Chapter 23. The Morning After

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I slowly opened my eyes and let out a deep sigh, I was in my room. I didn’t remember getting in a car or even coming back here, I sat up with a major headache that was just getting worse by the minute. Weirdly I was still in my clothes from last night, I glanced around the room. Everything felt normal at first, that is until I felt someone move next to me. I looked over to see Jack still asleep, I slowly stood up and raced to my bathroom. ” Shit, Shit! What the Fuck! ” I whispered to myself, I know nothing happened but I told myself that I would never sleep next to a vamp. I heard someone knock on the bedroom door and when there wasn’t an answer from me, they just walked into the room. I peaked out of the bathroom to see that it was Christi, ” Christi ” I whispered waving her over to the bathroom. She quickly walked in and smiled, ” Look’s like you’ve made your choice, did you guys do it? ” she smirked. I rolled my eyes, ” No, we didn’t do it, I just woke up in bed next to him and I’m freaking the fuck out! Plus I’ve not made a choice yet ” I exclaimed getting short of breath. ” Chill out before you have a fucking panic attack ” she smiled, ” I’m not going to have a panic attack Christi ” I sighed.         ” Then whats the problem? If you guy’s didn’t hook up, why are you freaking out? ” she asked, I looked down and shrugged. ” I think… ” She started but I interrupted her, ” Ugh, Why are you always thinking! ” I sighed. ” I think you have made your choice and it scares you, we all know it’s true ” she smiled, I nodded ” I used to think nothing scared me, but apparently I am afraid of one thing “. ” And what’s that? ” she questioned, ” Having any type of feelings for that boy! ” I sighed. She smiled, ” Well doesn’t that mean I can be a bridesmaid at the wedding ” She laughed. I shook my head as we walked out of the bathroom, Jack still seemed to be asleep. I grabbed some comfortable clothes and walked and went back into the bathroom to change, when I walked out Axel was standing by the bathroom door waging his tail.

" Hey Boy " I smiled picking him up " Did you have a nice night with Christi? " I asked him in a baby voice. I heard a low laugh come from my bed, " Jack, how long have you been awake? " I asked him. He sat up and yawned " Not long ", I sighed " Do you remember what happened last night? ". He shook his head, " I only remember us yelling at each other " he stated. " Me too, but that’s the last thing I remember " I sighed, he chuckled " And then we end up in your bed ". I rolled my eyes and carried Axel out of the room, " Well… I’m going down for breakfast " I stated as I walked awkwardly out of the room and down to the kitchen. " Good Morning " Finn smirked, I glared at him and sat down. Charles placed a plat of pancake’s in front of me, " So you had fun last night, Didn’t you? " Finn smiled. " I nodded, " Did anything happen between you and my brother? " he asked me straight forward. " Not that I know of! " I exclaimed, he laughed " At least you finally admitted that you have feelings for him ". I looked at him confused for a minute, " But I didn’t…. Christi told you, damn! " I sighed. He smiled " I already knew how you felt before I talked to Christi, you’re easy to read ", I sighed and continued to eat. Jack walked into the kitchen 20 minutes later in a fresh change of clothes,       " Morning " Jack smiled. He sat down next to me, Charles gave him a plate of pancake’s. " Well Thank you Charles " He exclaimed, " Why are you so chipper this morning? " Finn smirked. Jack shrugged " I’m just happy ", I cleaned up my place and then walked into the lounge. I laid on the couch with Axel and listened to Jack and Finn talk, since the kitchen was so close to the lounge. " So what are we doing today? " Finn asked Jack, " We should just sit around, watch some films and order a take away for dinner " Jack sighed. " Oh so, you want to spend more time with Skye " Finn snickered, " I guess " Jack stated. " And when are you going to tell her about, you know? " Finn asked, " You’ll have to tell her soon ". " Shh I know I know, I would’ve told her yesterday but we were interrupted by Alfie. I swear I think Dan and Alfie are trying to ruin this for me " Jack exclaimed quietly, " You realize she’s in the next room listening to everything were saying " Finn chuckled. " She already know’s, she told me that Dan told her about how we get girls " Jack sighed, " He must have told her at the festival, when he ran into her. While we were on that Ride " Finn shouted. " Well duh Finny! " Jack laughed, " Do you think she’s still listening to us? " Finn asked. " She is! " I yelled, I could hear them both laugh. " Skye let’s go talk " Jack smiled walking into the lounge, " About what? " I smiled getting up off the sofa. We walked out back with Axel following us, " Let’s walk " he smiled. Finally time for some answers

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