Chapter 12. What are you doing?

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{ Skye’s P.O.V }

I finished getting dressed before going horseback riding, I walked down into the lounge where Finn was siting. ” Are you ready to ride Caesar? ” Finn smirked, I rolled my eyes ” Oh shut up “. He laughed, ” Well just be careful, I’ve got some things to take care of so I won’t be here and who the hell knows where Jack is ” he stated. I nodded ” Don’t worry “, he smiled. I walked out back to the barn, I had a camera with me. You know just to take pictures of the horses and the scenery, but I saw something different. I saw Shawn and Trina kissing, well more like making out. ( This Bitch ) I quickly snapped a photo of it, then hid. ” Did you hear that? ” Trina whispered, ” No, but you’ve got to go. Skye will be here any minute to go riding ” Shawn sighed. ” Alright, but remember the plan ” Trina exclaimed, ” Yeah Yeah ” Shawn stated. I watched as Trina snuck out the back entrance ( Plan? Not another one ) I waited a few minutes before walking into the barn.

" Hey Skye, let me just saddle up Caesar, then we can ride " Shawn smiled, I nodded " Alright ". " So how have you been? " he asked me, " I’ve been better " I sighed. " Really? What’s so bad about being here? " he questioned, I shrugged " Nothing, other than the fact I’m only here to be wifed up with a vamp ". " Ah and you don’t want to be with one of them? " he smiled, I shook my head. " Well then you shouldn’t of gotten caught " he exclaimed, I sighed as I took a picture of Caeser. " Okay, hop on up " he stated " Do you need help? ", I shook my head no. I quickly got up on my horse, " You’re a pro aren’t you? " he smiled. I nodded, " Okay, follow me " he stated. I led Caeser on the same path as Shawn’s horse was going, we rode around for a few hours until returning back to the barn. It was a really fun day and Shawn was a nice guy    ( Or at least that’s what I thought ), when I got off Caeser I put him back in his stall. " I’ll see you later bud " I whispered to him, I closed the door and smiled at Shawn. " So you had fun? " he asked, I nodded " Yeah, for the first time since I’ve been here " I smiled. " He grinned " Good ".

When I wasn’t looking Shawn pushed me up against the wall, ” What the Hell are you doing? ” I exclaimed. ” Oh, don’t act like you don’t like it ” he whispered, ” I’m not acting ” I tried to push him away from me. ” I know you want me, I could tell by how you looked at me all day ” he smiled, ” I don’t… ” I started but was interupted when he forced his lips onto mine. I continued to try and push him away, but he was too strong. The whole time I just thought ( Oh shit and this is how I get raped ), he pulled back and smiled. ” I understand, You’re just nervous right, since this would be your first time ” he whispered, my eyes grew wide.” How do you know? ” I asked him, he chuckled ” We all know “. He went in to kiss me again, but I did the best to keep him away from me. It was obvious that I wasn’t there by choice, but he still held me in place.

" Shawn! " Jack shouted " Let her go ", Shawn did as he was told. I quickly walked over to Jacks side, tears had already started falling. " Don’t ever touch her again, next time she’ll go riding with me " he shouted, Shawn nodded. Jack grabbed me by the arm and yanked me all the way to the house, " Skye, what are you doing kissing him? " Jack yelled. " Jack, I … " he cut me off, " You’re not here for him, You’re here for Finn or I " he exclaimed. " If you’d just listen to me! " I shouted, he glared at me " No, Trina warned me about you. I should’ve listened ". I shook my head and walked away from him, " Dont you fucking walk away from me! " he shouted. " Why won’t you just fucking listen to me! " I yelled at him, he shrugged " Why should I ". I sighed and shoved the camera toward him, " Because I’m not the one lying here! " I exclaimed before walking up to my room. I slammed and locked my door, I sunk to the floor with tears just streaming down my face. All I wanted to do was crawl into a hole and die. I started to hear yelling from downstairs, I realized it was between Jack and Finn. ( Why am I crying, I need to be stronger than this ) There was a knock on my door, " Go away! " I cried. " Skye, it’s Finn " he sighed. ( I trusted him the most, here in this house ) I opened the door and hugged him, " What happened? " he asked. " I don’t even know, Shawn just started coming on to me. But I didn’t want to do anything, I tried to push him away but he was too strong. Jack saw and pulled me away, I thought he was trying to save me… But all he wanted to do was scream at me " I sobbed, " Jack just has a diferent way of expressing his emotions " he sighed. " But that picture, I had already known those two were hooking up. I tried to tell Jack but he wouldn’t listen, now he knows " Finn smiled, I nodded. " And as for Shawn he’s got to deal with me now! " Finn said as he started looking more pissed off by the minute, I shook my head. " Finn he’s not even worth it " I sighed, he nodded " Just don’t shut everyone out again, okay? " . I smiled " I won’t ", He left after one last hug. It was weird, maybe I cared about them more than I let on.

[ Later that Night ]

I Had fallen asleep on the floor crying, but when I woke up I was tucked up in bed. It was 1:30 am and I was starving, I crept down to the kitchen ( Which was pitch black ). I opened the refrigerator and the light ended up lighting up the entire room, that’s when I heard someone groan. I turned around and gasped, it was only Jack. I turned on the lights to the kitchen, ” What the Hell Jack, Why are you sitting in the dark? ” I questioned. He shrugged but said nothing, he had a bottle of whisky sitting near him and his right hand was bandaged. I walked closer to him, his knuckles where really brusied and still bleeding pretty bad. Charles had showed me where the first aid kit was in the kitchen, just in case of any emergencies. ” What are you doing? ” he asked me, ” I’m going to properly bandage your hand ” I stated sitting next to him. ” Give it to me ” I ordered holding out my hand, he placed it in front of me. ” So what did you do? ” I asked him, he shrugged ” I took care of something “. I nodded, ” This is going to sting ” I sighed as I sprayed antibotic medician on his hand. ” Ow, Fuck! ” he exclaimed, I grabbed the bandages and started to wrap up his hand. ” So did you do this a lot, with your hunter friends? ” he asked, I nodded. ” Only when they would drink to much and then cut up their hands ” I smirked, he rolled his eyes. ” I’m sorry, for yelling at you ” he sighed, I nodded   ” The yelling didn’t bother me, it was the fact that you thought I’d want to do something with Shawn “. I looked at him, ” I should’ve known better ” he stated. I smiled, “Well all done now ” I sighed. He nodded taking another drink from the whisky bottle, ” Thanks ” he muttered. I nodded and stood up, ” Well I’m off to bed now ” I announced. He chuckled ” Didn’t you come down here for food? “, ” Yeah, but I’m not hungry anymore ” I smiled as I walked back up the stairs to my room. I climbed in bed with a sleeping Dash ( Could I actually be falling for a vamp? ), was the last thought I had before drifting off to sleep.

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