Chapter 5.1

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Sasuke blinks in shock at what had just happened and Itachi tries his best not laugh. "Really, Itachi? You scolded me for looking eager and then you did that? Laying it on a little thick, don't you think?" The look on his younger brother's face was absolutely priceless.

Itachi shakes his head. Sasuke had a lot to learn when it came to women. His looks would only go so far at this point.

"Women like it when you lay it on thick as you put it. Most enjoy being complimented. The Art of Flirtation is an important one to master. I must applaud your instincts though." Honestly, he had been impressed by Sasuke's boldness. "For someone who has never kissed a woman before, you certainly seemed to catch on quickly enough." For someone who was so inexperienced, the younger Uchiha seemed to be taking to the carnal arts as naturally as a fish might take to water.

He knew that he was on dangerous grounds, but he couldn't resist. "Those were accidents!" Sasuke clearly knew that he was referring to the two times that the other man had accidentally kissed Naruto and he obviously wasn't happy about it in the slightest.

The former Akatsuki Member knew that he should lay off. "I know. I won't bring them up around Hinata though. That would just be awkward and I'm not that cruel." It would be the proper thing to do, but he just couldn't. It was too much fun to tease Sasuke. Still, even he had his limits.

There were a fine line between teasing someone and utterly humiliating them. It was a line that Itachi wasn't going to cross with his brother. He had already hurt the other ninja far too much for that.

All in all though, it had been a most enjoyable day. Itachi certainly enjoyed teasing Sasuke and kissing Hinata. Actually, it had been a very long time since Itachi could recall ever being in this good of a mood about well...anything.

Sadly, he knew that his amusement would be interrupted very soon. The Leaf was going to find out about their engagement and it was going one of the biggest scandals in the history of the Leaf Village.

"Good. How'd you know that it was my first time kissing a woman though? Have you been spying on me?" His little brother glares at him.

No. Not really. In Sasuke's case, no spying was necessary. "Because I know you. You were so focused on killing me and winning the war, that you had precious little time to think of anything else. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Sasuke. We all start off innocent." Besides, he might have been a former Criminal Ninja, but he wasn't that big a deviant. He did respect his foolish little brother's right to privacy.

"Speaking of that, you're not. Are you?" Sasuke looks at him warily.

Itachi chuckles. Sasuke just looked so terribly uncomfortable and unfortunately, it wasn't without good reason. They were going to be married to the same woman. That meant that to some degree it was important to discuss some rather intimate details of their lives. Details that they wouldn't have discussed otherwise.

Warning Itachi's Romantic History Scene

Itachi pauses because he knew he had to tread very carefully here."No, Sasuke. I'm not. I've had lovers before. Does that bother you?" He desperately wanted Sasuke's respect and he didn't want to make the other man feel self-conscious about his lack of experience as a lover, but he didn't want to lie to him either.

Sasuke's response surprised him."I figured as much. Not really. It might bother her though. How many?" He didn't seem angry or disgusted.

"I was in love with Izumi though that was more of an emotional than a physical love. There were one or two women that I used Seductive Tactics on for the sake of completing the mission." The elder Uchiha brother decides that it would be best to tell Sasuke everything. "The only one of any significance besides Izumi was Konan though. She was an extremely thorough instructor in that regard." He had no desire to keep anymore secrets from his brother and Sasuke deserved to know the truth about his past.

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