Chapter 40. A Change of Heart - Jack's P.O.V

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I wasn’t able to fall back to sleep, but as soon as Skye fell asleep I quietly left. I walked to my room and then to my bathroom, I took a long shower. It was nearly 7 am when I walked out of the bathroom, I got dressed and walked downstairs, Charles was cooking breakfast. ” Morning ” I sighed, ” Good morning, you’re up bright and early. Can I get you something? ” he smiled. I shook my head and grabbed my mug, ” I’m not hungry, I’ll just make some tea ” I sighed once more. Charles nodded and went back to cooking, Christi walked into the kitchen with somewhat of a concerning look on her face. ” What Happened last night? ” she questioned, I shrugged but didn’t say anything. ” Oh my God, there’s still something wrong ” she exclaimed, I glared at her. ” Can’t you mind your own damn business ” I spat, she looked a little taken back by that. ” Fine! I’ll just ask Skye when she wakes up ” she yelled, I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my tea. I walked back up to my room and grabbed my phone, then I dialed Finn. ” Hello? ” he asked half asleep, ” Finn, I need to talk to someone ” I exclaimed. ” Go talk to Skye and let me sleep longer ” he sighed, ” I can’t talk to her ” I stated. ” Why? ” he asked, ” Because it’s about her ” I sighed. He didn’t say anything at first, ” Fine, come and pick me up from Joe’s ( And Caspar’s ) and we’ll talk ” he stated. ” Okay ” I agree’d, I hung up the phone and grabbed my car key’s. I was dressed in sweatpants and a tee shirt, which normally I’d never leave the house looking like this but at the moment I didn’t care how I looked.

I walked downstairs and into the lounge, Christi gave me a look of confusion. ” Where are you going? ” she asked, ” Out ” I stated. ” Out where? ” she asked again, ” To pick up Finn ” I sighed. I walked out of the house before she could ask me anymore questions, I drove for 25 minutes and pulled up next to Joe and Caspar’s flat. Finn was already waiting outside, he quickly jumped in the passengers side. ” Alright, now what is this about? ” he questioned, I shrugged and explained the dream from last night. ” Wow, that’s weird ” he sighed, I nodded    ” Yeah, and now I just don’t feel right about this whole thing. After that Kiss last night… “. Finn smiled, ” You two kissed? How was it? ” he asked. ” It was not how I thought it’d be ” I sighed, ” What did you expect, it was her first ” he smirked, ” I know, but I just feel… different now ” I looked down. He looked at me confused, ” So what does that mean? You don’t like her anymore, you want her to leave? ” Finn exclaimed. I shook my head, ” I don’t know, I just don’t know! ” I shouted. Finn shook his head in disappointment, ” This is all just moving too fast ” I sighed. ” You’re unbelievable, Jack you went into a deep depression when she was gone! And now because of a dream and a kiss you have had a change of heart, That’s not cool! ” Finn shouted, I looked down in shame. ” That girl deserves better than both of us, but I guess you don’t even care! ” he exclaimed, ” I never said that I no longer have feelings for her, I still do! I just think this is moving to fucking fast! ” I yelled. ” It surely sounded like you have lost feelings toward her, you need to have a talk with her a explain this. Because if you don’t tell her, I will! ” he exclaimed as he got out of the car, ” Finn get back in the car, How are you going to get home? ” I asked. He glared at me, ” I’ll get a taxi home ” he stated. I sat there for what felt like an hour, I wasn’t ready to go home yet ( I couldn’t ). So I grabbed my phone and called up Caspar, ( Since I was already at his place ). ” Hello? ” he asked, ” Hey Caspar, I was wondering if you’d want to grab a bite to eat? ” I asked him. ” Sure, when? ” he questioned,     ” Uh, How about now? I’m outside, Finn and I got into a little fight and he stormed off ” I sighed. He chuckled ” Sure, I’ll be down in a sec “, ” Alright ” I stated hanging up the phone. 5 minutes later Caspar got into my car, ” Okay, let’s Eat! ” Caspar exclaimed.

I drove to a little restaurant down the street, ” So what did you and Finn have a fight about? ” Caspar questioned. ” Just something about Skye ” I sighed looking at the menu, ” I thought she was 100% yours ” he exclaimed. ” Technically she is, but last night I had one of the worst dreams. I think it was a warning, telling me that her and I aren’t a good mixture. I don’t know ” I exclaimed, ” Wow ” he sighed. I nodded ” Yeah… “, after we ordered our food we talked about something on a different topic. ” Don’t look now, but there’s a girl looking at you ” Caspar smirked and pointed to the group of girl’s sitting at the next table, I glanced at the girl. She was pretty ( But was she as pretty as Skye? ), she stood up and walked over to us. ( Something about this seemed wrong ) ” Hello boy’s, I’m Ali. Can I just say that you two guy’s are very attractive ” she smiled, ” Thanks, I’m Caspar and this is Jack ” Caspar smirked. ” Well it’s nice to meet you both, so my friends dared me to come over here and get your number ” she smiled at me, ” Ah, I don’t know ” I sighed. ” Come on Jack, what harm could it do ” Caspar smiled, ” Okay ” I sighed as I jotted it down on a napkin. ” Cool Thanks, I’ll text you later ” she smiled and then ran off, I glared at Caspar. He chuckled ” What? “, I shook my head. ” She could be some crazy stalker/ secondary school girl! ” I exclaimed ( Quietly ), ” Yeah, but what could it hurt? You’ll just have another friend ” he sighed. ” I’ll tell you who it could hurt, Skye that’s who! ” I exclaimed, he shook his head. ” Don’t worry ” he exclaimed, we finished up our food and then I dropped Caspar off at his place. I drove back home with many things on my mind, before I got home I received a text message. - Hey, it’s Ali. Just wondering if you’d want to hangout sometime soon : ? -, ” Shit ” I sighed. - Hey, I’m kinda seeing someone. So I don’t think that would be the best idea -. I shut off my car when I received another text message, - Oh, me too. I was just thinking of setting my friend up with Caspar and we can all just grab some dinner : Ali -. I took a deep sigh in relief ( Why did I ever answer to begin with ). - Okay… Sure, just text me the time and place -, I got out of my car. When I walked into the house nobody was around, I felt like I was sneaking around and sure it looked a double date. But.. ” Oh dear God, what have I done ? ” I whispered to myself, ( What am I even doing ). I ended up texting Ali back and calling off the whole thing, all I wanted to do was hangout with Skye tonight. Maybe my feelings would go back to normal, if it was just her and I.

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