Chapter 31. Reunion

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As soon as we walked into the kitchen I knew something was wrong, ” Do you have any weapons? ” I asked Lyla. She nodded, ” Here this one belongs to you ” she smiled handing me a gun. ” Yeah smart Lyla, give the half human a gun ” Jimmy exclaimed, ” Shut up Jimmy! ” Tom growled. We walked into the lounge, ” Are the car’s out front? ” I whispered to Phil. He nodded, we all stopped because the front door was blocked by a male figure. ” Jack… Finn? ” I whispered, the figure laughed ” Wow, Never thought you’d forget your own brother “. I held my breath as he stepped into the light, ” Kevin? ” I whispered. He smiled, ” Where’s Jack and Finn? ” I shouted. ” Getting straight to the point, same old Skye ” he laughed, ” Not even gonna ask me how I’ve been? “. I shook my head, ” I thought you were dead ” I spat as I glared at him. ” Well I’m not ” he smiled, ” Then why are you here? ” I asked him. ” To be an inconvenience ” he chuckled, ” Trina! They’re here ” he called. ” So your working for Trina ” I smirked, he glared at me ” I’m not working for her, we’re both working for Dan and his family “. I rolled my eyes, Trina came walking downstairs with a big ol’ smile on her face. Dan, Alfie and a few other guys walked upstairs ( From the basement ). ” So what are we doing? ” Alfie asked, ” The hunters go downstairs, and bring up those twins ” Kevin smiled. ” And Skye? ” Dan asked him, Kevin glared at him. ” Chill out Dan, she’s your’s. Don’t worry ” Kevin exclaimed, ” Just give me a minute to talk to my sister ” he smiled. Dan nodded and walked downstairs with Trina and Alfie, they took my crew down there. Kevin grabbed me by my forearm and pushed me into a chair.

" So while we wait, let’s have a little chat " he exclaimed, I rolled my eyes. " So how does it feel to live in a place like this, to have maids and butlers? " he asked me, I glared at him. " I don’t know, because I don’t treat them like servants! " I spat, he chuckled " Yeah, you’ve always been that type of person ". " So when did you become a vampire? " I questioned, " Well I was turned into a full vampire, when dad died " he sighed looking out the window. " Full vampire?, what the fuck does that mean? " I asked, he smiled " You should know more than anyone, I was just like you. Half and Half, sure our mother was a slut. She was seduced by more than one vampire, she liked it! You and I were born from them " he explained. " So we have different father’s " I sighed, he nodded " I found my real dad, but he didn’t want anything to do with me ". I looked around, " And did you find mine? " I asked. He nodded again, Dan came upstairs pulling a very beaten and bruised Jack and Finn. " So? " he asked pushing them to the ground, I looked at them. " Not now Dan " Kevin spat, " But you said…" Dan shouted. " You’ll get her, just wait fucking minute! " Kevin yelled, sitting in that chair was torture for me. Not only could I not help my friends, but now apparently I belonged to Dan. ( Really? What the hell is going on here? )

Only a few seconds had gone by, then we heard Trina scream followed by the guy’s that were with her started to yell. ” Go see what the problem is ” Kevin exclaimed, Dan sighed and started walking to the basement door. That’s when the gun fire started, Alfie came running upstairs. ” No, No! You can’t go down there! ” he shouted, ” Why? What’s happened? ” Dan asked him. Before Alfie could answer the crew busted their way through the basement door, then they pointed their guns at Dan and Kevin. ” Surprise! ” Ben smiled, ” Vamps should really learn that if you bite a shifter you will die! ” Phil laughed. I smiled ” So she’s dead “, Ben nodded. ” Fine, you’ll succeed on your little rescue mission, but these two will pay for it ” Kevin stated pointing at Jack and Finn. ” No! You let them Go! ” I exclaimed, Kevin shook his head. I could see the anger in Jimmy’s face, something was about to happen. ( No Jimmy, please ) Jimmy walked over to the twin’s, ” So which one do you love, Skye? ” he asked. ” Jimmy… ” I sighed, ” No tell me or I’ll kill them both right now ” Jimmy exclaimed. ” What the Hell are you doing!? ” Lyla shouted, ” They’re clearly not the problem! ” Dean yelled. Alfie ( Who was still alive ) took a few step’s forward with his hands in the air, ” Jack, Jack is the one she’s got feelings for. Just let Dan and I go, we don’t want to die and we don’t want any real trouble ” he exclaimed. I looked down, ” Right, now which one of you is Jack? ” Jimmy sighed. ” I am! ” Jack glared at Jimmy without any fear, ( The same glare he used to use on me ). ” Oh, Brave. Are we ” Jimmy chuckled, ” The two go free, Ben let them go! ” Jimmy ordered. Ben glanced at me and then reluctantly let them go, Jimmy stood over Jack with the gun pointed to his head. ” Do you love him? ” Jimmy questioned, tears instantly started to fall. ” Tell me! Do you Love him! ” Jimmy shouted, I glared at him and then looked at Jack. ” Yes ” I whispered, Jimmy nodded with tears running down his face. ” Jimmy Stop! ” Ben ordered, Jimmy took one long look at me and the rest of the group. He stepped away from Jack and dropped his gun, ” I just wanted to know the truth, I’m sorry ” he sighed. I stood up and walked closer to Lyla, ” So the hero’s saved to day.. Again, Get on with it, I know you want to kill me ” Kevin smirked. ( He was right I did want to kill him ) ” Skye we don’t have time for this, we’ve gotta go ” Ben shouted, ” Just leave him here, they’ll take care of him. Right? ” Dean asked Jack and Finn. ” Oh We’ll take care of him! ” Finn smirked, Jack nodded ” You should go “. ” What? ” I questioned, Lyla pulled me to the front door. ” Skye! ” Lyla exclaimed, ” They’ll come back, Dan and Alfie. They’ll have lot’s of people back here ” Kevin sighed. ” Shut up, they won’t. Our dad owns this bloody town, unless they want to be killed they won’t ever show their faces around here ” Finn chuckled, we all walked outside.

I looked at Jack, ” Don’t worry, everything is gonna be fine ” he smiled. I shook my head, ” But I don’t want to go, especially after what I said in there ” I exclaimed. He hugged me, ” You can go ” he smiled as he pushed me into one of the car’s. ” Just read this ” he smirked handing me a journal, ” I thought you’d never let me read it ” I whispered. He smiled ” Things change “, I nodded as he closed the door. In that moment I wanted to cry both sad and happy tears, and that moment of leaving played in my mind over and over. As we drove through town, we ended up at a apartment building. ” Whose flat is this? ” I asked Ben, ” Phil’s, don’t worry it’s very protected ” he sighed. I nodded and glanced out the window, well I was finally out of that house. But strangely that was the only place I wanted to be


Awe, Reunited with friends, but taken away from a love interest.... Thank You so much for Reading (=

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