Chapter 17. Avoided

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At first I felt stupid, crying this much over a dog that I’ve only known for a month and a half. I just think I had all this built up emotion from being taken away from my friends, not to mention all these weird feelings I was feeling. I sat on my bed and looked out the window, I saw the horses running free. I wish’d I was like them, Jack and Finn don’t keep me on a short leash or anything. They let me do whatever I want most of the time, but sometimes I feel like a caged animal. I guess I was doing that to myself tho, I had now been locked in the room for 5 days. Jack and Finn have both tried to get me to unlock my door and come out, But I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to them. I had watched to much TV and I had read through all of the books in my room, this sounds stupid but I’m just lonely. There was a knock on the door, ” Jack, I’m not coming out! ” I sighed. But there wasn’t any response, I walked closer to the door. ”Hello? ” I asked, but I heard nothing except whimpering. I peeked under the door, there were no feet but there was something there. I slowly and quietly opened the door, there was a basket with a husky puppy in it. I bent down and noticed there was a card right by the puppy, I picked up the pup and the card then closed my door. ” Hello there ” I whispered, the puppy was so friendly.   ” So your a little boy! ” I smiled, it was the first time I actually had smiled in 5 days. I sat on the floor with my back up against the door and set the pup right next to me, I opened the note. It read, * Skye, I’m so sorry about what happened. And I know this little guy won’t make up for the shit you’ve been put through while being here, but we think he could help. He can be your protector and we’ve already got everything for him. So he’s all your’s, you get to name him whatever you want. I hope you’ll talk to us soon, because Finn misses you. Jack *

I smiled at the note that the puppy was now chewing on, ” What shall we name you mister? ” I cooed. He wagged his tail and jumped into my lap, ” Hmm, how about Axel. Do you like that name? ” I smiled. He barked a quiet bark, ” So that’s a yes ” I exclaimed cuddling him. I already felt 100% better, there was another knock on the door I opened it because I knew it was Christi. ” Good morning, Are you hungry? ” she asked me, I shook my head no and just continued playing with Axel. ” Wow, you look happy ” she smiled, I nodded ” I do feel better “. She bent down to pet him, ” What’s his name? ” she asked me. ” I’ve decided to call him Axel ” I smiled, ” Aw, that’s a perfect name. He looks like an Axel ” she said. ” I’ll have tags made for him, what color would you like his collar to be? ” she asked, ” Yellow please ” I smiled. She nodded and then left, I guess I will have to make an effort to try and talk to Jack and Finn today. I meant they did buy me a dog, that’s how to get to my heart. I quietly walked downstairs with Axel in my arms and into the lounge, nobody was around. I looked out one of the windows and looked at the barn, I walked outside and set Axel down in the grass. As I got closer to the barn I heard voices, one was Jack’s and the other was a unfamiliar female voice. I peaked around the corner to see Jack flirting with a very pretty middle aged woman, she definitely was into it. I walked back up to the house with Axel right behind me, when I walked into the lounge Finn was siting on the sofa. I looked at him shocked, ” Hey there ” I sighed. He stood up and hugged me, ” I can’t believe Jack’s Idea worked ” he smiled. I pulled back, ” Jack’s Idea? ” I questioned. He nodded, ” Yeah, I don’t think I would of thought about getting you another pup ” he exclaimed. I smiled, ” So I see while I was locked away, you guys found someone else to handle the horses ” I sighed sitting next to him. He nodded, ” Well we need someone to take care of them and Jack thought it would be best to get a female ” he sighed. ” Of course he did ” I mumbled, ” What was that? ” Finn asked me. I shook my head ” It’s nothing “, ” So what’s his name? ” he asked me picking up Axel. ” His name is Axel ” I smiled, he nodded. ” Hello Mr. Axel, Welcome to our family ” Finn cooed, I smiled at him. He sat there and played with the puppy, ” I’m happy you like him and I’m glad you’ve left your room ” he exclaimed. 

20 minutes later Jack walked in laughing with the new girl, he looked at me dumbfounded. I rolled my eyes, the new girl smiled and walked over to me. ” You must be Skye, It’s nice to meet you ” she smiled, I nodded and shook her hand. ” Oh sorry! My name is Angela ” she exclaimed, I smiled ” It’s nice to meet you “. Jack never said anything, he ended up walking away cursing under his breath. I looked back at Angela who looked confused, ” He and I don’t always like each other ” I sighed. She nodded, ” So I heard about what happened with the last.. well You know. I just want to say now, I will not try to hit on you ” she chuckled. I smiled ” Good! “, Finn was still playing with Axel. After she left Finn stared at me, ” What? ” I asked.   ” Are you going to be having dinner with us? ” he asked, I nodded. ” Good, Jack will be happy ” he smiled, I sighed and stood up. ” Well, I’m going to go take a shower ” I announced, he chuckled ” Whatever “. I left Axel with Finn and Walked upstairs, I walked past Jack in the corridor and still he didn’t say anything to me. It confused me, he tried so hard to get me out of that room and now he’s not going to talk to me. ( Well two can play at that game ) Maybe it was because of this new woman, perhaps he was mad that I came out of my room. Maybe this new woman was his new fuck buddy, I’m not sure what I can do. I closed my bedroom door and put my back up against it, I could hear Jack and Finn talking in the corridor ( So I did what I do best, I listened ). ” Finn, I won’t be joining you all for dinner. I’ve got plans ” Jack stated, Finn didn’t say anything so I figured he just nodded. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower, it was an extra long one. When I walked back in my room, I noticed all the dog stuff stuff. There was a bed for him and a leash, some toys. I got dressed then walked downstairs, Finn was already sitting at the table. I smiled and sat next to him, ” Jack won’t.. ” I cut him off.  ” I know ” I sighed, he could tell how disappointed I was. ” You know what, let’s go out ” he exclaimed, ” What? ” I questioned. ” Let’s go out and have some fun, without Jack ” he smiled, I nodded and followed him. We got a taxi into town, we went to a lovely restaurant and had some amazing food. Finn and I walked down the pavement, ” Let’s go in here ” I pointed to a club. At first Finn looked at me strangely but then nodded, after a few hours of dancing, drinking and having fun with the nice twin we headed back home. Finn and I stumbled into the house, to an extremely pissed off Jack.

" Where the Fuck have you both been? " he shouted, Finn shrugged, " Having fun ". I laughed at him, Jack glared at me. " Why wasn’t I invited? " Jack questioned, " Because you had plans.. Duh! " Finn laughed. Jack rolled his eyes, " Just go to bed, both of you! " he exclaimed as he stomped upstairs. I smiled at Finn, " That’s what he get’s for avoiding you " he laughed. We walked upstairs, " Night Finn " I smiled. " Night " he yawned, I walked into my room. Axel ran up to me, " Hey boy " I smiled picking him up. " Let’s cuddle " I sighed laying down in bed, he had his yellow collar on. " Now you match the room " I smiled before falling asleep, ( Did I even miss my friends, maybe not. I didn’t even know anymore ).


I just want to Thank Everyone for Reading <3

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