’s not like anyone would hear me in this loud ass place. There was a lump in my throat and I probably had a very frightful look on my face ( What am I going to do? ).

{ Finn’s P.O.V }

It was around 1:40 am, I was woken up to my phone ringing over and over again. I yawned and answered it, ” Hello? ” I asked a bit irritated. ” Finn, oh thank god… ” Christi sighed her voice was full of panic, ” What’s wrong? ” I questioned. ” We can’t find Skye, we’ve looked everywhere for her. There’s too many people in the club to even try to catch her scent! ” Christi Exclaimed, I could hear Niomi panicking in the background. ” What?… I’m on my way! ” I stated, I hung up the phone right away and got dressed. I walked downstairs and into the lounge, ” Finn? I thought you were asleep? ” Jack asked from the sofa. ( He was with a girl )  ” I was ” I stated, ” Where are you going? ” he asked. I shrugged ” To get the girls, but then again why would you care “, he looked down. ” Finn, this isn’t what it…. “, I stopped him. ” Just save it!…. As much as I care about Skye, I personally hope she leaves again ” I exclaimed walking out of the house and to my car, it was a good 20 minute drive. When I pulled up to the club Christi was waiting for me outside, “What was the last thing she said? ” I asked  . ” She was acting so strange, she said she was going to the bathroom. But then an hour passed and we hadn’t seen her, what if someone took her ” Christi cried, ” Calm down, we’ll find her ” I sighed. ” Did you guy’s check the bathroom? ” I asked, she nodded. ” She’s not there ” she stated, ” Okay, show me where it is ” I exclaimed. She led me through the club full of people and over to the bathroom, I noticed that there was another door close to it. There was a sign on the door, It read * Staff Only *. ” Did you check in here? ” I questioned, she shook her head no. ” We didn’t want to get in trouble and get kicked out ” she sighed, I nodded. ” Okay ” I said as I opened the door, It was a little broom cupboard. Sitting on the floor was Skye, she was trembling and staring straight ahead at nothing. I bent down into her view, ” Skye? ” I whispered. Christi gasped, ” What’s wrong with her? ” she asked. I noticed that Skye was holding her arm close to her chest, there was blood running down it. ” She’s been bit and because she’s not a normal human, it’s going to affect her differently ” I sighed, ” Is she gonna be okay? ” Christi asked. ” She should be, but right now she’s not. So we have to get her home ” I stated, Christi nodded. ” Skye… It’s Finn. We’re gonna get you home, okay? ” I whispered, Skye gave a small nod but that was it. I helped her to her feet and out of the club, Jess and Niomi ( Who had been looking outside for Skye ) rushed over to us. ” You two go back to the house, Jess get the first aid kit ready ” I exclaimed, they both nodded and jumped into Niomi’s car. I got Skye into the backseat and then we were off, as I drove Christi looked at me. ” Did you tell him? ” she asked, I shook my head. ” He’ll just find out when we get back ” I sighed, she nodded.

When we pulled up to our place, it only took a few seconds to get her out of the car. Jack and the same girl were sitting in the same spots, but his face changed when he saw Skye. ” What the Fuck Happened? ” he shouted standing up, Christi and I just ignored his question. I placed Skye on the far end of the sofa, Niomi and Jess weren’t back yet ( They must’ve took another route ). ” What Happened? ” Jack asked again, ” She’s in shock, because she got bit! ” I shouted. ” Maybe you should ask your little friend to leave, we’ve got someone to take care of ” Christi exclaimed, Jack nodded and told the girl to leave. ” So how did this happen? ” Jack asked Christi, she shrugged ” She went to the bathroom and went missing for over an hour “. ” What are we gonna do? ” Jack questioned, I shook my head. ” Your not going to do anything! You do realize that just because she’s in shock, It doesn’t mean that she can’t see or hear us. She’s gonna know that you were here… Alone, with another girl. How are you going to explain that one! ” I exclaimed, ” Finn, nothing Fucking happened! ” he shouted. ” I don’t care, and that’s not how it looked ” I yelled, ” Would you both just shut up! ” Christi shouted    ” This is not about Jack, it’s about Skye “. I glared at Jack, ” Fine, go get the first aid kit… please ” I said in a sarcastic tone. He nodded and walked to the kitchen, ” Who do you think did this? ” Christi asked me. I shrugged ” It could’ve been anyone “, a few seconds later Jack walked back into the lounge with the small white box. I wrapped bandages around Skye’s arm, minutes later Niomi and Jess busted through the front door. ” We got caught in traffic, because we picked another way to go! ” Niomi exclaimed, ” Will you three take her upstairs and put her to bed? ” I asked the three girls. They nodded and helped her off the sofa and up the stairs, ” Why didn’t they call me? ” Jack sighed. I shrugged ” Maybe because if something were to happen to Skye, you’d take it a lot harder than I would. But you’d better get your priorities straight, because if your going to be bringing other girls around. You need to tell her “, he looked at me confused. ” Why? ” he questioned. ” Because then I think we should let her go ” I sighed, his face tensed up. ” No! No, she’s not going anywhere! ” he exclaimed, ” Then no more bringing random girls home, okay ” I stated. He nodded ” Alright, let’s just hope she’s going to be okay after this ” he sighed, ” Just have some hope ” I smiled. I walked upstairs and to my room, it was the middle of the night and I was exhausted. Hopefully everything goes back to normal, Jack will go mad if she doesn’t get better.


Thank You so much for Reading <3

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