Chapter 6.3

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Back in the Uchiha District, Sasuke was helping Itachi make breakfast. It was such a surreal experience, Itachi muses to himself. Not only was he engaged and making breakfast for his fiancée, the elder Uchiha Brother was also cooking with his brother.

"I saw what you did earlier. I'm impressed. You applied what I taught you about the Sharingan, very well. At the very least, Hinata certainly seemed to enjoy it." Itachi mixes the pancake batter.

"It was…useful. You're still a pervert, but it was useful." If nothing else, Sasuke Uchiha was an honest man.

His foolish little brother was blushing. How adorable. Honestly, it was difficult to believe sometimes that the man standing only a few feet away from him had fought against Madara Uchiha and lived to tell the tale. In some ways, his brother was still such an innocent.

The younger ninja apparently had a long way to go before he was comfortable with his own sexuality though. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying the sensual side of life. Just as long as one does so in a responsible manner." That was alright. Itachi didn't mind guiding Sasuke in the right direction.

If he didn't, their marriage to Hinata was likely to end horribly. Clearly, his brother had issues with intimacy. Most likely because the vast majority of people that he had ever loved were dead were dead.

That was obviously unacceptable."Define responsible." So Itachi was more than willing to answer all of Sasuke's questions. Like that one, for instance.

"Purely consensual and preferably monogamous, but always with mutual enjoyment in mind." It was probably best just to be blunt.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow at that response."Alright. I can live with that, if Hinata can. Though I still think you're a deviant. Really, Itachi? You've used your Genjutsu for THAT?" Itachi could only shrug. What more was there to say really?

Once Sasuke got a taste of erotic contact though, he was clearly a creature of instinct. The way that he would grab Hinata spoke volumes. It wasn't that his foolish little brother didn't have the desire to forge closer bonds; it was just that he didn't know how to do so.

That was the best way to deal with this."Yes, Sasuke. Tell me that you can't see the sensual applications of being able to go somewhere that no one else can see with your lover for three days. You're innocent, but you're not that innocent." Itachi would have to force Sasuke to confront his issues with intimacy head on. Be it emotional or physical intimacy.

His brother gapes at him in response and Itachi chuckles. He really did have so much to teach them. After all, Sasuke would be much happier if he was in love and that love was returned. He provided the other man with a familial love, but Sasuke was going to need more than that to be completely happy.

Itachi had been blissfully happy about his reconciliation with Sasuke. For awhile, he thought that was all that he needed to be happy. Then along came Hinata. She was swiftly dispelling that foolish notion on his part. Apparently, he did desire more.

"Pervert. I think she's getting more used to us though. She returns our kisses and slept in our arms." Itachi nods in agreement at Sasuke's assessments.

They were true enough."Yes, I would say that's definitely progress." It was a start.

That's when he hears the door open. Itachi smiles and leaves to go greet her. Sasuke could handle the pancake batter for a minute or two.

It didn't take him long to realize that something was wrong though. Hinata hadn't seen him yet. She was trying to run up the stairs and quietly sobbing. Itachi blinks in confusion.

Obviously, she was upset about something. He wasn't sure what yet though, but he was going to find out. Itachi immediately follows her up the stairs.

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