Epilogue / In The End...

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Skye: I only rode around for a few hours, then I somehow stumbled upon the little cabin I lived in with my friends ( Once Upon A Time Ago ). I could tell that they had abandoned it a while ago, they came back for the three dogs and most of the supplies. I decided it’d be the best place to stay and live out the rest of my life, so I set Ceaser free. So he could be happy as a wild horse. As the weeks went by, it grew colder and started snowing. The cut’s on my hand never healed and since I didn’t take care of them, I ended up catching pneumonia. A week and a half later, I could barely walk or breathe. I was very ill and that was the cause of my death, yes I died alone but not unhappy. Sure in the End I was still mad, confused, hurt, but I still cared for Jack and I did miss those idiots. You probably think that it was stupid for me to leave them, but I had to do it for myself.

Jack: After he found out that I was gone for good this time, he wanted to go after me but Finn stopped him. Saying that it was better this way and just to let me go, but we all know he couldn’t 100% do that. He felt guilty, like it was his fault. He moped around and was never home, he avoided everything that reminded him of me. 2 months went by, he found another girl that knew nothing about me. They dated for a few month’s, before getting married and moving into a different house. Soon after his wife ended up pregnant, but Jack soon found out that it wasn’t his child. The guilt of losing his one true love started to eat away at him, it only took one thing to push him off the edge.a few Years went by, Jack was never the same. Then a day came where William and Alec paid him a visit, and it’s one that he’d never forget. They stopped by to tell him the depressing news ( That I had passed away ). That was all it took to push him off the edge and then Jack just disappeared into the woods one day, it was his turn to never be seen again. Everyone knew that it was the only thing he could do to be happy again, think of it as a Romeo and Juliet type thing ( He couldn’t be happy without her ).

Finn, Christi and Jess: Christi went from rags to riches, I always had a feeling that she and Finn had some type of secret relationship going on. They got married 3 years after I had first left and had a few kids, naming their 3rd child after the girl who made a huge impact on their life. Jess learned how to talk properly and then she left the Harries house, she wanted to do bigger and better things. She ended up meeting a very handsome, charming guy and she fell in love with him. They were all Happy in the end, which is what I always hoped for.

Oh and if you’re wondering what happened to Dan: ( Which I’m guessing you are ). The day after I had left, Jack found him and beat the crap out of him. Actually Jack put Dan in the hospital, but then Dan eventually found out that I had left the Harries house. He tried to find me, but never had any luck. Because he was terrible at tracking someone, so I never really worried about Dan finding me,.Neither did Jack…..

So I guess the moral of the story is, you can’t believe in all that Lovey / Dovey Vampire Crap! Because none of it is true, it won’t happen the way you want it too. Most vampires are just vicious creatures, that are just out there to hunt and kill. Don’t take the chance, of ever being Hunted.


Well that's the End of this Story..... Thank You so much for Reading, I Really hope You've Enjoyed =D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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